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What Is The Position Of Mary In Catholic Church? What Is The Place Of

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[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330560071' post='2394744']
I pray to the Father not only for myself but for others...but I don't pray for someone to pray for me...I ask for prayer but don't pray to them for prayer.

But why do you need their prayers? Why do you need to ask them for prayers when you can pray to the Father yourself? By your logic that you can go to the Father therefore do not need anyone else, what is the point of asking others for their prayers?

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[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330559596' post='2394737']
Yes I ask for prayer for those who are living here on earth but I don't ask for prayers to those who have passed on to the other side...those who are in heaven.
Do you find it odd that you 'murder your flesh', but yet 'flesh' seems to be the requisite by which others can pray for you?

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[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330560071' post='2394744']
I pray to the Father not only for myself but for others...but I don't pray for someone to pray for me...I ask for prayer but don't pray to them for prayer.
You accidentally language.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330559596' post='2394737']
Yes I ask for prayer for those who are living here on earth but I don't ask for prayers to those who have passed on to the other side...those who are in heaven...also the prayers that are prayed are prayed to the Father and not to another person to pray for me.
It's the oneness thing! In the wedding feast of Cana. Mary asked Jesus about the problem of the wine. If you ask Mary for something you can be sure you are also asking Jesus! When you pray to heaven you also pray to the son and when you pray to the son you also pray to the Father. In heaven there is no need for names.

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Also I believe that in heaven there is no sorrow, and so if one who has passed is hearing me at times grieving through prayer this will bring sorrow to them. This I will say is my thought and I cannot back it up biblically.

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Because Christ destroyed death, the bond Christians have cannot be broken, even in death. And, I suppose you are not surprised at my saying, that this was the practice of the early Christians as well.

The new heavens and new earth have not come to pass yet. There is still sorrow; there is still much to pray about and many to pray for.

Edited by Selah
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[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330560962' post='2394751']
Also I believe that in heaven there is no sorrow, and so if one who has passed is hearing me at times grieving through prayer this will bring sorrow to them. This I will say is my thought and I cannot back it up biblically.

I can see what you mean... but I see it differently....

When someone comes to me hurt, or in sorrow; they are not bringing sorrow to me... quite the opposite... they are giving me the opportunity to comfort them in Christ. How can that be sorrowful?

When my Dad passed, i cried. I even cried to my Mom. Was I bringing sorrow to her? of course not. But she comforted me. And, btw, so did my Heavenly Mom. I cried to her too.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330560962' post='2394751']
Also I believe that in heaven there is no sorrow, and so if one who has passed is hearing me at times grieving through prayer this will bring sorrow to them. This I will say is my thought and I cannot back it up biblically.
Too much physics! The person in heaven knows that your grieving is insignificant compared to what God has planned for those that love him. They are rejoicing for you! And Do you think God does not grieve for those who have rejected him?

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[quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330560962' post='2394751']
Also I believe that in heaven there is no sorrow, and so if one who has passed is hearing me at times grieving through prayer this will bring sorrow to them. This I will say is my thought and I cannot back it up biblically.

So what about my question about Mary? I really want to try find someone who will actually answer that because so far everyone's failed.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1330560232' post='2394746']

Do you find it odd that you 'murder your flesh', but yet 'flesh' seems to be the requisite by which others can pray for you?

There is a different meaning of the word flesh...when we speak of the term "murder your flesh" we are speaking of the fleshly desires...not the physical fleshly body...plus prayer is an act of the spirit not an act of the flesh.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1330561249' post='2394754']

I can see what you mean... but I see it differently....

When someone comes to me hurt, or in sorrow; they are not bringing sorrow to me... quite the opposite... they are giving me the opportunity to comfort them in Christ. How can that be sorrowful?

When my Dad passed, i cried. I even cried to my Mom. Was I bringing sorrow to her? of course not. But she comforted me. And, btw, so did my Heavenly Mom. I cried to her too.

In response to how it can be sorrowful...Romans 12: 15  Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.  16  Be of the same mind toward one another.

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1330561331' post='2394756']

So what about my question about Mary? I really want to try find someone who will actually answer that because so far everyone's failed.

What question about Mary did you ask? I'm sorry I must have skipped over it.

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[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][quote name='Louie' timestamp='1330561817' post='2394759']
What question about Mary did you ask? I'm sorry I must have skipped over it.

[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Your post was: [color=#282828]I pray to the Father not only for myself but for others...but I don't pray for someone to pray for me...I ask for prayer but don't pray to them for prayer.[/color][/font][/size]

[size=4][color=#282828]I responded: [/color][/size][color=#282828][size=4]Bu[/size]t why do you need their prayers? Why do you need to ask them for prayers when you can pray to the Father yourself? By your logic that you can go to the Father therefore do not need anyone else, what is the point of asking others for their prayers?[/color]

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Mark of the Cross

Louie there have been times in my life where looking back I can see where God answered the prayers that I didn't pray, because I didn't know or was too distressed to pray. Does this mean I don't need to pray because God knows my needs? Praying is also conversation. If you love and respect Mary why wouldn't you converse with her. You never know she might talk back.

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1330560225' post='2394745']

But why do you need their prayers? Why do you need to ask them for prayers when you can pray to the Father yourself? By your logic that you can go to the Father therefore do not need anyone else, what is the point of asking others for their prayers?

I don't know about any of you...but there are times when I am so perplexed so overwhelmed by things that I just can't focus for prayer...there are times that the principalities and powers of this world have boggled my brain that I cannot even think straight and so I go to my brothers and sisters and ask them for prayer...James 5:13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.  14  Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  15  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.  

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