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Homosexual Or Opposite Gender Housemates

Autumn Dusk

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1334755451' post='2420155']
So, in your opinion, having ho[color=#000000]mosexual roo[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]mates is akin to walking across a busy street at rush hour? In that analogy, gay people are the speeding vehicles, right?

Pretty da[/color][color=#000000]mn insulting for so[/color][color=#000000]meone whose post began with a co[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]ment about angels.[/color]
Somehow I think you misread Father Cappie's post.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1334755451' post='2420155']
So, in your opinion, having ho[color=#000000]mosexual roo[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]mates is akin to walking across a busy street at rush hour? In that analogy, gay people are the speeding vehicles, right?

Pretty da[/color][color=#000000]mn insulting for so[/color][color=#000000]meone whose post began with a co[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]ment about angels.[/color]

I don't see how you managed to draw this conclusion from Cappie's post. The vast majority of the post was about opposite sex roommates. His comment about that one experience with a homosexual roommate was certainly not the focus.

I have many male friends, but I also know guys who say that they can't be friends with woman because they will also be thinking about how to have sex with her. The idea that a guy cannot be "just friends" with a girl sounds silly to me; but there are men like that in the world - and it would be silly of me to pretend that they don't exist.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Adrestia' timestamp='1334764828' post='2420215']

I don't see how you managed to draw this conclusion from Cappie's post. The vast majority of the post was about opposite sex roommates. His comment about that one experience with a homosexual roommate was certainly not the focus.

I have many male friends, but I also know guys who say that they can't be friends with woman because they will also be thinking about how to have sex with her. The idea that a guy cannot be "just friends" with a girl sounds silly to me; but there are men like that in the world - and it would be silly of me to pretend that they don't exist.
[/quote]I know what you mean. There were a few people in college who said you couldn't be friends with those of the opposite gender. Considering I had many guy friends, I disagreed. ;)

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[quote name='Adrestia' timestamp='1334764828' post='2420215']
I don't see how you managed to draw this conclusion from Cappie's post. The vast majority of the post was about opposite sex roommates. His comment about that one experience with a homosexual roommate was certainly not the focus.

I have many male friends, but I also know guys who say that they can't be friends with woman because they will also be thinking about how to have sex with her. The idea that a guy cannot be "just friends" with a girl sounds silly to me; but there are men like that in the world - and it would be silly of me to pretend that they don't exist.
[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1334765000' post='2420220']
I know what you mean. There were a few people in college who said you couldn't be friends with those of the opposite gender. Considering I had many guy friends, I disagreed. ;)

"When Harry Met Sally" anyone? Anyone? No? Hello?

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fides' Jack

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1334755451' post='2420155']
So, in your opinion, having ho[color=#000000]mosexual roo[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]mates is akin to walking across a busy street at rush hour? In that analogy, gay people are the speeding vehicles, right?

Pretty da[/color][color=#000000]mn insulting for so[/color][color=#000000]meone whose post began with a co[/color][color=#000000]m[/color][color=#000000]ment about angels.[/color]

Yeah - this time you're reading too much into it. That's not what he said.

In fact, I think the speeding vehicles would be sins. Walking across the street is not avoiding the near occasions of sin. At least that's my take on what he said.

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I would have to agree with Fides.

and, agree with Cappie or not, have respect for his priestly office. Perhaps it was an honest over site on your part; but don't talk to cappie that way.

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Must have misread the post. Mea culpa.

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1334773045' post='2420310']
and, agree with Cappie or not, have respect for his priestly office. Perhaps it was an honest over site on your part; but don't talk to cappie that way.

How was I supposed to know he's a priest?

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1334774182' post='2420323']
:huh: because both of you have been here for years, and he has a neat little "clergy" tag under his name? :huh:

I'm on my phone and that tag doesn't show up on the mobile version of PM.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1334774182' post='2420323']
:huh: because both of you have been here for years, and he has a neat little "clergy" tag under his name? :huh:

I'm on my phone and that tag doesn't show up on the mobile version of PM.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1334773045' post='2420310']
I would have to agree with Fides.


*going straight to my head*

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='cappie' timestamp='1334734618' post='2420094']
It is evident that the people of this age in our culture are very confused about human sexuality. Before we can understand the morality of the many situations that we face we first have to understand the fundamentals, the basics. Our society clearly does not.

