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Hi there! :D

Im sure you all know me by now, if not, for the ignorant, I am the cool and popular one. :cool:

Being the attention seeker I am, I think it is wise that we have a thread specifically devoted to myself, because I know being the womanizer I am there are a lot of interested ladies in me out there, and I think they should all have the chance to share their thoughts on myself, and if need be, ask any questions, and I'd like to give them that opportunity, because I am a nice guy, that I am. :)

Guys may also contribute to my thread, because I know there are a lot of guys out there who fear, hate and are jealous of me, because I'm so cool and popular. :cool:

So people, start discussing Phazzan, otherwise I'll get board and leave this place, and you don't want that do you? Oh no. :o

Peace out
Phazzan today, tomorrow and forever!

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Jake Huether

[quote name='dUSt' date='May 6 2004, 06:43 AM'] I'm going kick your head. [/quote]
Very cheritable. :P

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Charitable even.

Cheritable is the state of having cheerios on your table.

:-) Love ya Jake.

now that was a Hijack...back to loving Phazzan.

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OMG its Phazzan!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH *faint*

Okay I'm up... I just cant believe its really him!

Phazz you know how I swoon over you! :drool:

Keep rockin' chump :cool:

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I understand what you're going through, SacredTruth. I understand because the way you feel about me is also the way I feel about myself.

Peace out,
Phazzan today, tomorrow and forever!
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[quote name='dUSt' date='May 6 2004, 07:43 AM'] I'm going kick your head. [/quote]
Jealousy is a curse, my friend. Seek repentence from thy master. :cool:

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[quote name='Phazzan' date='May 6 2004, 09:09 AM'] I understand what you're going through, SacredTruth. I understand because the way you feel about me is also the way I feel about myself.


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Humility is a great virtue; it is constituent of the first beatitude. I'll pray for your soul.
In Christ, Dave

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I'm not jealous yet. I'll have to see more responses from the ladies before I get jealous.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='May 6 2004, 09:43 AM'] I'm going kick your head. [/quote]
i'll help :P

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[quote name='Phazzan' date='May 6 2004, 08:11 AM'] Jealousy is a curse, my friend. Seek repentence from thy master. :cool: [/quote]
Yeah...where are our Apologetics? Their has to be SOMETHING about being humble in the Bible somewhere, right?? ;)

Peace Phazzan! You 'da m...er...wait. How old are you again? Dunno that I can call you "da man" if you aren't old enough! :lol:

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[quote name='Catholic_4_Life' date='May 6 2004, 03:00 PM'] Yeah...where are our Apologetics? Their has to be SOMETHING about being humble in the Bible somewhere, right?? ;)

Peace Phazzan! You 'da m...er...wait. How old are you again? Dunno that I can call you "da man" if you aren't old enough! :lol: [/quote]
The first beatitude is all about humility, I think I mentioned that before.
In Christ,

And, Phazzan, I do really mean what I saw about humility. It's the first step on the spiritual steps of the Beatitudes. When we are full of ourselves, we cannot be full of Christ, for He can only fill us to the extent that we allow Him.

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