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Earn Free Phatmass Merch! *** New Prizes For Anybody!


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Here's how it works...

In this thread, you "sign up" for a specific Defense Directory section, to transfer links from the OLD Defense directory ([url="http://www.phatmass.com/directory/index.php"]here[/url]), to the NEW Defense Directory ([url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/links/"]here[/url]).

You have 30 days to complete the task. If you are successful, I will send you ANY item phatmass sells, PLUS a special secret bonus prize that may or may not be worth up to $500, with the chances of it being worthless far greater.

Bible and Scripture ---------------------------Assigned to: [color=#008000][b]dominicansoul [/b][/color]
[color=#d3d3d3][s]The Church (Ecclesiology)----------------------Assigned to: [b]Hot Stuff[/b][/s][/color]
The Church's History --------------------------Assigned to: [color=#008000][b]TheresaThoma[/b][/color]
[color=#d3d3d3][s]Peter and the Papacy --------------------------Assigned to: [b]Oremoose[/b][/s][/color]
[s]Sacraments and Sacramentals -------------------Assigned to: [b][color=#008000]Lil Red[/color][/b][/s]
Mary ------------------------------------------Assigned to: [b][color=#008000]BigJon16[/color][/b]
[s]End Times and Last Things (Eschatology) -------Assigned to: [b][color=#008000]MissScripture[/color][/b][/s]
[color=#d3d3d3][s]Faith and Science -----------------------------Assigned to: [b]Deus_te_Amat[/b][/s][/color]
[color=#282828]Prayer, Devotion and Spirituality -------------Assigned to: [/color][b][color=#008000]the_rev[/color][/b]
Other Religions--------------------------------Assigned to: [b][color=#008000]USAirwaysIHS[/color][/b]
[s]Life, Morality, Ethics and Sex ----------------Assigned to: [b][color=#008000]MissyP89[/color][/b][/s]

The "sign up" will be first come first served, but if you do not complete the task in 30 days the task will be given to someone else, and you may or may not receive a consolation prize for your feeble efforts.


1. Go to the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/directory/index.php"]old[/url] Defense Directory and find the categories that best correspond to the new categories (in the section you signed up for).
2. Find a link that has not been transferred yet, copy the URL.
3. Go to the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/links/"]new[/url] Defense Directory and navigate to the category the link belongs in.
4. Click the "Submit New Link" button.
5. Copy the link URL, and Title the link appropriately. For the title, always use the actual title of the article you are linking to.
6. Include a short description. A good practice is using the author's name and the first few sentences of the article.


In addition to giving prizes to people for completing their section, I will also give the same prize to the [b]top 3 link submitters[/b] who did not sign up for any particular section.
What section should you do? Anyone you want! You will not only be trying to get a prize for yourself, you will also be helping that section owner get their prize too![/b][/color]


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Peter and the Papacy --------------------------Assigned to: Oremoose
Mary ------------------------------------------Assigned to: BigJon16
End Times and Last Things (Eschatology) -------Assigned to: MissScripture

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Seminarians love free stuff! I will have some free time over spring break this month, so I'll volunteer for Prayer, Devotion and Spirituality.

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