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Would Christian Vulcans Do The Vulcan Salute?


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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1335785151' post='2425134']
i could never figure that cube out.

It's futile, like resistance.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1334685419' post='2419544']
I am an aspiring Christian Vulcan and I say LLAP quite frequently. We also make the Vulcan salute during the sign of peace at Mass.

Peace and long life. \\//,

OK, now THAT's a little over the top - do you also pray the "Our Father" in Klingon? Next thing you know you will be an EMHC who gives out communion wearing pointy ears and the blue Spock shirt.

(This is coming from someone who has the pointy ears and blue Spock shirt and who dreams about getting suited up to play football against Klingons).

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This will only be relevant when the bearded Spock appears in St. Peter's in papal garments (which probably means he is an Eastern-rite Vulcan).

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1334663550' post='2419299']
actually, if you want to live.. die.
Look at me I'm Mikolbe I read the bible look how razzle dazzle I am I think I'm sooooo clever.



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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1335829264' post='2425424']
OK, now THAT's a little over the top - do you also pray the "Our Father" in Klingon? Next thing you know you will be an EMHC who gives out communion wearing pointy ears and the blue Spock shirt.

(This is coming from someone who has the pointy ears and blue Spock shirt and who dreams about getting suited up to play football against Klingons).
Entering Troll mode:
Is there any reason why praying the our Father in Klingon would invalidate it. What have you got against pointy eared, blue shirt wearing EMHC's? Isn't that a little alienist and snobish? Do you require EMHC's to wear a dinner suit?
Terminating Troll mode:

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[color=#000000][font=Arial, sans-serif][left]
vavma', Qun qo'Daq SoHtaHbogh
quvjaj ponglIj
ghoSjaj wo'lIj 'ej bIQapqangchu'jaj
qo'majDaq 'e' rapjaj Qunqo'Daq
jaj Soj ghonob 'ej
QuvHa'ghachmeyvo' manobchuqHa'
'e' rapjaj QuvHa'ghachmeymajvo' ghonobHa'ghach
tlhu'ghachDaq ghoDevQo'
'ach mIghvo' ghotoD

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pIvan, batlh bIrojchu'bogh marya,
Dutlhej joH'a'.
SoH bI'IghHa' law', be'pu' 'IghHa' puS,
'IghHa' je yeSuS lIngta'lu'bogh chorlIjvo'.
marya, yemHa'wI', joH'a' SoS,
DaH maHeghbogh repDaq je
yemwI'pu'vaD ghomun.

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This reminds me of how in my J.R.R Tolkien class we prayed a hail mary or our father in elvish to start off each class...


Edit: Anyone at FUS able to guess the professor? :) Edited by Slappo
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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1335886397' post='2425648']

This reminds me of how in my J.R.R Tolkien class we prayed a hail mary or our father in elvish to start off each class...


Edit: Anyone at FUS able to guess the professor? :)
Best class at FUS.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1335914790' post='2425833']
Speak in plain Vulcan please!
[/quote]I have never seen the our Father in Vulcan, by here it is in Elvish:

[i]Átaremma i ëa han ëa [/i]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]"]na aire esselya ∙[/i][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]"]aranielya na tuluva ∙[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]na care indómelya[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]"]cemende tambe Erumande :[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]]ámen anta síra ilaurëa massamma ∙[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]]ar ámen apsene úcaremmar[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]sív’ emme apsenet tien i úcarer emmen[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]Álame tulya úsahtíenna[/i][/background][/size][/color]

[color=#000000][size=3][background=rgb(243, 243, 234)][i]"]mal áme etelehta ulcullo : násie [/i][/background][/size][/color]

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1335785151' post='2425134']
that's not in the rubrics.

jk, i could never figure that cube out.
If you want to learn I could show you at the meetup. Or I could be mean and teach your wife and kids and let them lord it over you. :hehe:

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