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Gingrich Vows To Defund Planned Parenthood


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Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Newt Gingrich vowed to defund Planned Parenthood today in a grand 650 word statement in support of today's 'March for Life' in Washington D.C. protesting the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.
"I will work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, and will defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions-- but rather use that money to promote adoption and other pro-family policies." Gingrich stated.

Gingrich not only praised the protestors, but vowed to recind pro-choice policies implemented by the Obama administration.
Full statement below:[indent]
Thank you for bearing witness today to the incomparable dignity of every human life, born and unborn.

And thank you for your commitment to change hearts and minds and laws in defense of the unborn.

I join you in this commitment.

It is a testament to the American spirit and the vision of our founding fathers that almost forty years after [i]Roe. v.Wade[/i], millions of Americans have grown stronger and not weaker in their conviction that the words of the Declaration of Independence are in fact true, that [i]all [/i]are created with unalienable rights, including the unborn.

Our American history represents an ongoing effort to fulfill the vision of the Declaration.

It is important to pause today to consider why the pro-life cause is winning and why we will one day see an end to abortion in America.

Americans know in the core of their souls that the idea that we can say one class of humanity -- whether the sick, the poor, the elderly, or the unborn -- is less valuable than others, is fundamentally opposed to every value that we cherish and that makes us who we are.

The truth that every person is created equal in the eyes of God, with equal value and worth and equal right to life, liberty, and the pursuit his or her own future and destiny, is at the root of our system of law and government. Americans know this, and slowly but surely they are coming to terms with the irreconcilable reality of legalized abortion in our nation.

A prominent commentator recently wrote, "That the pro-life movement is bigger is a given. It’s also younger, increasingly entrepreneurial, more strategic in its thinking, better organized, tougher in dealing with allies and enemies alike, almost wildly ambitious, and more relentless than ever."

Your marching today is evidence of that relentlessness.

My commitment to you is twofold: first, to continue supporting your work to defend the rights of the unborn, and second, if elected President, to advance pro-[color=#1A1A1A]life[/color] legislation, appoint judges who will stay true to the meaning of the Constitution, work to bring about an end to judicial tyranny, defend religious freedom, and work with allies in Congress and throughout the country who desire to bring about a day in which America restores legal protection to all unborn human [color=#1A1A1A]life[/color].

Specifically, on day one of my administration, I will sign an executive order reinstatingRonald Reagan’s Mexico City policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions overseas.

I will also oppose federal funding of any research that destroys a human embryo.

I will work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, and will defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions-- but rather use that money to promote adoption and other pro-family policies.

I will also support Congress enacting pro-[color=#1A1A1A]life[/color] legislation that would grant protections under the 14th Amendment to the unborn, including legislation that would define personhood as beginning at conception.

There was once a similar battle waged in America over whether the rights in our Constitution applied to [i]all[/i] Americans, or only those selected or favored by the political class. It was during the battle to overturn the deeply engrained institution of slavery, something considered universally repugnant to us all today, that Abraham Lincoln said the following:

[i]We will make converts day by day... We will grow strong by the violence and injustice of our adversaries. And unless truth be a mockery and justice a hollow lie, we will be in the majority after a while. This battle … [will] be fought out on principle. [/i]

Together, let us continue to work for the day when there will be no abortions for anyreason, and that every unborn child will be welcomed into [color=#1A1A1A]life[/color] and protected by law -- from conception until natural death. May God bless each of you in your efforts to bring about this day.

Thank You.


Edited by Tony
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Glad to hear from a pro-life politician. Idk anything about him as to whether or not he means it, but I'm glad that he's at least willing to stick his neck out on the line to speak up for life.

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[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1327358035' post='2374037']
Glad to hear from a pro-life politician. Idk anything about him as to whether or not he means it, but I'm glad that he's at least willing to stick his neck out on the line to speak up for life.
He's not sticking anything out. Vowing to defund Planned Parenthood when you're running to the right of your opponent in the Republican primary is about as politically courageous as proclaiming that Ronald Reagan was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1327358283' post='2374040']
Defunding PP is a good thing.

