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Homosexual Or Opposite Gender Housemates

Autumn Dusk

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335301621' post='2422843']
The Catechism is not a psychological journal, or a medical textbook. When people pretend it is, they do so at their own peril.

Psychological journals aren't exactly a pillar of truth either. I've read more than enough of them to know. I'm a psychology student and psychologists have such a terrible understanding of statistics that half the time their findings aren't saying what they think they're saying at all. It's very easy to manipulate and pull strings in data, not to mention social and political pressures to get certain results and don't even get me started on the DSM. CaliforniaCatholic is right, homosexuality was removed and several others disorders included purely because of political and social lobbying. It's a lot less 'scientific' than you might think.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335301621' post='2422843']
Also, the Catechism doesn't say that it is "a" disorder, but rather that the sexual inclinations experienced by a homosexual male or female are not properly ordered, in the sense that a man is not supposed to desire another man, or a woman another woman. According to this thinking, there is a natural order of things, and any deviations from that is out of order, or "disordered."

The Catechism is not a psychological journal, or a medical textbook. When people pretend it is, they do so at their own peril.

Correct :like:

The Catechism, states (in a line often ignored) that gays and lesbians must be welcomed with "respect, sensitivity and compassion." They can also reach "Christian perfection," that is, holiness, Nos 2358,2359

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kujo, the rules are it's okay to be a homosexual, you just can't ever have sex. It's okay to have a roomate of any gender, you just can't ever have sex. It's okayto live by yourself, you just can't ever masterbate. It's okay to date, you just can't have pre-marital sex. It's okay to be married, you just can't use birth control. It's okay to divorce, you just can't ever remarry. Those are the Catholic rules. Once you know them, as a Catholic, you can't break them without commiting a mortal sin and going to hell, unless you change your belief and get forgiveness as a Catholic.

No matter how nice that gay couple is that you know, the Caholic one ain't getting in heaven if they stay together until they die. That Catholic friend who lived with her boyfriend and got hit by a car isn't going to get there either. That great Catholic teacher you had in 7th grade the got you to recognize your worth and intelligence isn't going to enter the Gates because she and her husband stopped at two kids and use condoms. Your Catholic uncle who remarried after his first wife left him for another guy will never see the kids he had with his second wife in heaven, nor will the kids ever see their dad in Heaven ([i]if the make it). [/i]Catholics aren't messing around.

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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1335315540' post='2422998']
kujo, the rules are it's okay to be a homosexual, you just can't ever have sex. It's okay to have a roomate of any gender, you just can't ever have sex. It's okayto live by yourself, you just can't ever masterbate. It's okay to date, you just can't have pre-marital sex. It's okay to be married, you just can't use birth control. It's okay to divorce, you just can't ever remarry. Those are the Catholic rules. Once you know them, as a Catholic, you can't break them without commiting a mortal sin and going to hell, unless you change your belief and get forgiveness as a Catholic.

No matter how nice that gay couple is that you know, the Caholic one ain't getting in heaven if they stay together until they die. That Catholic friend who lived with her boyfriend and got hit by a car isn't going to get there either. That great Catholic teacher you had in 7th grade the got you to recognize your worth and intelligence isn't going to enter the Gates because she and her husband stopped at two kids and use condoms. Your Catholic uncle who remarried after his first wife left him for another guy will never see the kids he had with his second wife in heaven, nor will the kids ever see their dad in Heaven ([i]if the make it). [/i]Catholics aren't messing around.

I wish it was that simple :unsure: make my life a whole lot easier

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335301621' post='2422843']
Also, the Catechism doesn't say that it is "a" disorder, but rather that the sexual inclinations experienced by a homosexual male or female are not properly ordered, in the sense that a man is not supposed to desire another man, or a woman another woman. According to this thinking, there is a natural order of things, and any deviations from that is out of order, or "disordered."

The Catechism is not a psychological journal, or a medical textbook. When people pretend it is, they do so at their own peril.

For your infomation, many priests are psychologists, and they contributed to the Catechism. But thank God they are not beholden to the mainstream stupidity [mod]personal attack[/mod]

I take it from your posts that you are one of two things:

[b]1)[/b] A Catholic who does not believe Catholic teaching, just the type of person we do not need in the Church....
[b]2) [/b]A non-Catholic who felt the need to join a Catholic forum and denounce our beliefs

[mod]personal attack[/mod]

Edited by Lil Red
personal attack
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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335276347' post='2422655']
Or do you think the Catechism is wrong:[/quote]
[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1335299924' post='2422825']

And who appointed you Pope?

