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Authority Does Not Make 1 Holier Gal 3:26-29

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1334352269' post='2417331']

you're multipul spelling errers make me qweshtun the surrsness of you're post

im serious. Im dyslexic and gave up on spelling years ago. The spell check dosnt do much for me because all it does is show me words that look exactly like what i wrote in the first place.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1334352164' post='2417329']
I hope there was sarcasm in there. It seriously doesn't take a brain these days to go to college.

no sarcasm.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334353000' post='2417345']
im serious. Im dyslexic and gave up on spelling years ago. The spell check dosnt do much for me because all it does is show me words that look exactly like what i wrote in the first place.

Me too. I spend way too much time googling basic words because even if they are right, they look wrong to my brain, and I hate to always look uneducated.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334235401' post='2416325']

Apparently, you've been no where near a college campus in the past 5 years. Unfortunatly, Tab here is far more elequant than half the papers I've seen from freshmen....and about 1/10 as well written as graduating seniors.

Lord, help us!

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334353000' post='2417345']
im serious. Im dyslexic and gave up on spelling years ago. The spell check dosnt do much for me because all it does is show me words that look exactly like what i wrote in the first place.

o my bad. I don't care about spelling either. I was sorta joking, but when people start ranting about how dumb other ppl are (like the majority of college students for instance) I get a little snarky. Cause I have been on a college campus recently, and while there's plenty of dumb to go around, not everyone is a drooling neanderthal :)

And I still think Tab should see a doctor.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1334132368' post='2415672']
I dont get it, am i a strawberry patch or something? or am i an oak tree?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334149182' post='2415709']
I think I can translate.

Oak tree=catholic hierarchy

analogy= catholic higherarchy is beating off the common man and is killing us

Except each serves it's purpose. The strawberries can't just grow all willynilly on their own. And I think the Catholic Church left flogging behind in the 1st century. Most of what it preaches...no sex before marriage, respect for life, community, days of fasting, days of celebration can all be seen by the outside world as postitive things.

Sometimes becuase those in power are human and not oaks they make mistakes. But that dosn't mean you're being beaten down.

That being said, a sin is a sin beucase it hurts yourself and others. Having sex outside of marriage produces children without fathers, living together before marriage provides false hope for a committed relationship, fasting is wholly good for the body(unless you're a diabetic), respecting life is important becuase to do so otherwise can lead to tragedy.

If that didn't answer your post, just what are you upset about?

haha i like your post, but but my intentions had nothing to do with the churches established hierachy of bishops,cardinals,priests,pope etc. hierachy, and did you read the scripture i included, the scripture should help all to see clearer than my darlic garlic presentation that stinks to high heaven so often but is good for cooking with, hopefully

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334150653' post='2415719']
LOL no problem.

Oh and in responce to the actual topic about "holiness". It's like St. Therese's thymble and flaggon. When filled to the brim, neither can be fuller.

And we'd hope that those in authority got there becuase they had deep and abundant faith. Does that make them holier? If you measure by volume...yes. If you measure by fullness, no. And being FULL of God is whats important. We don't call Mary 33 olympic pools of grace, we call her FULL of grace. And we know her faith was deep and abundant, a well that we can rely on. Quite frankly the best the rest of us can hope for is faith of a thimble...I might be at the level of a barbie doll cup and I try to grow everyday!

Wonderful thankyou that is what i was getting at,what st therese said

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1334462727' post='2418024']
o my bad. I don't care about spelling either. I was sorta joking, but when people start ranting about how dumb other ppl are (like the majority of college students for instance) I get a little snarky. Cause I have been on a college campus recently, and while there's plenty of dumb to go around, not everyone is a drooling neanderthal :)

And I still think Tab should see a doctor.

Dr who?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Though i'm sure with his grace God can make a strawberry patch a great oak tree but not us, now that i have ahd time to re read my post and the responses i guess for me i can not discern another persons vocation whatever it may be i can only journey with them,personaly i don't like to tell another christian whom or what they should be to God, there calling so to speak,all i can do is journey with them and pray for them in private that the lords will be done,whatever that may be. I can discuss possibilities if the person initiates such a conversation,but give no exactas. Oh by the way i'm no great oak tree,just that lonely sunflower that droops a bit saying "why me why me of all the rotten things to happen i'm neither a large tree nore a small shrub. Stuck in the middle" lol

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

but also come to think of it after examining my concience on the matter the thimble and glass thing is there too but also i was getting at class systems as not being as black and white as the media would like to have us think and the cold war between the forrest floor and the oak trees in society in general,in families,in school... This terrible desire to tower above all competition whether a threat or a possible threat or neither just somone to pick on and have a laugh if they mess up, ego drivers/power heads. And saying the forrest of the kingdom of heaven was mis-leading although am sure it happens there too but less hopefully,so i should have said the kingdom of man.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

but honestly i did originally mean christians in general as well as the wider society too, and of course my 3 point discription of a supposed great oak is flimsy at best. I get in my heart what i'm trying to discuss but find it very difficult to put to words. And i'm thinking now 'if you think your saved think again coz where not in heaven yet,great oak tree,sunflower or strawberry patch.'.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334235401' post='2416325']


Apparently, you've been no where near a college campus in the past 5 years. Unfortunatly, Tab here is far more elequant than half the papers I've seen from freshmen....and about 1/10 as well written as graduating seniors.

Hm. I'm very near a college campus. I'm at a coffee house about 10 minutes away from the UNC campus. I'm going to say that either you are seriously exagerating or you work at a very unique college. I'm also from a town that hosts a party school and not even there would your description be correct. Tab needs to get help. He has admitted as much in the past. I don't know if it's just substance abuse or if there are underlying mental health issues as well but something is wrong.

Edited by Hasan
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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1334527229' post='2418295']

Hm. I'm very near a college campus. I'm at a coffee house about 10 minutes away from the UNC campus. I'm going to say that either you are seriously exagerating or you work at a very unique college. I'm also from a town that hosts a party school and not even there would your description be correct. Tab needs to get help. He has admitted as much in the past. I don't know if it's just substance abuse or if there are underlying mental health issues as well but something is wrong.

While you dont understand the fernetic disconnected way tab posts i see what many students perform at. I have to say though the nearby highschool was just given one of the worst grades in the country and taken over by the feds.

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