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[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1333625329' post='2413212']
At the risk of being called a socialist, I didn't find the NHS care to be crappy. Now, I don't think England's system would work in the US, because of the sheer size of the US, but it wasn't crappy in my experience. Being back in the US, I find a lot of wasteful spending in healthcare, and it can also be tough to navigate. I do think tort reform would help a lot, since part of the problem is the cost of malpractice insurance and/or the fear of being sued. My own GP here won't see me because I'm pregnant, which I assume is because of malpractice insurance. Just my opinion on all this, of course, but I do prefer and miss the NHS.
England runs deficits.

If your government runs deficits, the government activity is, by definition, crappy. Control of the money supply and access to legalized violence is the only reason the system "functions". That's morally unacceptable.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1333625329' post='2413212']
At the risk of being called a socialist, I didn't find the NHS care to be crappy. Now, I don't think England's system would work in the US, because of the sheer size of the US, but it wasn't crappy in my experience. Being back in the US, I find a lot of wasteful spending in healthcare, and it can also be tough to navigate. I do think tort reform would help a lot, since part of the problem is the cost of malpractice insurance and/or the fear of being sued. My own GP here won't see me because I'm pregnant, which I assume is because of malpractice insurance. Just my opinion on all this, of course, but I do prefer and miss the NHS.
[/quote]I'm glad you've had good experienes. But that's the problem with ancedotal evidence. My wife is from England. I have horror stories of how bad there care. There is a difference in the care given to relatively younger and healthier citizens than those that are older or have a chronic disease. It's not the 'death panels' that right wingers here would have you fear, but it's absolutely not the same quality the average chronically ill insured citizen here receives.

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Archaeology cat

Oh, I know it's not perfect - never said it was. I agree that tort reform is sorely needed here. It's a bit out of control. I am not saying that means the government should step in - I don't see that working so well here, personally. Of course, I'm also not an expert, and do not claim to be. :)

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