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Newt Gingrich: Will You Vote For Him?


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Question Al: http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=17224&view=findpost&p=294685 Looking back, did he help? I realize there are other issues at play, but do you think Bush ultimately helped?

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1328230061' post='2379874']
Ron Paul does best with independents. The issue would be rallying his own party, and you'd have to do that with a big anti-obama angle (he's been doing attack ads this time around pretty well, like his ones against Gingrich, so he'd definitely need attack ads against Obama to rally the party) and perhaps a toning down of his rhetoric on the war. I notice a lot of people coming up in the ranks in the Ron Paul movement are giving basically the same message, even the foreign policy message, in a way that is more palatable. Like my guy Evan Feinberg, who's running for Congressman in my district and was a staffer for Rand Paul. This is how he says essentially the same thing Ron Paul is saying: [url="http://evanfeinberg.com/issues/national-security-and-foreign-policy/"]http://evanfeinberg....foreign-policy/[/url], but as the nominee Ron might need to do a little more of this type of talk (though keeping up the anti-war angle, even attacking Obama over the war issue).

Anyway, this idea that Ron Paul is not competitive in a national election is wrong. If he were the nominee, he'd be extremely competitive. He could seriously undermine Obama's anti-war status (easily making attack ads on Obama showing where he did everything exactly as Bush planned to do it), he would get a lot of independents (shown by the primaries, that's where he's strong, pulling in independents), undermining Obama's youth excitement vote... his main thing that he would need to do is try to rally the base a bit better, by speaking their language better (His son, Rand, does this better, giving the same message but using the language that the base likes better).

Ultimately, it'd be an interesting race. I think Gingrich or Romney are likely to just be like John McCain... or John Kerry. An unexciting candidate that seems like they were thrown up as a softball to help the incumbent win.

Also interesting that Ron Paul gets [i]by far[/i] the most support from military personnel.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1328225273' post='2379829']That's also the time to "send the GOP a message."
I thought the message was sent loudly and clearly when they found out that even leftist community organizers with very little political experience could beat White Bread Old Man (R - AZ).
If him being reelected over White Bread Old Man (R - MA) doesn't send the message, I'm afraid the issue may be on the receiver's side.

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I am in no place to determine who is really "Catholic" and who isn't, however... with that said...

I'd vote for any conservative, including an Atheist Freemason, before I'd vote for Gingrich. As a Church we have had enough scandal to go around for the next century or so than to have to deal with yet another President, and this time a Catholic one, who can't keep his pantaloons on.

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Funny how Gingrich wants to be the "paycheck president" as opposed to a "food stamp president." Better to be a wage slave than a food stamp slave, I guess.

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As for Ron Paul, he's not going to be president (looks like Romney's pretty much going to run away with it), but maybe that's a good thing. Ron Paul can do a lot of good as a statesman, and maybe inspire a new generation...you don't have to be president to make an impact on the country.

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1328289881' post='2380394']
Funny how Gingrich wants to be the "paycheck president" as opposed to a "food stamp president." Better to be a wage slave than a food stamp slave, I guess.

As always, you make an excellent point!

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[quote name='Righteous Anger' timestamp='1328478355' post='2381680']
I will be for the ghost of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy- by write-in, of course- before I will vote for an adulterer.

I'm pretty sure that counts as necromancy, morally identical to what happened with the Witch of Endor. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Mrs. Kennedy, or Countess Rose, would have been the greatest Catholic in the United States, in not for sufferage being so late.

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[quote name='Righteous Anger' timestamp='1328478355' post='2381680']
I will be for the ghost of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy- by write-in, of course- before I will vote for an adulterer.

oh, CatholicinSD, I missed you so!!!!!

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1328478810' post='2381692']
oh, CatholicinSD, I missed you so!!!!!

I believe I was the first to call it this time. That means I get free merch, right?

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[quote name='Righteous Anger' timestamp='1328479238' post='2381703']
I was simply stating I would sooner through my vote away that vote for Ol' Newt and his not so old third wife.
Which one are you?

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