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Do Not Give Your Money To Komen...no, Not Even Now


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I think a lot of us in the pro-life movement are getting a little bit carried away in our support for SGK's recent decision. Yes, it is nice that they will no longer be giving money to Planned Parenthood. But there are lots of issues that haven't been addressed as of yet.[list]
[*]SGK has been adamant from the word "go" that this is not a political move. Maybe they're being honest, and maybe they're full of it. The fact is that they have publicly said "this isn't about politics." In other words, we could interpret that as "don't get excited, we're not taking your side here." And they aren't. It's not like they are reallocating their resources to a crisis pregnancy center. Even if this is about politics, they're still taking (at best) a politically neutral position.
[*]What they did base their decision on was their new standards for handing out grant money. They've also mentioned that Planned Parenthood could still be a partner again in the future.
[*]The Planned Parenthood in Denver has been granted an exception--[i]they are still getting SGK grants. [/i]I fear that SGK is leaving the entire pro-life movement duped, without even trying.
[*]There is a lot about SGK that makes my skin crawl. I'm fine with fighting breast cancer (of course I am, duh) but I'm not okay with 6th graders wearing thick rubber braclets that say "feel your ta-tas" or "save second base." A lot of people will disagree with this, but I feel that they are using sex to sell their cause--that is why they focus on breast cancer. Sex should never be used as an instrument for selling anything.
[*]I know we want to support SGK against the wave of trollish rebellion from Planned Parenthood. As it stands, their donations have increased by 100% over the last two days, so the extra cash will help them deal with all of the hate-mail and youtube-level combox trolling. I think they are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch.
[*]Above all else, there are dozens of other charities that really and obviously deserve our help--especially when looking at it from a Catholic point of view. CRS and Catholic Charities are the obvious ones. If you specifically want to help cancer victims, there are a few of those as well. I might as well give our friend PhatCatholic a cheap plug while I'm at it right here: http://phatcatholic.blogspot.com/2010/10/alternatives-to-susan-g-komen.html.
My view is that Catholics would be well advised to avoid giving their hard-earned dollars to SGK, despite the positive recent news. I'm very happy that they are severing ties, but they either are still very razzle dazzle with Planned Parenthood, or are lying through their teeth. Neither is acceptable. Furthermore, there is definitely a non-zero chance that they will once again give to Planned Parenthood in the future. It's not a good idea to take that chance. $363.2 million per year in tax dollars is enough.

Peas and carrots, yo.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1328246472' post='2380076'] The link to PhatCatholic's blog doesn't work. [/quote]Gotta get rid of the ".".

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[quote name='XIX' timestamp='1328245947' post='2380068']....They've also mentioned that Planned Parenthood could still be a partner again in the future....[/quote]

This is important to note. Although is it a political line?

[quote]I fear that SGK is leaving the entire pro-life movement duped, without even trying.[/quote]

If their move is to dupe the pro-life side, they are taking way to much flak for it. Ironically enough, the decision has sent money pouring into both Planned Parenthood and supposedly Komen. Great business move on both of them!

[quote] A lot of people will disagree with this, but I feel that they are using sex to sell their cause.[/quote]

You can take away the feelings.......it's a fact. Or is just some within it? Because since Komen has gotten so big and the cultural icon of pink has taken off, it's easy for non-Komen groups to "hide" in the fray. I'm sure we're all aware of shirts that say "save the..."

I sort of agree with you......but the Pro-Life political force needs to show their strength now and show their financial power. To hide our wallets would be to pretend that our side is small.....but we are NOT. The media always goes to extreme measures to ensure that the public is not made aware of the massive forces at the March For Life. It is time to strike now...even if we are betrayed......because if we do not make a financial showing.....Komen will go crawling back to P^2.

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After some thought I agree with the original post. SGK certainly didn't cut it's ties to PP because it was in desperate need for our money. Honestly, I don't think it's really in need of any money. I see SGK everyone - it's on yogurt. But I think this is definitely a good thing. Really, anything to hurt PP and make their true, embittered, back-stabbing, law-breaking face come out.

