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I used to be shy....and very reserved.

I still consider myself an introvert, but I find myself doing more of the approaching, and talking when it comes to everyday conversation between strangers to the point I can't classify myself as shy anymore. I'm still reserved, but in a good sense.

I can't pinpoint my change to any specific instance, but rather just a gradual process over the past 5-7 years.

There is nothing inherently wrong with being shy or reserved. However if you want people to talk to you more, sometimes your going to need to break the comfort zone. This takes practice....asking an additional question when you don't necessarily want to, or saying something extra.

That being said, don't be what your not.......at the end of the day, it's worth being yourself, and not a pseudo-you.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' timestamp='1329808238' post='2390506']

I can't pinpoint my change to any specific instance, but rather just a gradual process over the past 5-7 years.

I think there is an exponetial decrese in shyness because the older I am the faster I learn to not be shy (though i am still very shy) lol!

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When I was little I was extremely outgoing, but in jr. high I suddenly became quite shy. Once peole get to know me i loosen up a lot. I never really loosen up all the way though because of my tourette syndrome. Well never say never but rarely. I was worried that I might be too shy for the youth ministry commitee, but my sister was with me and that really helped. Everyone being familiar with the settings is key to breaking in with a new crowd. And the Youth ministry commitee has been one of the best things ever to happen to me. What's a body shot? Or should I ask the my supervisor at the bar?

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I used to be painfully shy and introverted. Now I'm just introverted. Shy can keep you from doing things out of fear. The more you do things outside of your comfort zone the less shy you become. Working with the public started it for me, and then being a Mom.

But I am still an introvert. That is my personality. I don't think I need to correct it. Being an introvert means that I process things internally. I need to figure things out in my own mind before I seek feeback. I need to be alone sometimes. I don't do well with large groups of people, not because I'm shy, but because its so much to process. I do not enjoy being the center of attention, nor will you find me trying to grab for it. I'm much more content in the background. But, that still doesn't make me shy.

Shyness (fear) kept me from goals and dreams when I was young. Shyness can be part of self esteem, or some other fear. Appropriate anxiety regarding a fearful situation is ok. That is part of our "fight or flight" response that keeps us out of danger. Butterflies in your stomach when you have to speak in public, etc. But if your shyness becomes a fear that keeps you from doing something, then you need to do something about it.

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I'm strongly introverted. Meeting new people isn't easy for me. I need time to warm up to people or just feel comfortable in the place. I haven't been able to bond with the people at my school I've been at for the past two years. I feel like the awkward odd duck here.

I pledged for the new Catholic sorority last year and thought that things were going well with them. Then all of a sudden I was told that "I didn't put myself out there enough" even though I thought that I had been. I had spent time at the mall with some of them even though I don't even like shopping and did some other activities with the girls outside of pledge meetings. I participated a lot in the prayer meeting discussions and gave lots of ideas to the chaplain for what we could do as a sorority which she said that she liked. I was the only one not to get in. Hopefully before I graduate in May, I'll be able to get closure from them on what happened. They didn't even tell us that we could get rejected or that they were considering me not letting me join. It came out of the bleu.

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[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1329848972' post='2390689']
I used to be painfully shy and introverted. Now I'm just introverted. Shy can keep you from doing things out of fear. The more you do things outside of your comfort zone the less shy you become. Working with the public started it for me, and then being a Mom.

But I am still an introvert. That is my personality. I don't think I need to correct it. Being an introvert means that I process things internally. I need to figure things out in my own mind before I seek feeback. I need to be alone sometimes. I don't do well with large groups of people, not because I'm shy, but because its so much to process. I do not enjoy being the center of attention, nor will you find me trying to grab for it. I'm much more content in the background. But, that still doesn't make me shy.

pretty much the same for me :)

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  • 9 months later...

To some people shyness can come off as being a snob... I'm a little shy too (believe it or not). I got into a situation where this one girl was telling me how her and her boyfriend were living together and she doesn't know if they will get married. She also said that young people now a days don't get married and guess what I did, nothing... I didn't tell her that not getting married is not right because of being shy, I allowed my shyness to get in the way of doing what is right as a fellow Christian.

With that being said, don't let your shyness hinder you in following the path of Christ and righteousness.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1329757246' post='2390033']
Perhaps I am old fashioned, but a shy girl is much more appealing than the girl encouraging/welcoming doing body shots.

Shoot... I knew there was a reason why I'm not married!

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i am the introvert's introvert, and always have been. I am not, however, shy. In fact I have no stage fright at all. I am glad that someone has already introduced the difference between shyness and introversion. I find that the biggest problem with being an introvert is the people who decide that it is a "problem" that has to be "fixed". I do not need to be "helped out of my shell" and will gladly hand you your head if you try.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1329680602' post='2389472']
Is Shyness a blessing from God or a cross he wishes you to carry? I am VERY shy. Others always think I'm weird at first ( before they know me) because I'm just so shy and reserved. I often wonder why I am so shy. Did God want me to use this trait for something or is it a cross he wishes for me to carry? I know in our society many people are extroverts and can't relate to shy people. Any thoughts?

Shyness is a choice that you make. Stop piling everything on God. I'm naturally introverted. If you are willing to move outside of your comfort zone then there is nothing to stop you.

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[quote name='Staretz' timestamp='1353900544' post='2516670']
i am the introvert's introvert, and always have been. I am not, however, shy. In fact I have no stage fright at all. I am glad that someone has already introduced the difference between shyness and introversion. I find that the biggest problem with being an introvert is the people who decide that it is a "problem" that has to be "fixed". I do not need to be "helped out of my shell" and will gladly hand you your head if you try.

I'm surprised you you're calling yourself an introvert, just by you saying what you said proves that you're not a real introvert. Introverts keep their opinions and thoughts to themselves, you just did the opposite.

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[quote name='Freedom' timestamp='1353902422' post='2516715']

I'm surprised [s]you[/s] you're calling yourself an introvert, just by you saying what you said proves that you're not a real introvert. Introverts keep their opinions and thoughts to themselves, you just did the opposite.


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Seeing as how this thread has been resurrected and I don't want to sleep yet, I guess I'll just ramble on about my personality!

I am extremely extroverted. To call me introverted would be laughable. I used to think I was introverted, but the reality is my stuttering made me afraid to talk to people, which was bad for me because I am extroverted, and I can imagine being as quiet as I was over the years was harmful to me. However, I recently decided to not let my stuttering hold me back and I have been much more social lately. I feel so much happier, and my speaking has even improved, interestingly enough (Though it hasn't been too dreadful for the past year). If I could recommend anything, I would definitely say just be yourself. If you are shy, amesome! You'll be happier that way, though we can't make the mistake of letting shyness run your life. Sometimes we have to overcome shyness in order to make the first move or to do something that we have to do. But generally shy isn't particularly a bad thing. You don't have to be extroverted to be happy.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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