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What Do You Love Most About Being With Your Sisters?


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Just being with them :love: I know this sounds a bit corny but I've visited some beautiful communities and with my sisters there is the sense that this community was made just for me. Each and everyone of the sisters has their little quirkiness and their funny ways that I love. Their sense of humor, being able to chat about our struggles as religious (in my case future religious) and knowing that we are real people. Being able to charitably disagree and yet still be able to receive the grace to be obedient to Holy Mother Church through the superior. Praying with them, laughing with them, cooking with them, cleaning with them, even walking in the snow with them (and TT knows I don't do cold) Chasing runaway chickens with them (funny story for another time) It's just the feeling that I'm home :love:

ooh how I miss them and want to be home!!! I hope this year is the year :)

Edited cause yours truly can't spell when she's excited.

Edited by HopefulBride
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Although I have not yet gone to visit my Sisters' convent, I have spoken with 3 Sisters and the Provincial Superior the last time they visited our parish in February. The P.S. and one Sister came unexpectedly and I was awaiting a CRHP meeting in the car with my mom. I had no idea they were here and my pastor (who I deeply admire and respect) brought them up to the car and asked me if I wanted to speak to the Superior!

I light up when I see them because I am thrilled that religious are coming to our Church. I'm going to be seeing them again at a Church function in the next few months and I am so excited! I am hoping to get back in contact with the Provincial Superior again after Lent. I sent her an email but I don't think they use their email during Lent. My pastor has been extraordinarily busy, as well, so I haven't been able to meet with him. I can't wait for Easter! :)

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1333044279' post='2410266']
Although I have not yet gone to visit my Sisters' convent, I have spoken with 3 Sisters and the Provincial Superior the last time they visited our parish in February. The P.S. and one Sister came unexpectedly and I was awaiting a CRHP meeting in the car with my mom. I had no idea they were here and my pastor (who I deeply admire and respect) brought them up to the car and asked me if I wanted to speak to the Superior!

I light up when I see them because I am thrilled that religious are coming to our Church. I'm going to be seeing them again at a Church function in the next few months and I am so excited! I am hoping to get back in contact with the Provincial Superior again after Lent. I sent her an email but I don't think they use their email during Lent. My pastor has been extraordinarily busy, as well, so I haven't been able to meet with him. I can't wait for Easter! :)
I'm so happy for you MM! I light up when I see "my sisters" because they are so amazing. ;)

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I just have to reply to this one because I can't WAIT! About 10 and a half weeks until going home!

Having been in my convent once before, and then returning again after a year of being away, I can honestly say that I miss my family, my community. I miss my home in the convent so much! I couldn't help but smile when my superior said to me one time, while I was struggling so much with the waiting, saying that it's time to return soon, "Come home, (my first name), come on home!"

I love being with them, women all striving for holiness and union with Christ, the Bridegroom of our souls. They help me on the road to holiness and their example is edifying. We all are so human, though, and we each make our mistakes! I remember times where we would bring forward our faults against community at Chapter, and this was truly a beautiful and humbling experience.

I am so grateful to God! I will be having about two weeks of postulancy instead of a year (since I've done this stage already in 2009). On my last visit, I got to try on the habit to be sized again. I cried when I was finally alone in my guest room afterwards because I am overwhelmed by God's great mercy and goodness. I can't wait to go home again. I love my God, I love my Sisters, I love who He has made me be in this struggle of waiting. I just can't wait!! :clap:

Edited by IamMyBeloveds
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[quote name='i<3LSOP' timestamp='1333045113' post='2410272']
I'm so happy for you MM! I light up when I see "my sisters" because they are so amazing. ;)

Thank you! I seriously thought, for a while, that my discernment was over because of what happened in November. It was not pretty the way it went down and I took it hard. The Sister was impolite and rather insensitive, but I remember that we are all human and we make mistakes. I have moved on to a better place and I know that God has a reason and purpose for all things. I am much happier with these Sisters and I feel much more "at home" with them. The problem is that, in order to do a Vocation Retreat, I have to go to their convent in Europe because they haven't established a discernment program here. It's in the works, but their foundation here is pretty new. I don't know when that will be -- when I will visit. I am hoping to get special permission to visit them at the Provincial House here in the United States. I don't know when I'll be able to afford a trip overseas. :)

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One thing I really love is the times of quiet after Compline, before 3rd Hour and at mealtimes. God (and everyone else) knows how much I enjoy talking with them, but there is a different, deeper kind of intimacy when you have to catch someone's attention and let them know what you want without using words. I was moved by how alert the mothers and sisters were to each other's needs, especially at meals. Often the sister who wanted something wouldn't even have to wave her hand, she'd just sort of move her head and the other sister would be right on it. Really nice to see.

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My favorite thing is "just being" with the sisters like I said earlier, but my next favorite thing is Night Prayer! It is beautiful to see all of the veiled heads in front of you, and the prayers are amazing. :love:

When Sr. Mary Grace was here and I did it with the Sisters without any other girls, I'd have to sit next to her and she'd patiently show me what to do. :)

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I will make a list because I am just so lazy. LOL Here it goes:

-the joy
-the peace
-They remind me of the fact that this was the vocation that God placed upon my soul since my baptism.
-I see the love that the Church has for the Bridegroom.
-They have great food.
-They are all freaking HILARIOUS.
-They play the best pranks.
-Recreation time is amesome.
-I learn so much.
-I am reminded of my own faults.
-They draw me to prayer.
-Sometimes they test me. :)
-They are all so welcoming.
-They have a lot of answers.
-they have a lot of question... this is a pro and a con. hahaha
-They understand the delicacy of a young vocation.
-I learn so much.
-I see my problems in another light. Sometimes I see that they aren't problems at all. :)
-They always challenge me.
-Sr. Teresa Benedicta is sooo witty.
-Mother Regina is, too.
-Sister Mariette is blind, and, as the sisters say, "Sister bumps into us sometimes, but when she bumps we bump back." hhaahahah

There are so many reasons and these are just a few. I could go on. :)

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Their diversity, their wit, how adorable they are, their peace, their hospitality, (which is their fourth vow), and their holiness.

Mostly how hilarious and adorable they are while you're working with them, and how peaceful they are when you're praying with them :love:

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Sunday nights are fun for us especially during ordinary time. We usually have a nice hearty meal then recreation as a community which might include various card games or a beautiful movie.

Oh Lord, make this the year please!!! :beg:

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The hilarity at Rec after being in silence.
Their ENDLESS creativity in making little gifts out of nothing for Feast Days, Vow celebrations etc.
Finding that one little prayer card you know a sister had to ask humbly to bestow on you, there it is in your Breviary on just the day when it feels like perseverance is a word you will never know the meaning of, lifting you, letting you know someone knows and sees your struggle and that you are not alone in it.............
The hilarity.
Night Prayer, oh yes, night prayer, and those moments of Thanksgiving at Mass.
The hilarity. I never imagined a community vowed to silence could possibly spend so much time laughing.........

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