Moreso, like the original post I have a huge issue with the sexualized breast-cancer awareness campaigns. At first I thought it was all SGK behind that, but now I'm not sure. It seems like the whole "Save The..." thing has a mind of it's own. I think SGK uses "Ta-Tas" but I'm not 100%. In any case, it's wrong, and it's popularity is depressing. The situation boils down to fact that we are only concerned for saving women because we are really only concerned about their breasts.

That women's groups would be 'ok' with this is an important matter, and another indication at how misguided we all our. PP is evil and a huge problem, but Abortion as a whole is a consequence of the free-sex/contraceptive culture. That's where our standard should be. That's where the faucet needs to be turned off.

Don't get me wrong I'm certainly glad PP has enemies other than us hurting it, but we have to stick to the real mission.


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wow, XIX, i'm happy someone finally said this...

...i overheard on NPR that this was not a move based on "pro-life" decisions, but rather a very practical move, since the Komen people realized that more than 3/4 of the PP's in this country don't even have mammography machines.....!!!!!!!

...who was the dolt that said we're taking away poor people's breast examinations by removing funding from planned parenthood? planned parenthood is in the busines of killing babies, they are NOT concerned with women's health issues. Let's understand that now, shall we? THEY ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF KILLING BABIES. IT BRINGS THEM BILLIONS EVERY YEAR.

...thank you....

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i also heard that the Komen people are still providing funding to those very few planned parenthood facilities where mammography machines were actually found (but they weren't sure if they have ever been used...)

so, I believe, Komen is still not "pro-life" in the true sense of the word... why they would want to continue to fund PP after this deception is beyond me...

Edited by dominicansoul
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I really don't want to get sucked into a long debate, but something we have to remember is that many companies support Planned Parenthood. Most drug stores and grocery stores sell condoms, and it's pretty easy to get birth control now. You would have to stop buying from many different places... I mean, American Girl, CVS, and many stores support or sell something that will kill a baby.

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I believe what is being realized is that if a company/organization is willing to not be involved with such culture of death company/organization, they will be recognized and rewarded. If this is a ploy to dupe the pro-lifers[which was my first thought], they it will backfire on them once that is revealed.

I also wonder how much the Komen corporate HQ has control over all the branches across the country.

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Not sure if this has already been discussed elsewhere, but SGK has reversed its decision and is now funding PP again.


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Oh sweet mother of facepalm, Komen has reversed its decision.

This doesn't even make any sense. PP just spend the last 48 hours or so sliming the ever loving daylights out of SGK. You would think that put a significant strain on their relationship.

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[quote name='XIX' timestamp='1328291107' post='2380402']
Oh sweet mother of facepalm, Komen has reversed its decision.

This doesn't even make any sense. PP just spend the last 48 hours or so sliming the ever loving daylights out of SGK. You would think that put a significant strain on their relationship.
Allow me to quote Wesley Snipes in "New Jack City":

"My brother, it's always business. Never personal."

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[quote name='i<3LSOP' timestamp='1328278731' post='2380269']
I really don't want to get sucked into a long debate, but something we have to remember is that many companies support Planned Parenthood. Most drug stores and grocery stores sell condoms, and it's pretty easy to get birth control now. You would have to stop buying from many different places... I mean, American Girl, CVS, and many stores support or sell something that will kill a baby.

True, but we should boycott companies that are in your face about it. Like Home Depot with gay rights...Komen with PP...

I retract my earlier post where I hold the opinion that the Pro-Life side should support Komen. They flipped as XIX and Missy stated.

Of course this move, while making Komen and PP richer, only enrages the battle of abortion. And next time when Komen cries wolf...

Edit: Kudos to XIX for wiser wisdom than I.

Edited by eagle_eye222001
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So apparently the issue isn't black and white. And maybe I need to retract my retraction. Of course I may find myself retracting my retraction on the retraction. Anyone follow that???

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