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Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus (Closed And Redirected)


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1326412252' post='2367935']
Many Catholics were violently persecuted at the hands of protestants.

Yes, they were. Martin Luther furthered the cause of the liberty of conscience in spite of himself. And I refereed to your Church as despotic, which be definition it is, not Catholics.

Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1326405871' post='2367884']
It's the title of the video. Figured it might start an interesting debate.

Debate would imply this guy actually has some kind of argument.

[quote name='CrossCuT' timestamp='1326410184' post='2367925']
Where does this guy live? I want to dominate him with my logic
Who needs logic when you got razzle dazzle hip-hop hand gestures?

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i think BadCatholic came up with a good rebuttal: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/badcatholic/2012/01/why-i-hate-religion-but-love-jesus-the-smackdow.html

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1326413506' post='2367950']
Christ didn't found a religion. He found a Church, the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of Truth.
;) exactly.

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My stomach turned. I think it's because I spent a few years within this belief system, and frankly it's embarrassing to recall that. At the time I was master of cognitive dissonance. Shame :(

It's hard not to project my past failures onto other people BUT I agree with most here.

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It's clear he's had some bad experiences with organized Christianity that go beyond what he cites in his poem. The problem here, of course, is that he's making a rule from an exception that he experienced. He's also blaming organized religion for his own failings as a sinner. Is whatever church he grew up in to blame for him being prim and proper on Sundays but relishing in his own hedonism the night before? Somehow, I think not. There must be more to the story. I wish I knew more.

Also, the claim that Jesus hates religion? Wow. "And upon this rock I will build my church," certainly sounds like religion starting to me. Christianity is a religion, even if he doesn't want to call it that. Even his own sola scriptura by private interpretation.

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All of my Southern Baptist friends are posting it on their Facebook walls... I've learned that if they all are posting something about Jesus in general, I'm not going to agree. Ergo, I usually ignore.

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Quoting the video:

"If Jesus came to your church, would they let Him in?"


Jesus is already in my church. It's called the Eucharist, fool.

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Okay.. Some of the things he says are good things. But the overall message about Jesus coming to "abolish" religion is really really wrong.

The Bible states otherwise...


That link cleared it all up :)

Edited by InPersonaChriste
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Basilisa Marie

Although this is far from my biggest criticism of the video, every single bible reference the poet uses "religion" to describe Judaism. It could be considered to be wildly anti-Semitic, in a certain light. Because Jesus [i]totally [/i]came to abolish Judaism.

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another good commentary

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[quote name='InPersonaChriste' timestamp='1326434687' post='2368237']
Okay.. Some of the things he says are good things. But the overall message about Jesus coming to "abolish" religion is really really wrong.

The Bible states otherwise...


That link cleared it all up :)
You beat me to the punch.

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