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The More Planned Parenthood Speaks Up. The More We See The Vitriol


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[quote name='Righteous Anger' timestamp='1328509099' post='2382140']
I'm not sure what you are asking, but suffice it to say the Western World, especially, must learn to keep the legs closed.

The problem is the lustful boys. All those naughty boys who need to be disciplined. They really need a good spanking. That would tame the fire. I understand where you're coming from, Righteous Anger. We should talk about it over drinks sometimes. An, maybe later over, over coffee, at your place.

Edited by Hasan
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Hassan, just as an opinion question, do you really think the organization is genuinely concerned with the physical and mental well-being of the poor women they serve? Not every jack and jill that volunteers there, but the people who call the shots, who turn the gears of this whole shebang.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1328558416' post='2382479']
Hassan, just as an opinion question, do you really think the organization is genuinely concerned with the physical and mental well-being of the poor women they serve? Not every jack and jill that volunteers there, but the people who call the shots, who turn the gears of this whole shebang.

Even though this was directed at Hassan, I am gonna answer for myself.


I think they are trying to do what they believe is the best thing for the people they serve. That's the problem--you're dealing with people who have a distorted worldview, which believes that the woman's "health" and "rights" supercedes those of the child within her womb. We, of course, have a different opinion on that matter, which puts our opinion of what's "best" at odds with theirs.

Now, I know there will be those who say something lame, such as "Hitler's death camps were his attempt at 'helping' Germans." Needless to say, I disagree.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1328508045' post='2382125']
Right. Those racist, sex-trade peddling, murderous, liars were real meanies to you.

This is why this thread is difficult to take seriously. Right here. You just made a generalized insinuation that the people of planned parenthood are racists, support the sex trade and mass murderers of blacks. And their motives for waging this terrifying campaign are quite mysterious because they are in fact totally disingenuous as they are not merely misguided, but rather don't even really intend to help women. Buy, in an act of vitriol so grave that surely it cries out to heaven for vengeance, that murderous cabal allowed an enthusiast on a support site to publish a letter of defiance that refers to you are your compatriots as 'anti-woman.'

I'm not insinuating anything. I'll just give you the facts

Planned Parenthood is disproportionally located in African American Neighborhoods

The problem
is that, according to the formula used in the AGI
study, not one of these Planned Parenthood facilities
would show up in their report as being located in the
black community despite the reality that 83% of
them were located there. http://www.lifenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LifeDynamicsRacialReport.pdf


The result of PP being so invested in the "health" of African American Women, this group is responsible for 37% of all abortions in America. Even though African American women only represent 13% of the female population. As a result abortion has killed more African Americans than cancer, heart disease, violent crime, or any other cause of death. Abortion is the #1 killer of African Americans

This is not health care. This is zero population growth.

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There are those who work or volunteer for Planned Parenthood who genuinely want to help the women and then there are those like one woman in a documentary called Blood Money confessed that she was in it to make money. She even revealed techniques they used to trick women into getting abortions when they were not even pregnant.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1328508045' post='2382125']
Right. Those racist, sex-trade peddling, murderous, liars were real meanies to you.

This is why this thread is difficult to take seriously. Right here. You just made a generalized insinuation that the people of planned parenthood are racists, support the sex trade and mass murderers of blacks. And their motives for waging this terrifying campaign are quite mysterious because they are in fact totally disingenuous as they are not merely misguided, but rather don't even really intend to help women. Buy, in an act of vitriol so grave that surely it cries out to heaven for vengeance, that murderous cabal allowed an enthusiast on a support site to publish a letter of defiance that refers to you are your compatriots as 'anti-woman.'

Part II of no insinuations



Are you ready to take this seriously yet Hasan? I'm not making this stuff up. I've researched this and then researched it again. Any organization that has paid employees giving support to statuatory rape and the sex trafficking of minors can not claim to be interested in protecting women's health.

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1328570954' post='2382625']
Are you ready to take this seriously yet Hasan? I'm not making this stuff up. I've researched this and then researched it again. Any organization that has paid employees giving support to statuatory rape and the sex trafficking of minors can not claim to be interested in protecting women's health.