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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335363691' post='2423150']
For your infomation, many priests are psychologists, and they contributed to the Catechism. But thank God they are not beholden to the mainstream stupidity [mod]personal attack[/mod]

I take it from your posts that you are one of two things:

[b]1)[/b] A Catholic who does not believe Catholic teaching, just the type of person we do not need in the Church....
[b]2) [/b]A non-Catholic who felt the need to join a Catholic forum and denounce our beliefs

[mod]personal attack[/mod]

you may want to go and read the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Phorum Guidelines[/url], one of which prohibit personal attacks.

and kujo is a long time member, friend to many here, and so you may want to refrain from being that newcomer guy who calls longtime members "losers".

Edited by Lil Red
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Archaeology cat

Yo[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1335364660' post='2423156']

you may want to go and read the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Phorum Guidelines[/url], one of which prohibit personal attacks.

and kujo is a long time member, friend to many here, and so you may want to refrain from being that newcomer guy who calls longtime members "losers".
[/quote]you beat me to it, Red.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1335364660' post='2423156']
you may want to go and read the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Phorum Guidelines[/url], one of which prohibit personal attacks.

and kujo is a long time member, friend to many here, and so you may want to refrain from being that newcomer guy who calls longtime members "losers".

Beat me to it Red. Haha, and so did Archeology cat!

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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335363691' post='2423150']
For your infomation, many priests are psychologists, and they contributed to the Catechism. But thank God they are not beholden to the mainstream stupidity [mod]personal attack[/mod]

I take it from your posts that you are one of two things:

[b]1)[/b] A Catholic who does not believe Catholic teaching, just the type of person we do not need in the Church....
[b]2) [/b]A non-Catholic who felt the need to join a Catholic forum and [color=#800000][i][b][s]denounce[/s] chall[/b][/i][/color][i][b][color=#800000]enge y[/color][/b][/i]our [color=#800000][s][i][b]beliefs[/b][/i][/s][/color] [color=#800000][i][b]opinion[/b][/i][/color]

[mod]personal attack[/mod]
[/quote]I'm not kujo, but I'll accept [b][color=#800000]loser, category 2[/color][/b] for myself, please. :proud:
I'll wait for another hundred posts from you before I'll ask for your catagory. :think:

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1335364660' post='2423156']
you may want to go and read the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules"]Phorum Guidelines[/url], one of which prohibit personal attacks.

and kujo is a long time member, friend to many here, and so you may want to refrain from being that newcomer guy who calls longtime members "losers".

Nice avatar

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Any Catholic who rejects Catholic doctrine is, according to the Catechism, a heretic

Is this really a Catholic website? Or is it just a bunch of liberal morons

Edited by CaliforniaCatholic
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[quote name='CaliforniaCatholic' timestamp='1335370229' post='2423195']
Any Catholic who rejects Catholic doctrine is, according to the Catechism, a heretic

Is this really a Catholic website? Or is it just a bunch of liberal morons

This is a very catholic website, one that believes charity is important in all of our dealings, not just when people agree with us. This is also the Debate Table, where those who do not agree with the Church come to express that freely and to enter into a debate...not to be insulted. There is room for treating others fairly and justly without having to give ground on the truth. I for one am by no means either liberal or a moron.

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Ignore them. They're all liberal fairies. I've been trying for years to get them to see the light. It's of no use. Not to mention, this place is crawling with trolls.


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Archaeology cat

[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' timestamp='1335370938' post='2423201']

This is a very catholic website, one that believes charity is important in all of our dealings, not just when people agree with us. This is also the Debate Table, where those who do not agree with the Church come to express that freely and to enter into a debate...not to be insulted. There is room for treating others fairly and justly without having to give ground on the truth. I for one am by no means either liberal or a moron.
[/quote]Exactly. And those who consistently espouse unorthodox views are called out, but insults get us nowhere. I know kujo and I disagree on some things. I pray that one day he does fully accept Church teaching on these things, but I also know how difficult that can be, having struggled with Church teaching on contraception myself. People charitably pointing things out, and leaving me to mull it over and pray helped a lot.

God bless

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