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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Caveat: LONG

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1327627727' post='2375947']
just ak me what i am doing about my problems and not assume that i am doing nothing. But now that it comes up let me tell you i have tried rehab 3 times in the last year and a.a. on and off again through that period and presently am becoming more consistant and regular at a.a. meetings and have had only one standard drink in the last 3 and a half or so weeks,I would have rather to have not even had that one. But aye alleluia that that one didn't turn into 20-30 which for the past 7-8 months has been my average session twice a week :( . Let me be honest with my opinion of most of you as you have been so honest with me of your opinion of me personaly. I think your pompous prats sitting on a mantle of piety that you created by your own strengths and as soon as real storm appears(god forbid this to happen because i also love you guys) you will find your viewing platforms aren't so secure. Get off you little platforms is what i think and lets talk.

Dude - glad to know you're managing your alcohol consumption better these days. My/Our prayers for you seem to be working. But if people have the impression that you drink a lot, it's probably based on that whole "20-30 which for the past 7-8 months has been my average session twice a week" thing, which you've mentioned before.

We're not pompous. We're concerned about you just like we're concerned with all of our Phat Phamily. But we don't know you well enough to have an honest to God intervention with you, and it'd be next to impossible to do on this board, and it's too public anyway. The closest we've come is some of the posts Nunsense made, and she's off in a convent these days (probably praying for you, among others). So we joke about it, hoping to make our point, to keep reminding you that you've got a problem and you need to deal with it. (One night I posted about a dozen videos of drinking songs, most of them country music. I didn't say it in the post, but they were for you.)

None of us created our piety by our own strengths. We know that. Faith is a gift from God. You've got at least as much faith as anybody on this board (as if we could measure faith by cups, pints, or pounds) or you wouldn't be here, you wouldn't keep coming back, you wouldn't quote the Bible, and so forth. The difference is that many of us have been more or less disciplined in developing our practice of the faith God has given us. It's hard to practice your faith when you're ingesting 20 to 30 standard drinks twice a week. We want you to be clean & dry so you can develop your faith & your practice of it to the best of your God-given ability.

"As soon as a real storm appears..." Check the Prayer Room intentions. LOTS of us have had storms, are having storms, and know we will have storms - broken hearts, miscarriages, dying parents, unemployment, failed exams, horrible work situations, serious medical problems, vocation rejection - if that ain't "storms," I don't know what is. But we pray our way through them, and we apply what virtues we have, developing them further by applying them. We don't drink our way through them - not to the extent of 20 to 30 standard drinks twice a week. You can pray and virtue-ize your way through them, too - [i][b]if you learn how[/b][/i].

You learn how in rehab or in A.A. Remember that being dry is not the same as being sober. I've known as many dry drunks as I have drinking drunks. So you've got to get your sorry backside into rehab, cooperate with the counselors (including watching movies if that's what they require - and c'mon! the movie they wanted you to watch was probably other drunks talking about how they dried out, not some Hollywood swill with sex kittens and adult content), work your program, and complete your stay. Or regularly & faithfully attend as many A.A. meetings as you need to.

Alcoholism runs in my family. So much so that A.A. added a 21st question to their famous Twenty Questions - it's, "Is your last name the same as Luigi's?" Dear Old Dad had a problem; he went to A.A. and dried out. Of his eleven children, eight or nine have had a problem - one died of non-alcohol related causes (but had quit drinking some years before she died), one died of drug/alcohol-related causes, four are now completely dry (and much happier because of it), two are still actively overindulging, and one has learned to drink responsibly. And cousins till you can't count 'em all have had or do have problems with alcohol. To that extent, I know what I'm talking about.

Maybe you don't want this thread to be about you. Maybe your post was just a rant. But I'm taking the opportunity - based on what you said in the post - to be as honest, forthright, and un-joking as I can be, for your good and the good of all the Church. Your posts, your frequent admissions that you have a drinking problem - I interpret them as calls for help. We're trying to help you, dude - we're reminding you that you got a problem and you gotta do something about it. We're praying for you. But all the prayers in the world aren't going make you wake up one morning all clean & dry - you gotta get up off your butt and [b]YOU'VE[/b] got to do something about it. You're the one that's gotta walk out on the water. It's scary. But remember what Jesus told Peter... "Don't be afraid."


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1327542514' post='2375467']
I believe it's German Nihilist talk for ordering pancakes.

Silly wabbit - Nihil is Canadian, not German!

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  • 2 months later...
Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1327520073' post='2375184']
Unlikely to be seriouse. Sick, perhaps. Joke, perhaps.