I'm ready to take it seriously. And in fact I'm ready to full accept that your argument is valid and that Planned Parenthood is indeed systematically all the things you decry it to be. As soon as you apply the same logic you just applied here to Planned Parenthood to the Church. Of course you won't. Because you are not presenting a reasonable argument. The logic is hopelessly flawed and you'd be only too happy to point out why if I said that the sex abuse scandal, the cover up of which was far and away more systematic than the behavior displayed by these few employees which was quickly denounced by Planned Parenthood, proves that the Church on an institutional level does not care about Children.

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1328570571' post='2382620']
I'm not insinuating anything.

Fine. You are overtly slandering thousands of people of whose intentions you know nothing. You language was far more inflammatory then the single objectionable statement in the latter decrying anti-abortion zealots as 'anti-woman'. She was wrong too. I'm not defending her claiming that everybody opposed to reproductive rights and birth control are ant-woman (in intention, they very arguably are in effect). But you claiming that her statements are vitriolic is somewhat hypocritical in light of that charges you've made in this thread. Unless you consider your own rhetoric vitriolic.

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1328558416' post='2382479']
Hassan, just as an opinion question, do you really think the organization is genuinely concerned with the physical and mental well-being of the poor women they serve? Not every jack and jill that volunteers there, but the people who call the shots, who turn the gears of this whole shebang.


Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1328570740' post='2382622']
There are those who work or volunteer for Planned Parenthood who genuinely want to help the women and then there are those like one woman in a documentary called Blood Money confessed that she was in it to make money. She even revealed techniques they used to trick women into getting abortions when they were not even pregnant.

I have a confession to make: I work at my restaurant for the sole purpose of making money. Good thing that every employed individual in the world shares my nefarious motivations, regardless of whether or not they work at Planned Parenthood.

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1328570571' post='2382620']
I'm not insinuating anything. I'll just give you the facts

Planned Parenthood is disproportionally located in African American Neighborhoods

You think that might have something to do to the disproportionate needs in that community? The whole supply-and-demand thing?

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1328572855' post='2382638']
Fine. You are overtly slandering thousands of people of whose intentions you know nothing. You language was far more inflammatory then the single objectionable statement in the latter decrying anti-abortion zealots as 'anti-woman'. She was wrong too. I'm not defending her claiming that everybody opposed to reproductive rights and birth control are ant-woman (in intention, they very arguably are in effect). But you claiming that her statements are vitriolic is somewhat hypocritical in light of that charges you've made in this thread. Unless you consider your own rhetoric vitriolic.


I'm not slandering thousands of people. I'm not slandering even one. I'm calling out an organization. And I'm calling out the woman's letter because Planned Parenthood promotes her letter as a good thing.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1328572517' post='2382636']
I'm ready to take it seriously. And in fact I'm ready to full accept that your argument is valid and that Planned Parenthood is indeed systematically all the things you decry it to be. As soon as you apply the same logic you just applied here to Planned Parenthood to the Church. Of course you won't. Because you are not presenting a reasonable argument. The logic is hopelessly flawed and you'd be only too happy to point out why if I said that the sex abuse scandal, the cover up of which was far and away more systematic than the behavior displayed by these few employees which was quickly denounced by Planned Parenthood, proves that the Church on an institutional level does not care about Children.

You pick on one (and rightly so) issue of the Church that the Church should have resolved better. I'm against the entirety of Planned Parenthood. It does not provide health care that it claims to. It is disproportionally in black neighborhoods and that direct effect is the disproportionate amount of African Americans.

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[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1328574379' post='2382655']
I'm not slandering thousands of people. I'm not slandering even one. I'm calling out an organization. And I'm calling out the woman's letter because Planned Parenthood promotes her letter as a good thing.

An organization is a social relationship between individuals. Organizations cannot be disingenuous, murderous racists. Only the individuals in that organization can.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1328574571' post='2382658']

An organization is a social relationship between individuals. Organizations cannot be disingenuous, murderous racists. Only the individuals in that organization can.
[/quote]Hasan, just to throw in a quick point, but the letter actually disagrees with you on that point. The woman calls this more than an organization. It's also a movement.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1328574262' post='2382654']
I have a confession to make: I work at my restaurant for the sole purpose of making money. Good thing that every employed individual in the world shares my nefarious motivations, regardless of whether or not they work at Planned Parenthood.

You think that might have something to do to the disproportionate needs in that community? The whole supply-and-demand thing?

No it has everything to do with the mission of Planned Parenthood.

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