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Obama's Coup To Overthrow The Constitution

Lil Red

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[quote name='StMichael' timestamp='1327813743' post='2376855']
Take his SOTU and have Hugo Chavez read it.

As for the article, it covers off that all he has been doing is throwing the balance of powers out of whack. He is our nations first ever imperial President.
Forgot about Lincoln, did you?

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1327707219' post='2376339']
the rest of the article pretty solidly shows where executive power is going contrary to the constitution. but why don't our protector republicans do something big about it? why is there no one in Washington making a serious power struggle to fight back against it?

simple, precedent. they don't mind Obama doing an end-run around congress because it gives them precedent to do end-runs around congress when they get in charge. make no mistake, the higher ups in both parties want a more efficient executive branch than is allowed for in our constitution. say goodbye to checks and balances, unless you start finding yourself willing to say hello to Ron Paul ;)

Dude, right on! Excellent post!

[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1327735430' post='2376499']
Paul is loved by the legalize drug crowd..

You know, this sorta comment really ticks me off. You hear it all the time on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, where they dismiss Ron Paul's candidacy, and the excitement that young people have for him, by attributing it to his stance on drugs. That is awfully condescending, and false. I have a great many friends who support Ron Paul and who work for his campaign down here in Florida--and did so in 2008. Of those people--I'd say there's about 20 of them-- none of them do drugs, and none of them mention his drug policy in our discussions about him. They focus on his overwhelmingly-astute opinions on the Fed and our economy, as well as the connections those things have with our military and our foreign policy. They, like the candidate himself, have a correctly-nuanced view of the world, recognizing that you can't itemize and separate each of these issues, because they all feed into one another. And while there are certainly some who would vote for Paul because of his stance on drugs, most of his supporters see that stance as part of a broader policy regarding the ludicrous "War on Drugs" and the cost and damage this sham has inflicted on this country and others over the last two decades.

[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1327781173' post='2376627']
I give your post about 3 pinnochios. there's so many half truths and mistruths in it it's hard to know where to begin.

it is a twist Paul's voting record because he votes consistently with the Constitution.

Really, this whole post was pretty amazing, but this is the part that I found really important: Ron Paul, for all his warts, is totally, absolutely consistent in his voting. He isn't one of these neo-cons, who have ostensibly amalgamated Wilsonian foreign policy and Teddy Roosevelt's progressivism, along with the drapings of conservatism (you know, "Reagan this" and "Reagan that"). He believes that the strict adherence to the Constitution is the best path for this country. He's right.
[quote name='StMichael' timestamp='1327813743' post='2376855']
He is our nations first ever imperial President.

Most ridiculous post I've ever seen on Phatmass.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327853639' post='2376962']Most ridiculous post I've ever seen on Phatmass.[/quote]

ever? oooohhhhh i'm not so sure about that. I could think of a lot of ridiculous posts ;)

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1327867979' post='2377081']

ever? oooohhhhh i'm not so sure about that. I could think of a lot of ridiculous posts ;)

I've made my fair share. But this is the cream of the crop. Everything else is just battling for 2nd place.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327868371' post='2377083']
I've made my fair share. But this is the cream of the crop. Everything else is just battling for 2nd place.

i wasn't talking about your ridiculous posts or even mine. lol ;)

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[quote name='ardillacid' timestamp='1327868487' post='2377086']
I guess budge was before your time

Not at all. Budge, Madame V...

The totality of their contributions to PM...all of it pales in comparison to the idiocy of those view words.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1327814736' post='2376859']
yeahh... Bush 2.0 is the first imperial...
FDR preceded the Bush.

And before him was that piece of croutons Teddy.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1327874337' post='2377143']
FDR preceded the Bush.

And before him was that piece of croutons Teddy.

Can't forget Mr. Sphere of Influence, President James Monroe.

And then there's Lincoln, he of suspending [i]habeas corpus[/i]...

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There's a lot of satisfaction in ripping on Teddy or FDR, since people just love those two bastards. And it's really fun to go after Reagan. I would probably not read up too much on Monroe because it's not like people pick him as a favorite president. Picking on Lincoln usually requires too much effort, and people really do quit listening and write you off as a racist. I think my entire motivation behind my belief in minimal government is based upon insulting heroic figures.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1327875842' post='2377157']Picking on Lincoln usually requires too much effort, and people really do quit listening and write you off as a racist.
The same wrote me off as racist for not voting for Obama. What do I have to lose?

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1327875842' post='2377157']
There's a lot of satisfaction in ripping on Teddy or FDR, since people just love those two bastards. And it's really fun to go after Reagan. I would probably not read up too much on Monroe because it's not like people pick him as a favorite president. Picking on Lincoln usually requires too much effort, and people really do quit listening and write you off as a racist. I think my entire motivation behind my belief in minimal government is based upon insulting heroic figures.

Totally know what you mean with the Lincoln hating.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Our prime-minister made homo-sexual civil unions legal(and i'm no homo basher but will tell them i think the act is erotic lust and not pro-creative erotic love.), and i believe it needed a referendum but some loop hole was found or imagined by the offending party, australia really should protest such major law changes being made without a referendum. And abortion has ben made legal in my state upto the third tri-mester, like abortion sickens me unless it is like a epi-topical pregnancy or whatever it's called when the baby hasn't descended into the womb and starts groing in the phelopium tube which is sure death for the mother and baby, there should have been a referendum on this. Whats next the farmer beng able to get a civil union with his pet pig, artificial wombs in men giving birth by a c-section .... <sighs> this iz all gettin kinda whack,though we have moved mountains before ie: nazi and japanese invasions and possibly many more,just the enemy isn't at the gates he has passed the gates and is in our own backyard,and possibly been here before but only underground so to speak, Onward christian souls... Kyrie elaison,Kyrie elaison,Christe elasion. With the grace of God we can defeat this latest attack on humankind.

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I am not quite sure what just happened there. It's like the weird part of the internet just stumbled in the door, realized he wasn't in the right room, and left mumbling something about his backyard.

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