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Why Do I Sense A Strange Debate Over The Mass?


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The OF is a victim of the decline of the Church, not the cause. Do you not remember the 60's and 70's?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1332723777' post='2408387']
The OF is a victim of he decline of the Church, not the cause. Do you not remember the 60's and 70's?

I would give this multiple props if I could.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1332723777' post='2408387'] The OF is a victim of the decline of the Church, not the cause. Do you not remember the 60's and 70's? [/quote]

Since I lived through it, I remember it very well. Yours is an interesting argument that the culture decline of the church is what caused the degeneration of religious life and popular faith which was then reflected in the trivialization of the mass. I recall well the optimism in the era of Vatican II and the rush to embrace radical transformation especially in the US. The changes were quite popular and embraced with enthusiasm by many. This occurred simultaneously in many multiple spheres of church life and not just the manner of celebrating the mass. There was a great deal of optimism then that the church would reap great benefits from these innovations. This certainly did not happen and yours is an interesting take on this failure that is often blamed on the change in the liturgy alone.

Perhaps the best way to test your hypothesis is to look and see when the great emptying out of seminaries, the diocesan priesthood and religious orders occurred. Was it going on throughout the 1960's before the liturgical changes were implemented or did it hit with full force later after the changes were in place? It is important to acknowledge there were multiple causations for the disaster that followed and then using that insight to speed the renewal.

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The 60's and 70's were the time of a radical cultural revolution in this country. No institution was left untouched, and it was out with the old and in with the new, no matter what damage resulted. It was if the world had emerged after the year 1000 failed to produce the end of the world: everyone saw a new beginning and did their best to negate the past. You saw this particularly in the nuns, when "feminism" reduced them to women's libbers instead of women of God.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1332723777' post='2408387']
The OF is a victim of the decline of the Church, not the cause. Do you not remember the 60's and 70's?

No I don't remember the 60's and 70's :|

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1332778083' post='2408734']
No I don't remember the 60's and 70's :|
Your loss. :hippie:

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1332778083' post='2408734']
No I don't remember the 60's and 70's :|

That comment was for the grownups :) :saint2:

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  • 3 weeks later...
fides' Jack

[quote name='filius_angelorum' timestamp='1332550530' post='2406714']
There is simply no way to talk about the preference of a particular Mass in the same way that one talks about a preference for this or that type of ice cream.

I prefer chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks and chocolate syrup.

First, I want to make it clear that I am not a chocoholic. In fact, my sweet tooth is generally limited to concoctions that include large doses of caffeine and high fructose corn syrup.

A lot of people like to put sprinkles, nuts, and other such nonsense on their ice cream. This is absolutely insane! These people just like sugar for the sake of sugar - and will take it however they can get it. If you're going to top it with anything, chocolate syrup is a must. Not strawberry - chocolate!

Furthermore, you don't want it to not have anything inside of it, or it is just too boring, like vanilla. Chocolate chunks give you something to chew while the ice cream is melting in your mouth. You also don't want something to chew on that has a significantly different taste than the ice cream - so you have to go with chocolate. Thus, choco-chunks.

Finally, chocolate is the only flavor that's worth the time it takes to eat it. Again, you don't want to go with something as boring as vanilla, but you also don't want to overdo the non-boringness. All those weird, modern, flavors like cookies n' cream are just novel ideas meant to grab the attention of kids. Adults will (or at least should) go for the chocolate.

If you want to be a little different - try a waffle cone, or just use a bowl, but please, please please! don't use any candy sprinkles!!!

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