If we believe God made us and we are made by design, for some purpose, this is a good place to start, understanding purpose.

Every human being that comes into existence in the mother's womb has an immortal soul. The man and woman come together in physical delight and a baby is conceived. The man and woman cooperate with God and the three create a being who will live forever. God created the man and woman, and He creates the new soul. In that light this is a sacred activity.

The angels do not have this power. Humans have this power and privilege and they exercise it by their will.

In our time sex is trivialized. The transmission of life is not seen as holy and children are not valued. We kill them in the womb. We have operations to prevent conception and use chemicals also to frustrate the holy transmission of life.

From this perspective individuals, men and women, become objects of selfish pleasure to which they become addicted. They lose respect for one another and become incapable of true love, for which they are made. A holy act becomes dirty and perverted. This we call sin.

We are all products of our culture. If we look at the moral theology forum we see many people confused and struggling with sexual issues.

One of the things the contrite soul in need of mercy or its recipient does is promise God to avoid the occasion of sin. That means avoiding putting oneself in a place where temptation is likely to occur. This could easily mean avoiding sharing an apartment with someone of the opposite sex.

Mind you ... once shared with a flatmate of the same gender who, I thought would NEVER be so stupid/desperate as to ever be interested in me ... well, I was wrong on that one. Made things very awkward. :hehe2:

If you run into no problems in your experience, well and good. But you shouldn't assume it'll work for everyone, or nearly everyone.
There are people who jaywalk across busy streets in peak hour and manage not to get hit by traffic as well - doesn't mean they should go around assuming there's nothing dangerous about it. :smile3:

I like everything you posted padre except the bit about this age,last age it was something else. The world was broken,is broken and will continue to be broken. Man thinks he is powerful and can fix the world but it continues to take 2 steps forward and 2 steps back and sometimes stagnate in the middle. This is just a revelation to me from a.a. and mother teresa of calcutta and hopefully God. The 1st step in a.a. is to admit one is powerless against alcohol and ones life had become unmanagable,step 2 came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sainity and 3 that god could and would if he where seeked (that 3rd step isn't the exact a.a. wording.) And a priest whom was with blessed mother teresa of calcutta for many many years said to her one dat "i know your secret." and she responded "what is my secret" and the priest said "you are powerless." "and she said yes you got it." and he said "you are powerless like the holy mother at the foot of the cross."

To me all this means that we are hungry for power and to overlord whatever whenever we can even in the heart of charity to fix things and make them right,but truely it is not possible for man only possible for God,though we are vessels for the holy spirit and need to act i think of when jesus said "seek ye first the kingdom of god and all else will prevail." Well anyhow after all that i hope i haven't hijacked the thread un-intentionally. I will try and add something on the topic. I am an alcoholic and can not successfully sleep with an un-opened bottle of whiskey under my pillow for any extended period of time before it gets drunk. Some may be able to with Grace but i have not that paticular blessing to do so. But in that you can't put a chicken in a house with a fox and not expect the fox to eat the chicken,it's gonna it the chicken,eventually. No you put chickens with other chickens and foxes with foxes in the matter of homo-sexual housemates which i know may sound to some as predjudice but in my mind it isn't it is like putting a statue of buddah behind the alter of the holy roman catholic church even though i don't hate buddah i don't even understand buddah but it is a catholic church not a buddhist temple.

Let me think of a secular example for you all that i can figure to sound less apatied so to speak... Ok you goto McDonalds to buy a Big Mac and suddenly there selling Kentucky fried chicken under a McDonalds BAnner and they even have Cornel Sanders walking in McDonalds instead of Ronald McDonald,but the signs are all the same the Golden arches and the menu still has all the McDonald burgers, that is a poor example coz where dealing with real people right. Let me see, You start dating a women and you get married and wan't to have children and than suddenly you find out the supposed she is a he,aha another stupid example let me think...Pola bears can't survive at the arabian desert, There you go thats it, thankyou lord god for that, A POLA BEAR CAN NOT SURVIVE IN THE ARABIAN DESERT. Is that simple enough for ye all ? I mean naturally, surely we could build an ice zoo there,but naturally it can not, like pigs flying backwards at midnight on a full moon blindfolded.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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