I agree. floopy poor women.

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You're mistaken if you think only poor women have abortions. You're also mistaken if you think PP provides any health care to poor women outside of abortion.

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It doesn't matter which side of his opponent he is on. It is a heated issue that divides people. To definitively back either side is taking more of a risk than staying silent, plus the side that he chose to back is hardly considered the "popular" side.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1327359725' post='2374051']
You're also mistaken if you think PP provides any health care to poor women outside of abortion.

I respectfully disagree.


Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='brianthephysicist' timestamp='1327360036' post='2374055']
It doesn't matter which side of his opponent he is on.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand how anybody who understands how primaries work could possibly say this.

[QUOTE]It is a heated issue that divides people. To definitively back either side is taking more of a risk than staying silent,[/QUOTE]

Right. Which is why Newt Gingrich, who desperately wants to become President, should take the really safe route to achieve that goal by not taking a position on any issues. Because that's how you win the primary.

[QUOTE]plus the side that he chose to back is hardly considered the "popular" side.

Well. It wouldn't be a popular position to take if he needed to secure the democratic nomination. Fortunately for Newt, that Obama chap already has that pretty well locked up. It is a popular position to take if Newt wants to win the republican nomination. Newt Gingrich is running for the republican nomination. His major opposition is a more moderate figure. If Newt wants to win the nomination he needs to get the voters who are dissatisfied with then anemic moderate they see in Romney. I wonder if any of these facts are connected with Newt taking a position popular with the far right of this country.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1327365155' post='2374104']
I am not.

They can say that they provide health care, but that doesn't mean they actually do. Talk to women who have gone there with a lump they wanted a mammogram for, and they will tell you that PP doesn't provide them. I've lived and worked with really poor women in both Oklahoma and Florida. In those two states PP doesn't provide anything except contraception and abortion. Maybe it is different where you live.

We'll just have to agree to disagree with this one because you can't convince me your argument is right when I have lived the other side in the real world.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1327365693' post='2374111']
We'll just have to agree to disagree with this one because you can't convince me your argument is right when I have lived the other side in the real world.

And I have real world experience with this too in the forms of people who have had to turn to Planned Parenthood (not for abortions) and people who have worked for them. I'm sure there is a difference in various states and regions and levels of funding. And I wouldn't say anything against your experience. But I don't see how you can say that they don't provide any aid to poor women except abortions. They do provide contraception and STD testing to poor women. And while we can have a respectful disagreement over the morality of those services they are different from abortions.

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Planned Parenthood was created to decrease the amount of "undesirable" people in the world (Blacks, Hispanics, Italians, Catholics, mentally impaired, etc). The goal was to "improve" the human race by speeding up "natural selection". I don't think their philosophy has changed one bit.

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Look, I'm not really "in the know" about politics. I don't really care whether making bold statements like this will help or hurt in the primaries, because you know what? I've got better things to worry about, like supporting people that speak against abortion. I honestly don't know whether or not the man means it or not, but my comment was made in the sense of saying "yes, good job mr. politician, I would like to see and hear more of this in action."

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My fiancee recently went there for a referral to a good ob-gyn in our area. She didn't trust what some of her friends were telling her about good ones and they gave her a pretty good list of affordable doctors who could do all the annual checkups and the like that she needs.

Just a simple anecdote that doesn't really support one side or the other.

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Oh, and hasn't Planned Parenthood been basically defunded anyway?

And why is it "courageous" for Newt Gingrich--a "Republican"-- to tell a group of supporters--who are presumably "Republican"-- that he will "defund" a program that people of his political affiliation--"Republican"-- don't support?

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1327366023' post='2374119']
Planned Parenthood was created to decrease the amount of "undesirable" people in the world (Blacks, Hispanics, Italians, Catholics, mentally impaired, etc). The goal was to "improve" the human race by speeding up "natural selection". I don't think their philosophy has changed one bit.

nah they dont care who's getting aborted, it's all about the paycheck.

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