I hear what your saying now possibly, like the sspx, valid but illegitimate. But my point is that originally we used two sticks to make fire or flint stone and now we use a lighter. Though good scholars according to the old testament bring out old and new in such cases of life and death it is now invalid because napro technology has far greater success.

P.s. This is the 1st time i,ve gone through my lists of posts. I have computer fear.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1327641133' post='2376059']
Caveat: LONG

Dude - glad to know you're managing your alcohol consumption better these days. My/Our prayers for you seem to be working. But if people have the impression that you drink a lot, it's probably based on that whole "20-30 which for the past 7-8 months has been my average session twice a week" thing, which you've mentioned before.

We're not pompous. We're concerned about you just like we're concerned with all of our Phat Phamily. But we don't know you well enough to have an honest to God intervention with you, and it'd be next to impossible to do on this board, and it's too public anyway. The closest we've come is some of the posts Nunsense made, and she's off in a convent these days (probably praying for you, among others). So we joke about it, hoping to make our point, to keep reminding you that you've got a problem and you need to deal with it. (One night I posted about a dozen videos of drinking songs, most of them country music. I didn't say it in the post, but they were for you.)

None of us created our piety by our own strengths. We know that. Faith is a gift from God. You've got at least as much faith as anybody on this board (as if we could measure faith by cups, pints, or pounds) or you wouldn't be here, you wouldn't keep coming back, you wouldn't quote the Bible, and so forth. The difference is that many of us have been more or less disciplined in developing our practice of the faith God has given us. It's hard to practice your faith when you're ingesting 20 to 30 standard drinks twice a week. We want you to be clean & dry so you can develop your faith & your practice of it to the best of your God-given ability.

"As soon as a real storm appears..." Check the Prayer Room intentions. LOTS of us have had storms, are having storms, and know we will have storms - broken hearts, miscarriages, dying parents, unemployment, failed exams, horrible work situations, serious medical problems, vocation rejection - if that ain't "storms," I don't know what is. But we pray our way through them, and we apply what virtues we have, developing them further by applying them. We don't drink our way through them - not to the extent of 20 to 30 standard drinks twice a week. You can pray and virtue-ize your way through them, too - [i][b]if you learn how[/b][/i].

You learn how in rehab or in A.A. Remember that being dry is not the same as being sober. I've known as many dry drunks as I have drinking drunks. So you've got to get your sorry backside into rehab, cooperate with the counselors (including watching movies if that's what they require - and c'mon! the movie they wanted you to watch was probably other drunks talking about how they dried out, not some Hollywood swill with sex kittens and adult content), work your program, and complete your stay. Or regularly & faithfully attend as many A.A. meetings as you need to.

Alcoholism runs in my family. So much so that A.A. added a 21st question to their famous Twenty Questions - it's, "Is your last name the same as Luigi's?" Dear Old Dad had a problem; he went to A.A. and dried out. Of his eleven children, eight or nine have had a problem - one died of non-alcohol related causes (but had quit drinking some years before she died), one died of drug/alcohol-related causes, four are now completely dry (and much happier because of it), two are still actively overindulging, and one has learned to drink responsibly. And cousins till you can't count 'em all have had or do have problems with alcohol. To that extent, I know what I'm talking about.

Maybe you don't want this thread to be about you. Maybe your post was just a rant. But I'm taking the opportunity - based on what you said in the post - to be as honest, forthright, and un-joking as I can be, for your good and the good of all the Church. Your posts, your frequent admissions that you have a drinking problem - I interpret them as calls for help. We're trying to help you, dude - we're reminding you that you got a problem and you gotta do something about it. We're praying for you. But all the prayers in the world aren't going make you wake up one morning all clean & dry - you gotta get up off your butt and [b]YOU'VE[/b] got to do something about it. You're the one that's gotta walk out on the water. It's scary. But remember what Jesus told Peter... "Don't be afraid."


Now that i have lost some of my computer fear and searched my past posts, this post right here by luigi is ace and somewhat understanding. And by the way the movie was a sunday adventure that the rehab do every sunday that has little to nothing to do with recovery ie:swimming pool,b.b.q. at the park etc,the movie was going to a hollywood blockbustin psychology biology 101 kill or be killed sex is the most natural nature of man (though it may be true don't play that like apinball machine,hippies). And my frequent admission to drug and alcohol issues is because i admited once about my drug and alcohol issues and some played on that every post i made like i was some kind of toy mouse. I understand animosity,it may not be infact a personal attack at myself but some other issue the person has that is unresolved and i just happen to be in the firing line. Such is life. Ok enough said, thanks for treating me like a person in this post,but than again you started to talk to me condescendingly,and i felt like you where talking to me from a platform and that i didn't know anything and was a childish brat chucking a tantrum over the movie i was told i had to watch at the rehab or leave.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

