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Discernment Issues...


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[quote name='AuthorOfMyLife' timestamp='1331555562' post='2399516']
God bless you, MonjaFutura!

The other posters have given wonderful advice that I will not repeat. But I will say that you shouldn't forget your age. At 15, the hormonal systems are particularly developing (sorry if that is TMI) and so it is perfectly normal to be more interested in boys your age. It doesn't mean that, as you get older, you will not be able to follow a vocation.

I will be praying for you.
I was going to say something about that and same didn't want to give TMI but ever since I've well, grown up a bit I realized what a beautiful vocation marriage is!

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We are kind of in the same place. Just a year ago, I thought I wanted to be a nun. But so much as happened in just a year that I'm not so sure anymore. I'm even in the process of switching my major because of this. I do wish God would show me what He wants me to do. I'm older than you though so I feel like my time is running out

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1331558493' post='2399532']
We are kind of in the same place. Just a year ago, I thought I wanted to be a nun. But so much as happened in just a year that I'm not so sure anymore. I'm even in the process of switching my major because of this. I do wish God would show me what He wants me to do. I'm older than you though so I feel like my time is running out
Wait both of us? :)

Yeah I still feel called but am (since I'm only twelve) taking a break from discernment.

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1331558493' post='2399532']
We are kind of in the same place. Just a year ago, I thought I wanted to be a nun. But so much as happened in just a year that I'm not so sure anymore. I'm even in the process of switching my major because of this. I do wish God would show me what He wants me to do. I'm older than you though so I feel like my time is running out

You have plenty of time. There is really no time except God's when it comes to discernment. There are some here who have been discerning for 10, 20 years what their vocation is or to what order. Don't rush discernment, simply be peaceful in the knowledge that by even thinking about God's will in your life, you are fulfilling your current vocation--that as a student.

Dieu vous bénisse!

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I don't know if this will help you but I was supper sure that I was called to be a nun until something happened that deterred me for about a month or so. However, the Lord is amazing and he showed me very clearly that I do have a vocation (even though I am in the beginning of discernment, I just know more than ever that I am called to be a nun :dance2: ). I believe that you just need to have patience and let God reveal His will to you on in His time. And don't worry about being worthy because if God is calling you He knows what he is doing. Just have trust in him and he will lead you where you need to go. And I'm not sure if you mentioned it but if you don't already, Pray. you can never know what God wants for you if you don't talk with him. I am under the impression however that you do so I will be quiet now! :P God bless! :saint2:

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Also, if you can, find a good spiritual director. This can be either a priest, brother, a religious sister, and even a lay person. Since you are discerning religious life, I suggest a priest or religious sister. It is very, very helpful to have a faith companion in your discernment of God's will in your life!

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I've done a lot of stupid stuff, but God doesn't look at what we've done when he calls us. Of he did, think about how many amazing young priests wouldnt be priests today! Or how many married couples wouldn't be married! Just look for his will, not your own. Pax tecum!! :)

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