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Are Athiest Necessary In The World?


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Is logic starting to get under your skin MIkolbe, is that what's going on? It's ok, you don't have to listen if you don't want to. Most people don't.

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[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1333846614' post='2414210']
No, I don't think I do.

wanna bet....

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1333846382' post='2414203']
Is logic starting to get under your skin MIkolbe, is that what's going on? It's ok, you don't have to listen if you don't want to. Most people don't.
There are compelling arguments for atheism.
You're just a troll, though. And not a good one, either.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1333851699' post='2414245']
There hasn't been any logic, in here.
[/quote]Exactly. It was required to get my earlier humor

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1333137962' post='2410765']
Try and remember that you shouldnt generalize from anecdotal experience with a few. It would be all to easy to look at the utterly countless stories of people being thrown out, kicked out, ostracized, etc by Christians for whatever reason(being gay, athiest, different religion, dating the wrong person, etc) and generalize that out to mean all christians are horrible people.

Homosexuality is wrong as is masterbation but it does not mean the person in there entirety is absolutely wrong but we as christians believe sin reduces the abilty for true charity.. But i get your point. But also the holy roman catholic church has the right to refuse anyone to partake in the sacrements as you are to refuse me to urinate on your loungeroom couch or simply your violet patch outside your kitchen window. :) Also i get anomosity too unsure if thats persecution though, but my feelings get hurt and they shouldn't because usually it is my pride and ego being burnt. Actual persecution is far more horrible i assume from what i hear about it.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1333892959' post='2414391']
Exactly. It was required to get my earlier humor
Not only are there people with no belief, but there are people with no sense of humour. Feel sorry for them. :farmer:

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='r2Dtoo' timestamp='1333846382' post='2414203']
Is logic starting to get under your skin MIkolbe, is that what's going on? It's ok, you don't have to listen if you don't want to. Most people don't.
The cows may come and the cows may go, but the bull in this place goes on forever!

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So, a Catholic answer to this slightly odd question is that Atheism is in no way necessary but the the people who take on such belief are because God put them on the earth and God is never wrong. Make sense? :hehe2:

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All people are necessary and valuable. It doesn't matter what they believe: each one has been brought into being by God with their own purpose in life.

Even Catholics disagree with one another - look, we're on the Debate Table. ;) Sometimes this is because of misunderstanding, sometimes it deepens into out and out hostility. Whenever we disagree with somebody, Christ asks us to remember in humility and love that we don't know everything ourselves. He also reminds us that that we find Him in our neighbour - all our neighbours. He didn't say, "Only in those who share your faith." If every person on earth is really made in the image and likeness of God, how could I ever see any one of them as unnecessary? They're my only way of seeing God in this life. It's not our beliefs or intellect or knitting hobby that make us necessary to one another. It's the fact that we're family.

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[quote name='beatitude' timestamp='1334787742' post='2420406']
All people are necessary and valuable. It doesn't matter what they believe: each one has been brought into being by God with their own purpose in life.

Even Catholics disagree with one another - look, we're on the Debate Table. ;) Sometimes this is because of misunderstanding, sometimes it deepens into out and out hostility. Whenever we disagree with somebody, Christ asks us to remember in humility and love that we don't know everything ourselves. He also reminds us that that we find Him in our neighbour - all our neighbours. He didn't say, "Only in those who share your faith." If every person on earth is really made in the image and likeness of God, how could I ever see any one of them as unnecessary? They're my only way of seeing God in this life. It's not our beliefs or intellect or knitting hobby that make us necessary to one another. It's the fact that we're family.
Nicely said! :saint2:

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