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Obama's War On The Church


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I was thinking about his assertion that 98% of Catholics are using birth control. First off, I doubt that 98% of Catholics are of child bearing age. Of those that are of child bearing age, 10-15% are infertile. That's 5th grade math. Maybe they didn't teach percentages in his Muslim grade school.

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Perhaps Pelosi should consider the fact that the Church would rather call itself a fool in the eyes of men (and women) than a fool in the eyes of God.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1329351744' post='2387731']
Make no mistake.

This HHS mandate is simply a strategic first step, and ultimately the goal is not about contraception, which was never really an issue.

Contraceptives can be obtained cheaply and easily everywhere, and there have been no complaints filed by women against Catholic employers not covering their contraception.

But this is the first step. If Obama and the radical feminist, pro-abort lobby he is beholden to can successfully mandate that all employers must provide insurance to pay for contraception (including pills that are in actuality abortifacients) regardless of the religious beliefs of employers, then they can next require that they cover abortion pills such as RU-486 (since, after all, the courts have declared abortion a "constitutional right"), then dictate that they cover flat-out surgical abortions.

That's not a "slippery-slope" fallacy, but similar to the legal process that led up to Roe v. Wade.

Team Obama knows exactly what it's up to on this one. Don't be fooled; he really is "all that bad."

I actually agree with Soc....uh oh...

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1329694168' post='2389651']
nice to know you can be trained.

my fiancee is currently training me to put the seat down after I use the potty. I don't quite understand why I have to do it--there's just as much chance (if not more) that it will be me going in there to use the facilities, and why should I have to bend down to lift the seat in order to do so? Feminism is lamesauce!

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1329696797' post='2389687']
next time i'm in O, she's coming right? She is coolness

Yessir! She was jealous of my night out when you were here, and will definitely want to tag along next time!

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[quote name='add' timestamp='1329580085' post='2388939']

Dear nancy,
This was not a hearing on women's rights, it was a hearing about religious rights.
it's religious rights that are being infringed upon here...

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Obama has proven that he has no intention of protecting the church's values in any way, shape, or form. Not only did he stand before Notre Dame graduates and say that he would ( protect religious conscience) but he lied to the Pope! Catholics should NOT vote for him again if they care one bit about the church the say they love. I know I will not vote for him!

Check this out! :

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Catholics shouldn't have voted for him the first time. Anyone stupid enough to vote for him once is so massively stupid that they are unlikely to overcome their incredible stupidity and not vote for him, this time.

Those not voting for him generally will reject him because the economy isn't shifted into yet another unsustainable bubble. Not because they realized his policies are a complete freaking disaster, or because they realized he's yet another stooge continuing the alliance between big business and government. Not because they have had any meaningful political realizations, but just because government didn't magically fix every flooping problem with regulations and policies and all that other croutons sheep think government can do, if it just adds more laws. Luckily, some are enamoured with not having war, so they will vote Ron Paul.

But he supports the social safety net, Winnie! And calling people stupid is mean!

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WASHINGTON, D.C., March 2, 2012, ([url="http://lifesitenews.com/"]LifeSiteNews.com[/url]) – Under new guidelines issued by the Obama administration, immigration agents [url="http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/01/transgender-hormone-treatments-abortion-access-for-detained-illegals-irks-congressman/?print=1"]must provide taxpayer-funded abortion services[/url], transportation to the abortion clinic, and transgender hormone therapy for illegal aliens awaiting deportation.
The policy overhaul is contained in the [url="http://www.lifesitenews.com/images/pdfs/pbnds2011.pdf"]Performance-Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) of 2011[/url], issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a part of the Department of Homeland Security.

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Why am I looking in this thread? It's ruining my Lent.... Cause all I want to do is (I won't say it here, public forum and all) But seriously, the ridiculous croutons that this lady and her colleagues are spewing make me sick to my stomach.

And I have my opinion of the president and those who voted for him but I already got my list of stuff to confess and I don't wish to add to it.

Edited because in my anger, I left out a word or two. Fingers couldn't keep up.

Edited by HopefulBride
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