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The Character Of A President - Affairs, Newt, Clinton Etc


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1328830974' post='2384532']
Yes indeed. Whatever would we do with a group of elites who are incompetent at best, and more likely just outright evil, to run every aspect of our lives? ^_^

Yup, thank God for big government! <- That was a joke of course, the constitution in its forming was written to limit the role of government in our lives, it allows for specific rights of the individual and specific rights for individual states. Liberals/socialists/progressives always tend to either outright trample those rights or work to diminish or remove them.

Obama is the most offensive in this tendency I have ever seen, he has engaged us in two wars without congressional support, the only time it has ever been done in our history, and this from a Nobel Peace Prize recipient plus he writes presidential mandates, or Executive Orders at an alarming rate to bypass those we elect to represent us.


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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1328838356' post='2384586']
What exactly separates a man who has sinned and says "I am sorry, i will try to sin no more", and a man who has sinned and says "i have a new religion, i will try to sin no more?"

Especially when the religion he held during all the affairs specifically prohibits adultery just as much as his new religion?

Im sorry, but you dont automatically become a new good person when you sign up to be a catholic.

The seperation would be the Sacrament of Absolution and Penance, confessing your sins to a priest acting in the capacity of Christ and His Apostles as he comanded them to go out and forgive men their sins. I believe that we are the only faith that has the Sacrament, most others believe they are saved irregardless of how they act.


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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1328767675' post='2384127']
Ed -

You've misunderstood me, and so has Anomaly. dairygurl4u2c may be talking about Newt Gingrich in particular, but I am specifically talking about "one" - any politician (she also mentions Clinton - we could throw in JFK, Arnold Schwartzenegger, that guy from south Carolina (?) who was having an affair with an Argentinian, and any number of other people), any public figure, any person in general. I never said a word about Newt Gingrich. READ, dude - with both eyes!

In my experience, I have known ordinary people - not just politicians or public figures - who seemed like nice guys, married, father of (up to) 9, pillar-of-the-community Catholic, attended church weekly and retreat annually, respected in their professions, etc..... who have left their wives - for the nurse who worked in their office, for a younger woman, for whatever. Obviously, these men were able to mask parts of their character - very important parts.

So I want to evaluate a candidate by her/his character, but I find it extremely difficult to do.

I also said I [i]feel[/i] like [b]I[/b] should forgive past indiscretions. But if a person has successfully hidden important parts of her/his character in the past, how can[b] I [/b]tell if s/he's really reformed now, instead of just hiding important parts of her/his character again?

I'm accusing [b]myself[/b] of being un-Christian and [b]I'm[/b] accepting the blame for being un-Christian - I know I should forgive (and forget), but I can't. I - Luigi - personally - not all people everywhere - usually feel that they're maybe just containing themselves a little better for now (but that more indiscretions may pop up at any moment) or that they're just hiding their indiscretions better these days.

No, I cant' read character like Padre Pio - would that I could! But I also can't forgive like Jesus did.

BTW, Jesus never had to choose whether to support the Pharisees, the Saducees, or the Romans, either.

Luigi, perhaps you should read more carefully yourself, even using both eyes dude!, I specifically quoted your words and added my reply, never mentioned Newt when addressing you my friend, just your condemnation of those who have sinned and your statement ending with [b]how you are is pretty much how you always are[/b]. That is why i said it was a shame and referred to the saints, how they were did not define what they became.

From what I recall, Jesus scolded the Phariseees, supported the romans by commanding give to caeser what is caesers, and cleansed the temple of the saduccees, seemed like He did make choices...


Edited by Ed Normile
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[quote name='Anomaly' timestamp='1328793471' post='2384184']
Ed, I was referring to Newt being on his third marriage after having affairs while he is married. You call him a womanizer yourself.

I'm not a religous person, but I have personal standards of moral behavior. Repeatedly breaking marriage vows is a huge betrayal of personal trust and solemn promises. People always make mistakes and screw up, however, repeatedly making the same serious bad choice is another matter. Granted, it's a personal and subjective opinion, but it is stupid to ignore the gravity and frequency of bad behavior in the context of a political office they're asking to be elected to. I personally have a ton of [u]respect and love [/u]of certain people I know who are on their second or third marriage, have children out of wedlock, but I'm not evaluating them to hold public office that requires a great amount of public trust.

I could also call the Apostle Paul a womanizer and a murderer and persecutor of christians, because he [b]WAS[/b], then he was blinded which allowed him to see....


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1328839530' post='2384598']
I could also call the Apostle Paul a womanizer and a murderer and persecutor of christians, because he [b]WAS[/b], then he was blinded which allowed him to see....

[/quote]Point taken. Well, I may have a different opinion after God knocks Newt off his high horse and blinds him.

But Apostle Paul wasn't running for Mayor Of Jerusalem and looking for votes either.

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