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Phatmass Confirmandi 2012!


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I posted this in Open Mic too, but I figured I would post it here in case it gets lost in Open Mic.

Are any Phatmassers being Confirmed this year other than myself? I wanted to make a list and then post it so we can all pray for each other.

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God Bless all those who will be Confirmed! I remember mine well. Confirmandi of 2005!

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I might this year, but I'm not positive. I'm studying for it right now!

[size=2]i'm home teached (:[/size]

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I was confirmed more than twenty years ago (now I feel really old) but I'll certainly pray for everyone about to make their confirmation.

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I was confirmed on April 29th, 1998! I don't remember it that much because it didn't really matter to me at the time, but now it's special and I LOVE that it was on the Feast Day of St. Catherine of Siena. ;)

Prayers for all the new confirmation candidates!

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I was 2008, I was a late one at 17. I've never been able to remember the exact day but I know it was in December. I had to take mine at a different parish from my usual one because I was away when my parish held Confirmation.

EDIT: Okay so I've just looked it up and it must have been the 7th because I was on vacation most of that winter. And much to my excitement, it's the feast day of Saint Ambrose and one of the religious names I want to submit to the Mother Abbess is Mary Ambrose. Funny how things work!

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I might have a brother that going to be confirmed this year. For mine, I don`t remember it to much. For some, it meant that they took a big step in life and they do not have to go to church ever again. While others, like myself, goes to Mass every Sunday (Saturday, if I have work) and holy days, even if they land on a Monday or a Saturday.

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So far the list is:


Come on Confirmadi!!??

Oh, and BTW, I am LOVING all the Confirmation stories going on over here!! :heart:

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I think I was a confirmandi for about 10 minutes. :smile4: . I'm an "adult" convert so I got all three sacraments at the Easter Vigil. April 24th 2011!

(Yes, I'm a "baby Catholic")

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I don't really remember too much about it. The Bishop was lovely. In Ireland we're also encouraged during the Confirmation mass (although its a private pledge) to make a Pioneer's pledge. This means we promise to abstain from alcohol until we turn eighteen.

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