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Authority Does Not Make 1 Holier Gal 3:26-29

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

pax domini bretheren...
I need to vent and make a serious point. A forrest with only great oak tre's can not be a forrest because there are no strawberry patches to keep the ground razzle dazzle and moist to avoid the roots of the great oak trees from drying out and dying. You get what i'm saying hopefully. A great oak tree from it's lofty hieghts is no less or more holier than the strawberry patch in the kingdom of heaven and should stop expecting all to be great oak trees or the forrest may die though i know it won't but do you get the message. Save the Strawberry patches. I fear some of the great oak trees get a bit pickle sure and challenge the strawberry patches to be great oak trees when according to grace they are only strawberry patches and can not be a great oak tree, this is there position and the great oak trees have no rights to be butting in on strawberry patches buisness and saying why aren't you a great oak tree hence whipping the strawberry patch half to death and consequently the strawberry patch loosing faith and dying. The strawberry patch is holy too just a different kind of holyness. Read Gal 3:26-29 nurture the strawberry patches for what they are not what there not. Gracious thanks hopefully we have come to a better understanding between great oak trees and strawberry patches. And i guess visa versa to . AIGHT BLESS.


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Autumn Dusk

I think I can translate.

Oak tree=catholic hierarchy

analogy= catholic higherarchy is beating off the common man and is killing us

Except each serves it's purpose. The strawberries can't just grow all willynilly on their own. And I think the Catholic Church left flogging behind in the 1st century. Most of what it preaches...no sex before marriage, respect for life, community, days of fasting, days of celebration can all be seen by the outside world as postitive things.

Sometimes becuase those in power are human and not oaks they make mistakes. But that dosn't mean you're being beaten down.

That being said, a sin is a sin beucase it hurts yourself and others. Having sex outside of marriage produces children without fathers, living together before marriage provides false hope for a committed relationship, fasting is wholly good for the body(unless you're a diabetic), respecting life is important becuase to do so otherwise can lead to tragedy.

If that didn't answer your post, just what are you upset about?

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Oremoose' timestamp='1334150131' post='2415716']
Autumn I think you may have cracked the code.

LOL no problem.

Oh and in responce to the actual topic about "holiness". It's like St. Therese's thymble and flaggon. When filled to the brim, neither can be fuller.

And we'd hope that those in authority got there becuase they had deep and abundant faith. Does that make them holier? If you measure by volume...yes. If you measure by fullness, no. And being FULL of God is whats important. We don't call Mary 33 olympic pools of grace, we call her FULL of grace. And we know her faith was deep and abundant, a well that we can rely on. Quite frankly the best the rest of us can hope for is faith of a thimble...I might be at the level of a barbie doll cup and I try to grow everyday!

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tab, please see a doctor. I'm not mocking you, but I don't think you're trolling and your posts sound semi-psychotic.

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1334204766' post='2416217']
tab, please see a doctor. I'm not mocking you, but I don't think you're trolling and your posts sound semi-psychotic.


Apparently, you've been no where near a college campus in the past 5 years. Unfortunatly, Tab here is far more elequant than half the papers I've seen from freshmen....and about 1/10 as well written as graduating seniors.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334235401' post='2416325']

Apparently, you've been no where near a college campus in the past 5 years. Unfortunatly, Tab here is far more elequant than half the papers I've seen from freshmen....and about 1/10 as well written as graduating seniors.
this makes me :twitch:

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1334351826' post='2417321']
this makes me :twitch:
I hope there was sarcasm in there. It seriously doesn't take a brain these days to go to college.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' timestamp='1334235401' post='2416325']

Apparently, you've been no where near a college campus in the past 5 years. Unfortunatly, Tab here is far more elequant than half the papers I've seen from freshmen....and about 1/10 as well written as graduating seniors.

you're multipul spelling errers make me qweshtun the surrsness of you're post

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1334352269' post='2417331']
you're multipul spelling errers make me qweshtun the surrsness of you're post
Um, there is such a thing as spell check when you're writing college papers. Of course not everyone uses them, but AD could. You don't know.

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