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Artificial Contraception (Not Your Average Question...)


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[quote name='Drew-Memphis' timestamp='1334246883' post='2416406']
Well we're not having premarital sex anyway and I hardly think that not having sex after we're married is the answer.

Sounds like your OP is not a question then, only a desire to hear that it is okay for you to be intimate while on the pill.

I have PCOS. I was prescribed the pill for the symptoms when I was 13. I just got off it after 7 years because it is a carcinogen and causes all sorts of other bad stuff-also because I am hoping to enter the convent and they cannot morally/financially pay for the pill. Call it a conspiracy theory, but most doctors today aren't trying to cure very many things-only mask the symptoms. This works out great for them, because they get your money when you have to keep going in for treatment of the original problem.

PCOS can be cured with diet changes, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

If your fiancee is anything like me (a normal girl), then she wants to stay on the pill because it makes her skin look great (PCOS is often linked with acne.) When I was on the pill, this intention was alright. For a married woman, not so much.

Look for a Catholic doctor in your area, or a natural doctor. Find out the exact reasons why your fiancee must be on the pill. The likelihood is that her doctor is one of many who prescribe the pill as a miracle for any sort of 'womanly' problem. She probably does not need to be on it, but that is jus me speaking from my own experience. [/background][/size][/font][/color]

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think it's fine for you to have sex with your partner after marriage even when she is not in her fertile period. It is more than just making babies, it can not be reduced to just that although a part of the marital act, it is a free giving of oneself to the one whom you love and have chosen in marriage as well.

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