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Father Corapi


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[b]Although we were all were shocked and hurt when we heard about Father Corapi, we must admit that he had warned us, in his talk on (he Devil's Assault on the Priesthood), "Do not be surprised if you wake up tomorrow, and I am slumped over, half dead in a Crack House". He was explaining how powerful the devil is and that the devil target's our Priest's who bring us the Eucharist. We need to pray for not only this man but for [u]all of our Priests[/u], Daily, because It's from their hands, that bring us the Eucharist!!!!!![/b]

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I do not believe that we are to call him Father any more, and I also don't know if discussion of his recent circumstances are permitted on this forum.

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[right]O Jesus, I pray for your faithful and fervent priests, for the unfaithful and tepid ones; for those laboring at home and abroad in distant mission fields; for those who are tempted; for those who are lonely and desolate; for those who are in purgatory. But, above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me; the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests who instructed me or helped me by their encouragement. I pray devoutly for all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way, in particular for... O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen.[/right]
[right](prayer attributed to St. Therese of Lisieux)[/right]

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1329188266' post='2386711']
[right]O Jesus, I pray for your faithful and fervent priests, for the unfaithful and tepid ones; for those laboring at home and abroad in distant mission fields; for those who are tempted; for those who are lonely and desolate; for those who are in purgatory. But, above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me; the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests who instructed me or helped me by their encouragement. I pray devoutly for all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way, in particular for... O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen.[/right]
[right](prayer attributed to St. Therese of Lisieux)[/right]

From The Testament of St. Francis:
“…the Lord gave me, and gives me still, such faith in priests who live according to the rite of the holy Roman Church because of their orders that, were they to persecute me, I would still want to have recourse to them…..And I act in this way because, in this world, I see nothing physically of the most high Son of God except His most holy Body and Blood which they receive and they alone administer to others. I want to have these most holy mysteries honoured and venerated above all things and I want to reserve them in precious places.”

Edited by cappie
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Grant, O Lord, that every hand laid upon you at the altar may be a friendly hand, whose touch is tender and consoling as Joseph's was; that the lips which form so many sacred words may never be profaned by frivolous or unworthy speech; that priests may guard, even in the noisy streets of the city, the impress of their noble functions, the bright token that they have but lately come down from your holy mountain; and in their garments the fragrance of the altar, that everyone may find them living memorials of you, accessible to all, yet more than other men.

Grant that they may contract from the Mass of today a hunger and thirst for the Mass of the morrow, that the sacred anticipation be their last thought at night and your tender summons their first awareness in the morning; that your priests, filled with you and your good gifts, may give largely to the rest of men who look to you. Amen.

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I've googled trying to find some information on the man. Nobody knows a thing. He has disappeared, and that is worrisome. [url="../../index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends#"]:pray:[/url]

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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1329441352' post='2388217']
I've googled trying to find some information on the man. Nobody knows a thing. He has disappeared, and that is worrisome. :pray:
it isn't worrisome if he is doing as his superior had asked him to, at the beginning of this fiasco. :) i pray that he is praying, and reflecting on his vows as a priest, and ordering himself rightly to God again.

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He is the reason my wife is Catholic, but his disappearance was by choice. I refuse to speculate other than he voluntarily chose not to go by "Father" anymore and I think we should leave him out of the news as much as possible to keep from spreading any scandal attached to him.

Edited by qfnol31
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I agree. Pray for his soul that God may take it over powerfully. That the Holy Spirit will guide him in all that he needs to do. Pray. Pray Hard. Pray for all priests.

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