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'watchmen Of The Night' ( Benedictine Abbey At Le Barroux) Ful


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[quote name='Queen'sDaughter' timestamp='1328390767' post='2381016']
This is so beautiful, and so true. He articulates the monastic vocation so well, and I wish I could print this out and hand it to people when they ask me why I am entering a monastic order!

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yes.. http://en.gloria.tv/?media=87848
longer than most versions,http://en.gloria.tv/?media=90072

[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1328360870' post='2380816']
gasp, they have a sister community!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='EJames2' timestamp='1328459448' post='2381485']
PAX, did you translate this? if so, since you linked to my Gloria.tv upload, could i use the translation to make English substiles? i speak French but it would save me time! thanks.

EJames, I did translate this, and of course you can use it. It's only from 11-16 minutes in, though. Also, a small correction - when the Abbot is talking about approaching the monastery for the first time he also adds "c'est chez moi," which I forgot to include. Hope you find it useful!

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These documentaries about monastic life are a-m-a-z-i-n-g and extremely helpful for those of us discerning a possible call to "the angelic life." Thank you for posting this link!

Before you had to approach a community not quite knowing what their life is like. Now you can watch a documentary about a community even before writing to the vocation director/novice master. Discerning vocations seems to be so much easier these days; I don't know why more Catholics aren't entering the priesthood/religious life with all these great resources online.

Pax et bonum,

A discerner in Canada.

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[quote name='Amy G.' timestamp='1328534814' post='2382250']
EJames, I did translate this, and of course you can use it. It's only from 11-16 minutes in, though. Also, a small correction - when the Abbot is talking about approaching the monastery for the first time he also adds "c'est chez moi," which I forgot to include. Hope you find it useful!
[/quote] thanks...

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[quote name='Amy G.' timestamp='1328210199' post='2379677']
For any women interested in a traditional Benedictine life, these monks have a "sister" convent very close by to their monastery - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCyTSTBD8YY[/media] - I'm sure many of you have already heard them sing!
I stayed with the nuns during Holy Week last year, and it was a beautiful experience. They have a guest house, but also welcome discerners into the cloister in order to experience their life. They have 2 American nuns there, too!

[b]listen[/b] for [b]Free/[/b]streaming to the Nuns entire CD [url="http://www.musicme.com/#/The-Benedictine-Nuns-Of-Notre-Dame-De-L%27annonciation,-Le-Barroux/albums/In-Paradisum---Les-Soeurs-0602527540627.html"]http://www.musicme.c...2527540627.html [/url]
just scroll to bottom left and check mark "[url="http://www.musicme.com/The-Benedictine-Nuns-Of-Notre-Dame-De-L%27annonciation,-Le-Barroux/albums/In-Paradisum---Les-Soeurs-0602527540627.html#"]ECOUTER TOUS LES TITRES[/url] [url="http://www.musicme.com/The-Benedictine-Nuns-Of-Notre-Dame-De-L%27annonciation,-Le-Barroux/albums/In-Paradisum---Les-Soeurs-0602527540627.html#"](1h07mn)[/url]" and then the play symbol..and voila!

Edited by EJames2
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