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If You Died Tonight Where Would You Go - How Would You Respond


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How would you respond - If you died 2nite where would you go? Heaven or hell? This seems to be the most critical question for the Once Saved Always Saved crowd.
They make hay of people who say "well I would hope Jesus will take in to account the good that I have done". You gotta be sure of your salvation. So how would you answer?

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Well, the virtue of Hope means we must trust that God will provide for us the means to salvation. I try to keep my Hope alive as much as possible, but it's hard when I continually fail to accept the means to salvation offered to me every day. I'm still learning, and I still struggle with some serious sins. For me, I have very good reason to a) avoid death and b) get my butt in the confessional as often as possible.

If a Fundie wanted to ask me about this I'd say "Gee, depends on if I've been to Confession recently, and if not, if I'd have adequate time to make my act of contrition before dropping dead. But hey, at least I have a plan, right?" Only half joking here. Obviously I try not to live with that attitude when it occurs to me, but knowing me, it's what I'd probably have to say on the average day.

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Also, I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't mind them "making hay" of me, since I kinda need people to encourage my path to holiness.

EDIT: If I was feeling snarky I could say "Oh, I'd probably go to hell. Ask me again on Saturday, after I leave Confession. Then you better keep asking me every day, so I don't slip up. That'd be good."

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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1329441644' post='2388224']
I would be happy there are no baggage fees.

And no lines and full body scanners. :P

Seriously in answer to the question. Being realistic if I'm fortunate purgatory. If not the eternal fires of Hell.

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I don't know where I would go but I would trust in the mercy and love of God and the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. It isn't important for me to 'know', only to trust. If I had time before death, I would make a confession, receive Last Rites, pray the Rosary and ask for Our Lady's intercession, and then leave the rest up to God. If I didn't have time, I would simply commend my soul to God.

No one can 'know'.

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I don't know where I will end up. That is why I pray the Jesus Prayer; have mercy on me, a sinner.

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Archaeology cat

The people asking that won't accept an answer of Purgatory (in part due to misunderstanding Purgatory). They tend to think it's sad that Catholics don't absolutely know, because we use language of "hope" because we do not presume upon God's mercy (or shouldn't). In my opinion, the first thing that needs to be done is to address the assumption of OSAS, though of course those out asking that likely don't want to have that convo and will keep pressing the Heston, but maybe not. Been awhile since I lived in that environment. ;)

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1329417218' post='2388003']
How would you respond - If you died 2nite where would you go? Heaven or hell? This seems to be the most critical question for the Once Saved Always Saved crowd.
They make hay of people who say "well I would hope Jesus will take in to account the good that I have done". You gotta be sure of your salvation. So how would you answer?

I usually respond with something to the effect of hoping to be saved, working out my salvation with fear and trembling, and various allusions to the fact that because I live within the space-time-continuum that my whole life is a series of choices for and against God, and our process of making said choices ends with the end of our lives. Because many supernatural beings live in an ever-present now, they're the ones that would be more fitting for a "once saved always saved" sort of mentality. Then I'd ask why the person is quickly walking away from me...

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[quote][size="4"][font=Times New Roman]You do not have enough trust. You have too much fear before the good God. I can assure you that He is grieved over this. You should not fear Purgatory because of the suffering there, but should instead ask that you not deserve to go there in order to please God, Who so reluctantly imposes this punishment. As soon as you try to please Him in everything and have an unshakable trust He purifies you every moment in His love and He lets no sin remain. And then you can be sure that you will not have to go to Purgatory[/font][/size][/quote]

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