One can not help the poorest of poor in the u.s. and commonwealth countries from a platform of you may infact just be being a childish brat and grow up. Most are relatively educated school wise and/or t.v. wise. And plus your talking to a full grown man,thats why i keep spitting the dummy at you guys and i know i shouldn't coz like i sed yo i understand animosity sheesh i got a hella load of that too unresolved issues with my own virtue that i show sometimes and other times seems non existant and also others but particularily my own. IGHT PEACE

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1334825025' post='2420523']
One can not help the poorest of poor in the u.s. and commonwealth countries from a platform of you may infact just be being a childish brat and grow up. Most are relatively educated school wise and/or t.v. wise. And plus your talking to a full grown man,thats why i keep spitting the dummy at you guys and i know i shouldn't coz like i sed yo i understand animosity sheesh i got a hella load of that too unresolved issues with my own virtue that i show sometimes and other times seems non existant and also others but particularily my own. IGHT PEACE

Who are you talking to?

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1334825025' post='2420523']
One can not help the poorest of poor in the u.s. and commonwealth countries from a platform of you may infact just be being a childish brat and grow up. Most are relatively educated school wise and/or t.v. wise. And plus your talking to a full grown man,thats why i keep spitting the dummy at you guys and i know i shouldn't coz like i sed yo i understand animosity sheesh i got a hella load of that too unresolved issues with my own virtue that i show sometimes and other times seems non existant and also others but particularily my own. IGHT PEACE
May I suggest you get rid of your t.v.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Marie-Therese says : and there have been plenty of occasions where they have been followed up with a "sorry I was drunk" addendum...
Plenty of times huh ? Is that like when a drunk says i'm just going to have a few which is actually three and having ten. Don't lie! I haven't said that plenty of times which asertains to multiples possibly above several considering the amount of time i have been phat massing, that which i have not. :(

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='HisChildForever' timestamp='1334851212' post='2420631']
Who are you talking to?

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1334853599' post='2420644']
May I suggest you get rid of your t.v.

Already did that when the priest of a previous parish i was @ said (words to this effect.) "i do not see how you can indulge yourself in the television and remain full blooded christians." That was like 5 years ago. Anyway over this already, i am tired of the way i'm treated here, i feel like i'm being spoken to like a child that is a condecending brat or an idiot(and an idiot shouldn't be treated like a normal person anyway because usually they have an interlectual disability), was just checking some old posts that i hadn't ventured into doing yet.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1334888349' post='2421088']
Already did that when the priest of a previous parish i was @ said (words to this effect.) "i do not see how you can indulge yourself in the television and remain full blooded christians." That was like 5 years ago. Anyway over this already, i am tired of the way i'm treated here, i feel like i'm being spoken to like a child that is a condecending brat or an idiot(and an idiot shouldn't be treated like a normal person anyway because usually they have an interlectual disability), was just checking some old posts that i hadn't ventured into doing yet.
Yes. I agree at times you have gotten a little abused. And that is a shame. Some people seem to only want to reply to the contrary just to be combative and disagree.

However, I will say that your posts can be pretty encrypted. Many times I am not your meaning.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

gracious thanks papist :) , i assume though we all get somewhat non-sensical at times and off point, black,grey and white,paticularily when one is a child and is sitting in the cellar during a series of succesive cyclones with or without others,i was pretty much without except God, but even so possibly at times anyway some,most or 50 50(i don't know) can go off on some kind of tangent,storm or no storm. I have had no great amount of time in an intermate relationship with bretheren unfortunately.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I believe we as a church are a beautiful rainbow of colors bound by Gods love. :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

So any others whom believe or dis-believe that ivf was originally valid because there was no other viable options? And that the children from ivf where valid and even today for those outside of the church whom do not know or are invincibly ignorant that have children from ivf that the children are still valid ?

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Archaeology cat

But there was an alternative to IVF: adoption. Children are a gift. We are not owed them. The children conceived in that way are no less valid or valuable than anyone else, but it is sad, both because of the way in which they were conceived and because IVF children are more prone to health problems for some reason.

God bless

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This is just my understanding, I may be wrong.

There is no inherent right to be able to conceive. Some people, despite their desire, will not be able to have their own children. IVF is wrong, but the child conceived through IVF is not. The sin of the parents, doctors, or whoever was involved does not transmit to the child.

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