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The G.o.p's Vagina Monologue


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It's not enough for government to provide services any more - in situations where it can't (or can't afford) to provide services, it is now mandating that private business provide the services on the government's behalf.

This amounts to government encroaching into business, or co-opting business into an arm of the government.

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[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1330873494' post='2396099']
I wonder what was going on in the Obama administration's collective mind when they decided to push the contraception "issue." I say that in quotes because it was a none issue until they decided to make it one. Perhaps they want to shift attention away from the "change" Obama failed to bring about... well... other than the changing for the worse. The whole issue is nonesense, and it's an obvious red herring.

Sure, I don't understand why the people who are for gay marriage are also against polygammy, but quite frankly, im a working professional and im tired of getting taxed up to my eyes. I'm tired of my money having a third of the value it did ten years ago. I'm tired of their being less jobs, and our degenerate president giving us superficial smiles and a false hope. Sorry folks, you can argue about these unjust man made laws, but this country is sunk deep. And the moral and legal disorder we see is just a symptom of cultural decandence and societal confusion.

Anyway, enough of my rant... you guys enjoy the debate

I read somewhere, or someone I talked to had the idea that since the country has tipped Pro-Life, Obama can't use that has his "savior card" anymore. So he's finding another issue that the country agrees with him on.

Also if religious groups can be made to pay for an intrinsic moral evil such as contraception, then logically you can force religious groups to directly cover abortions.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1330874475' post='2396100']
It's not enough for government to provide services any more - in situations where it can't (or can't afford) to provide services, it is now mandating that private business provide the services on the government's behalf.

This amounts to government encroaching into business, or co-opting business into an arm of the government.
It was always thus. The money comes from people, and it is obtained by force.

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Why should my insurance company be forced to pay for contraceptives which are used primarily for entertainment purposes ("risk free" sex), yet all the over the counter drugs I buy for my sick family are not covered.

Dayquil/Nyquil, ibuprofen, acetominophin, baby tylenol, vitamin D supplements & pre-natal vitamins highly recommended by our doctors... all of these are actually related to our health and well being, and are used for medical conditions. Even upon doctor reccomendation or encouragement these over the counter drugs to treat medical conditions are not covered by insurance companies. I may have saved insurance companies thousands upon thousands of dollars by regularly buying pre-natal vitamins for my wife to take as it helped our baby grow and stay healthy with all of the necessary nutrients, but I sure as heck won't see a penny of that back as reimbursable.

But HEY! If I wanna go have sex and don't want to worry about getting pregnant, well by golly I sure will and for free, because that is a women's health issue!

By the way... why aren't they also mandating male condom's for free? Isn't that just as much a "men's health issue"? I mean after all... if I accidently got someone pregnant, now I'm liable for their medical condition, and if it was because I couldn't afford a condom... well hey maybe I should... SUE THE GOVERNMENT FOR NOT PROVIDING MY FREE CONDOMS!

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not that it directly addresses your point, Slappo, but there are tons of organizations that do provide condoms to men and women. (which is partially why i think the mandate is unnecessary)

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1330965235' post='2396523']
not that it directly addresses your point, Slappo, but there are tons of organizations that do provide condoms to men and women. (which is partially why i think the mandate is unnecessary)

Yes I know I was being overly satirical :).

honestly though... if birth control is such a huge women's health care thing and women have the right to it. Why isn't it an over the counter drug? Why do you have to go to a doctor to get a perscription for such a standard medication?

Obviously as a Catholic I'm not in favor of widening the availability of contraceptives... but I think the point is valid.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1330965235' post='2396523']
not that it directly addresses your point, Slappo, but there are tons of organizations that do provide condoms to men and women. (which is partially why i think the mandate is unnecessary)

go to a local college. They practical throw them at you.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1331001976' post='2396711']
go to a local college. They practical throw them at you.

Um. Most attempts I've seen to make condoms widely available for free have been pretty meager.

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There is an effective birth control that is absolutely free; it doesn't cost a dime to manufacture.
I never understood why so many women insist on procuring the expensive methods, and then complain how expensive it is.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1331004723' post='2396725']
Um. Most attempts I've seen to make condoms widely available for free have been pretty meager.

4 realzies?

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1331081041' post='2397037']
4 realzies?


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1331082574' post='2397044']
That's surprising. They're readily available here. Sometimes from tents/stands/kiosks in common areas, but always from the student health care center.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1331083126' post='2397049']
That's the stupidest flooping piece of propaganda I've ever seen.

No. It's just one-sided and lacks nuance. Much like you see here in the other political direction.

Edited by Hasan
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