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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1334416291' post='2417690']
I haven't been diagnosed with OCD, but if I went to a doctor about it I think I might. I have a lot of the tendencies of an OCD person. Anxiety it a huge factor for me too, but I think that might be caused by OCD. The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been a life saver! I have learned to put my trust in Jesus for everything! Its amazing!

It is so, so, so hard. I have been dealing with this problem since I was about 10, possibly younger. I do remember one occasion when I may have been 8-ish where I asked my mom if listening to a song with Jesus's name in it at all was taking His Name in vain. Yes, I am serious. Miles's example of his Confession is totally true for some people. I had a Confession similar-ish to the example once, and at the end I said, "And I struggle with scrupulosity." ;) And the priest helped me out a lot. He is becoming my SD, actually. Anywho, some things that have helped me are the St. Michael prayer, I put a big poster on my wall that says "TRUST", and you will KNOW if you are in mortal sin. Another thing is, think through what you would say at Confession (sometimes I am kind of vague and don't name the specific instance) and picture the priest asking me, "What do you mean by XYZ?" (has happened to me before) and think of what you would say, and if the explanation sounds like it's not a sin at all, you are probably in the clear. For real, once I explained to the priest what I meant, and he's like, "OH, okay." Like in a "pshhhha" way. ;)

Prayers for you.

Edited by FutureCarmeliteClaire
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[quote name='FutureCarmeliteClaire' timestamp='1334702524' post='2419819']

It is so, so, so hard. I have been dealing with this problem since I was about 10, possibly younger. [color=#ff0000]I do remember one occasion when I may have been 8-ish where I asked my mom if listening to a song with Jesus's name in it at all was taking His Name in vain. Yes, I am serious.[/color] Miles's example of his Confession is totally true for some people. I had a Confession similar-ish to the example once, and at the end I said, "And I struggle with scrupulosity." ;) And the priest helped me out a lot. He is becoming my SD, actually. Anywho, some things that have helped me are the St. Michael prayer, I put a big poster on my wall that says "TRUST", and you will KNOW if you are in mortal sin. Another thing is, think through what you would say at Confession (sometimes I am kind of vague and don't name the specific instance) and picture the priest asking me, "What do you mean by XYZ?" (has happened to me before) and think of what you would say, and if the explanation sounds like it's not a sin at all, you are probably in the clear. For real, once I explained to the priest what I meant, and he's like, "OH, okay." Like in a "pshhhha" way. ;)

Prayers for you.
I actually am not supper surprised by this. I helped teach the first communion class this year and several kids kept saying "don't say Gods name because it's a bad word." lol! It's kinda cute actually that they would take so much care in trying to following God :winner: . Also, I don't ever know what to categorize as a mortal sin. I Always am like " well, that's not that bad so it must not be a mortal sin" but I get all anxious about my past. I hate it when that happens. I get anxious about something that I didn't even think was bad until 2 years afterwards and when I get to thinking about it I even start to second guess myself about that. Sometimes I get the feeling I am trying to run away from something I did but then I think about it and drive my self crazy with uncertainty. I think it would help if I was able to go to confession more often because my family goes very rarely and I want to go more frequently but I can't drive and I live a half hour away from church.Because of this I try not to even think about mortal sin (the theology behind it) because if I do i get so anxious, I feel like crying! :cry: My church also doesn't have an actual confessional :unsure: The priest uses the sacristy :paperbag: . It's just always awkward.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1334698849' post='2419785']
Somehow, I expected this answer.


Huh - and that's the answer I expected from you.

We must really know each other.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1334700999' post='2419801']
Well, having scruples is different than scrupulosity. Being over-scrupulous is the problem, not being scrupulous. So, while there are a lot of people in the world lacking scruples and who could stand to be more scrupulous, it's also bad to go overboard and turn it into scrupulosity. Am I making sense?

I think that's a good explanation.

In general, if you're going to be imperfect, I think God would much prefer us to fall on the side of worrying about offending Him about everything, rather than not worrying about offending Him at all.

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[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1334717384' post='2419969']
Huh - and that's the answer I expected from you.

We must really know each other.

one more tu quoque and you get a set of steak knives.

you can do iiiit.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1334744539' post='2420100']
one more tu quoque and you get a set of steak knives.

you can do iiiit.

I don't know what you mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1334708365' post='2419872']
I actually am not supper surprised by this. I helped teach the first communion class this year and several kids kept saying "don't say Gods name because it's a bad word." lol! It's kinda cute actually that they would take so much care in trying to following God.

I second that -- I've taught 1st grade, 3rd grade and now I teach 4th grade. I've also done many talks with teens etc...

It's [u]very[/u] typical for young people to wonder such things if they care about keeping the Lord's commands. It's not scrupulosity at all but rather a need to be better educated on the subject. The litmus test (in my professional only as an educator opinion - not as a doctor) is if anxiety over "non sins" or "sinning by accident" persists after being legitimately educated to the contrary, [i]then[/i] scrupulosity might be an issue. Otherwise it is just that catechesis is necessary.

What do others think? Am I off base here?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1334434027' post='2417818']
If I seemed to contradict myself a few times, I was typing fast because a huge storm was on its way and I was a little nervous, so I didn't re-read the post.

The only thing i see you missed in your rush is that you and jesus' beat you grave disorder , you said 'i beat it in 3 years.' :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I suffer from scrupulosity too, it is the most horrible thing to experience, i akin it to hell. But my scrupulosity is different,i can put out little fires of sin that aren't actaully mortal from my brain, but they pesist night and day oppressing me so badly at times that i don't wan't to do anything except turn music up full bore and vege because that is about all i can manage when it is hell bad. My head is at me from the momment i rise going 'BLAH BLAH BLAH' i hate it infact i dread it and lately as soon as i wake up i cry out LORD help me! coz i know pretty much the hounds of hell have already caught scent of my being awake. Sometimes i don't know which way is up or which way is down but i trudge along with Chrsit, i'm sure when he is ready that i will be released from such oppressions of the enemy, unsure why it continues. Probably another round of post traumatic stress, due to something that happened which i can't pinpoint, i seem to have become hyper sensetive because of this and my scruples are not only of myself but others too. Oh ye horrible hounds of hell once i have wrestled out of you the Devils plot to destroy man i will expose your lies.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Oh don't mind the last sentance in previous post lol i get a little pumped sometimes and alone am no match for these terrors...
If you know anyone suffering from such torment be patient and kind with your corrections.These rabbie infected pitbulls from hell are more than a match for 1 person and much prayer for such a person is needed as well as people going out of there way to assist and comfort the sufferer, one would do the same for someone whom has cancer and scrupulosity is no less a terminal illness if gone untreated with the faith,hope and love of other christians.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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