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Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus (Closed And Redirected)


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phatcatholic's blog post about this.


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[quote name='GeorgiiMichael' timestamp='1326415656' post='2367987']
It's clear he's had some bad experiences with organized Christianity that go beyond what he cites in his poem. The problem here, of course, is that he's making a rule from an exception that he experienced. He's also blaming organized religion for his own failings as a sinner. Is whatever church he grew up in to blame for him being prim and proper on Sundays but relishing in his own hedonism the night before? Somehow, I think not. There must be more to the story. I wish I knew more.

Also, the claim that Jesus hates religion? Wow. "And upon this rock I will build my church," certainly sounds like religion starting to me. Christianity is a religion, even if he doesn't want to call it that. Even his own sola scriptura by private interpretation.

It makes me wonder if he's just mad because he has to go to confession for his fornications (see one of his other videos). People want God on THEIR terms.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1326412514' post='2367942']
i think BadCatholic came up with a good rebuttal: [url="http://www.patheos.com/blogs/badcatholic/2012/01/why-i-hate-religion-but-love-jesus-the-smackdow.html"]http://www.patheos.c...e-smackdow.html[/url]

It's so good it's on [url="http://www.realclearpolitics.com"]www.realclearpolitics.com[/url] !!!! (that's where I first read about this)

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[quote name='CrossCuT' timestamp='1326410184' post='2367925']
Where does this guy live? I want to dominate him with my logic

Tacoma/Federal Way, Washington, I believe. He is on this website:


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The irony is that in its own way, this kind of hip anti-"religion" "just me and Jesus" brand of belief that's oh-so-fashionable these days is every bit as obnoxiously self-righteous and judgmental as the square church-going "religion" it opposes, as well as rather lazy and self-serving imo.

It doesn't involve the basic discipline of attending any church services or being involved with an organized Christian community, nor does it entail seriously challenging or going against the grain of prevalent secular society. Just do your own thing, proclaim yourself best pals with Jesus, then thank the Lord for not being like unto those awful phariseeical religious folks who attend church on Sunday and vote Republican.

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Here is A neat blog a freind of my dad wrote on this topic. Just a little food for thought.


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And this is pretty razzle dazzle:


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Here is some more food for thought.


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[quote name='Oremoose' timestamp='1326565057' post='2368964']
Here is some more food for thought.



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[quote name='Oremoose' timestamp='1326565057' post='2368964']
Here is some more food for thought.

[/quote] :clap: good for him!!!

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Some respond to the so-called "new atheists" by saying, sure, religion poisons everything, but faith in Jesus is different. Basically conceding many points to the general critique of "religion" but try to make room for a vague concept of faith or spirituality. I dunno. Not sure if that's related.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1326740183' post='2370044']
Some respond to the so-called "new atheists" by saying, sure, religion poisons everything, but faith in Jesus is different. Basically conceding many points to the general critique of "religion" but try to make room for a vague concept of faith or spirituality. I dunno. Not sure if that's related.

Kinda like that, "I'm spiritual, but not religious."

[spoiler]So is the Devil[/spoiler]

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