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Gingrich Vows To Defund Planned Parenthood


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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327368520' post='2374150']
And why is it "courageous" for Newt Gingrich--a "Republican"-- to tell a group of supporters--who are presumably "Republican"-- that he will "defund" a program that people of his political affiliation--"Republican"-- don't support?

At the risk of playing devil's advocate, Kujo is right on this one. A GOP candidate who isn't conservative on social issues, and [i]vocally [/i]so, is essentially committing career suicide. Sure, most liberals will stand against you for that stance, but really, they weren't going to vote for you anyway.

If you want to win the Republican vote (or really any vote for any party), you basically have to feed voters the rhetoric they want to hear.

Now if you want to see something courageous, be a Democrat and speak out against abortion. [i]That [/i]would truly be sticking one's neck out.

Edited by MissyP89
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Perhaps, just perhaps, could it be Newt's Catholic conscious driving him here.

Either way...I applaud the defunding Planned Parenthood statement/move.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1327434353' post='2374549']
Perhaps, just perhaps, could it be Newt's Catholic conscious driving him here.

Either way...I applaud the defunding Planned Parenthood statement/move.

As do I. And I really hope there is something moral driving this rather than just playing it safe and giving the party what they want.

Let's hope this goes somewhere. :pray:

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1327433870' post='2374542']
Now if you want to see something courageous, be a Democrat and speak out against abortion. [i]That [/i]would truly be sticking one's neck out.

And to Gingrich's credit, his support--sort of--for the Dream Act, and general openness to dialing down the inflammatory rhetoric as it pertains to the illegal immigration issue is a heckuva lot more "courageous" than almost anything any GOP candidate not named Ron Paul has said during this primary cycle. He appears to recognize that "illegal immigrants" are only here to help themselves and their families here and abroad improve their lot in life. And while they have certainly broken a law by coming here illegally, they wouldn't be here if the U.S. and our government had done its job in securing our borders. To demonize someone for wanting to come to the land of opportunity, by any means necessary, is ridiculous, IMO. And from I can tell, Gingrich seems to accept this as a basic starting point, separating him from eggheads like Santorum, who rattle their bite-sized saber and speaks like those backwoods-hicks on South Park ("They took arrrrrr jobzzz!!!"). This mentality doesn't mean we can't be tough on illegal immigration and reform the broken system, but it does humanize the issue.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1327434353' post='2374549']

Perhaps, just perhaps, could it be Newt's Catholic conscious driving him here.

Either way...I applaud the defunding Planned Parenthood statement/move.
[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1327434463' post='2374553']
As do I. And I really hope there is something moral driving this rather than just playing it safe and giving the party what they want.

Let's hope this goes somewhere. :pray:

Newt Gingrich, who has been against federal funding for Planned Parenthood for most of his public life--during which time he has shown that his "driving" force isn't exactly moral orthodoxy--suddenly developed a conscious? I don't remember who is was that said it, but someone once said that they don't trust conversions on death row or on the campaign trail.

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1327434463' post='2374553']
As do I. And I really hope there is something moral driving this rather than just playing it safe and giving the party what they want.

Let's hope this goes somewhere. :pray:

Federal funding of abortion is illegal (and has been for decades). If the federal government cuts their funding to Planned Parenthood they are not cutting money for abortions. They are cutting money for lower-income women to get free health services.

Once again, the republicans use people concerned about moral issues to dump all over the poor.

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ETA: This post was directed at Kujo.

Eh. I don't trust [i]any [/i]of those goons worth a darn, frankly. But I can hope and pray for true conversion of heart, at the very least.

Self-seeking, imperfect reasons for a pro-life stance are still better than not having one at all, IMO.

Edited by MissyP89
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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1327434877' post='2374561']
ETA: This post was directed at Kujo.

Eh. I don't trust [i]any [/i]of those goons worth a darn, frankly. But I can hope and pray for true conversion of heart, at the very least.

Self-seeking, imperfect reasons for a pro-life stance are still better than not having one at all, IMO.

Well said, sis. If I could give props, I would...

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327434693' post='2374557']
Newt Gingrich, who has been against federal funding for Planned Parenthood for most of his public life--during which time he has shown that his "driving" force isn't exactly moral orthodoxy--suddenly developed a conscious? I don't remember who is was that said it, but someone once said that they don't trust conversions on death row or on the campaign trail.

I'd be more likely to believe a conversion on death row than on the campaign trail. Newt has been planning to run since at least 2007. Everybody knew it (and here I'm talking about right wing radio hosts I was listening to at the time) when he made his unprompted admission of the affair towards the beginning of the campaign session.

I wouldn't believe Newt Gingrich if he told me the sky is blue. And frankly, I've never heard him say anything particularly intelligent. I have heard him make relatively inane observations with very ornate, masculine language.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327434693' post='2374557']
Newt Gingrich, who has been against federal funding for Planned Parenthood for most of his public life--during which time he has shown that his "driving" force isn't exactly moral orthodoxy--suddenly developed a conscious? I don't remember who is was that said it, but someone once said that they don't trust conversions on death row or on the campaign trail.

Hence, "Perhaps".

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1327435020' post='2374562']
Well said, sis. If I could give props, I would...

I did it for you.

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Maybe Newt is serious, maybe he is full of it. But look at his voting record. Look at his political body of work. Words mean less than nothing this time of year.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1327358283' post='2374040']
Defunding PP is a good thing.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1327434801' post='2374559']
Federal funding of abortion is illegal (and has been for decades). If the federal government cuts their funding to Planned Parenthood they are not cutting money for abortions. They are cutting money for lower-income women to get free health services.

Once again, the republicans use people concerned about moral issues to dump all over the poor.

That's a shell game.

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