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Trousseau Items - A Few Questions


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Oh, I sure wish this Board had been around when I was looking for some odd things when I entered! The internet is SUCH a gift of God!

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Guest candidate

I am so impressed by how quickly you found all of those things! And all of the options! These are wonderful! I think that the purse you listed from Ellington will be [i]perfect[/i]. Its definitely big enough, simple, and looks like it will last for a long time.

I hadn't even thought about getting a digital alarm clock... what a great idea! I hate trying to read my watch in the middle of the night, and trying to make my brain work well enough to figure out what time it is (lol). Digital is definitely the way to go. I think they sell the moleskin brand at barnes and noble... maybe I will go check it out sometime in person and see if that address book is a good fit.

Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate your research. I will let you know if there are any other things I struggle to find :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, candidate and Deepa_Tea!!

Here's a new challenge for all you Trousseau sleuths: I need to find the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours in Spanish.

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If you look here, you can buy the volumes individually and might be able to save a few bucks if you can get them individually for $48-50 (if they have free shipping).

Here, they have the full set.

I would make sure that you're getting the edition your Sisters recommend. This is a mexican/colombian edition.

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Check with your sisters for the EXACT set they want you to have (get an ISBN if you can get it...) and then you will know twhat to look for. My bet is that they want you to have this one:


Be sure to ask if they have a COLOR preference - some communities want black, others don't want any gold edging...

Once you now what you want, get a religious goods store to oreder it -- see if the Daughters of St. Paul can get it for you if no one else can.... they are international and probably can do it easily. They have also been OK with our Secular Order members committing to buy the 4 volumes but buying them one at a time at the 4 volulme rate... whhich has been a wonderful deal!

One other thing -- it may take some time to get it, so start ASAP.

The other option would be to see if your Community can get it and you reimburse them for it.... just a thought.

Edited by AnneLine
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is anyone planning on entering having to get phone cards? I'm looking for some recommendations.

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Oh, that's a good idea. I don't have any suggestions unfortunately unless you have a look on Ebay and see if you can get them a little cheaper

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This is Scary, Lisa has nothing! oh em gee Lisa you go for Aspirancy week in less than a month!!!

How excited are you?

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oh my goodness. You have no idea. I'm so ready to spend time with the sisters, the others entering, and just to be "in" the convent.
God has blessed me so tremendously!!!!

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I'm not entering until next August but I just got my list...I may be stalking this thread in the future...

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Can anyone help with the search for an insurance provider? I've been looking and whoa! these options are outrageously priced.

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