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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335370229' post='2423195']
Any Catholic who rejects Catholic doctrine is, according to the Catechism, a heretic

Is this really a Catholic website? Or is it just a bunch of liberal morons
How about we have a calm and charitable discussion with these "heretics". Let's use reason, not contempt, to present the Church's teachings, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest to bring 'em home to Rome. K? :like:

Edited by Papist
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fides' Jack

[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335370229' post='2423195']
Any Catholic who rejects Catholic doctrine is, according to the Catechism, a heretic

Is this really a Catholic website? Or is it just a bunch of liberal morons

Honestly, I thought the same thing when I joined, and then I found that there were a bunch of people here who are even more traditional than I am (which is hard to be, considering my 'more catholic than the pope' background). There are some heretical things said, and they are always called out. Keep in mind that Kujo's tag specifies that he's not Catholic, just for these cases, so that new posters like yourself don't get confused.

There are a few non-Catholics on this board, and I think I've had my battles with all of them. But they also have some good insights that we don't see as Catholics, and I think in general they practice Christian charity better than most of the Catholics here.

So by all means, yes, call out the heresy! Just don't call names while you do it.

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fides' Jack

"[color=#008000]Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path & walking the[/color]"




Just what are you trying to say?

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I think you need to adjust some of you computer settings. It reads fine on my computer.

But thanks for spamming.

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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335363691' post='2423150']
For your infomation, many priests are psychologists, and they contributed to the Catechism. But thank God they are not beholden to the mainstream stupidity [mod]personal attack[/mod]

I take it from your posts that you are one of two things:

[b]1)[/b] A Catholic who does not believe Catholic teaching, just the type of person we do not need in the Church....
[b]2) [/b]A non-Catholic who felt the need to join a Catholic forum and denounce our beliefs

[mod]personal attack[/mod]

I am imperfect, as are you. Yet God loves me, as He does you. And while I may be a "loser" by your standards, I sleep better at night knowing that I use my God-given reason to try and understand and respect everyone's beliefs, regardless of whether or not I agree with them. When I don't agree with something, I say so, because I am honest. Expressing those opinions have earned me the appropriate tag on Phatmass so that people like yourself know which direction to aim your displeasure.

Edited by Lil Red
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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1335375508' post='2423247']
I think you need to adjust some of you computer settings. It reads fine on my computer.

But thanks for spamming.

doesn't work on mine either :spike:

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335378097' post='2423267']
I am imperfect, as are you. Yet God loves me, as He does you. And while I may be a "loser" by your standards, I sleep better at night knowing that I use my God-given reason to try and understand and respect everyone's beliefs, regardless of whether or not I agree with them. When I don't agree with something, I say so, because I am honest. Expressing those opinions have earned me the appropriate tag on Phatmass so that people like yourself know which direction to aim your displeasure.


I mean that in a good way.

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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335370229' post='2423195']
Any Catholic who rejects Catholic doctrine is, according to the Catechism, a heretic

Is this really a Catholic website? Or is it just a bunch of liberal morons

This is the debate board. Feel free to disagree with someone's points. But when people come here and call names it is usually assumed they are incapable of producing an actual discussion. Please don't put yourself in that category. We have had atheists, wiccans, eveangelicals, muslims, hard-core whatevers, and while we can vehemently disagree AND uphold magisterial teaching, we try to show some basic manners. Kindly try it. Thank you.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1335381757' post='2423281']

I mean that in a good way.

Tell that to [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]my voter ID :)[/size][/font]

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1335381515' post='2423279']
doesn't work on mine either :spike:
FYI....There's a Japanese virus running around.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335382080' post='2423285']
Tell that to [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=3]my voter ID :)[/size][/font]
your voter ID is a whore and everyone knows this.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335301621' post='2422843']
Also, the Catechism doesn't say that it is "a" disorder, but rather that the sexual inclinations experienced by a homosexual male or female are not properly ordered, in the sense that a man is not supposed to desire another man, or a woman another woman. According to this thinking, there is a natural order of things, and any deviations from that is out of order, or "disordered."

The Catechism is not a psychological journal, or a medical textbook. When people pretend it is, they do so at their own peril.
For the record, what you stated here isn't wrong, to the best of my knowledge. You disagree, I know, but you gave fact. Good on you.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1335381515' post='2423279']
doesn't work on mine either :spike:

It works if I zoom in on the page. Do you have your browser zoomed in, kolbe?

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