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Real Catholic Tv's Statement

Lil Red

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1326350513' post='2367478']
Can one rep the pope and the holy magesterium,priests,deacons and missionary brothers ad sisters inclusive, without repping the heretical ones coz there have been some through the history,rarely a pope though i might add,than cardinals,than bishops,than priests,than missionary brothers and sister than deacons,than layity. Carefull your in the red zone HAHA keep it in check aight :) of course i'm not saying that this bishop is wrong or right, just throwing my dumness into the ring for ya'll.

God bless

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say but can one rep the Pope and stay in communion with the Church? Yes. Have there been heretical Bishops throughout history? Yes. But it is not for us to determine that and disobey our Bishops because of our own opinions. Rome will make that decision and remove those who are not in alignment, such as the Bishop in Queensland who was removed recently because he was speaking for women's ordination and other things that were not in alignment with Rome.

If we have a problem with our Bishop and he won't hear our complaints to him directly, then we can complain about him to Rome - not to the media.

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1326350736' post='2367480']
And if he can't find one, then the name 'Catholic' doesn't really apply to his group anyway.

Very true. I was thinking more along the lines of Rosalind Moss who was invited to St Louis by Archbishop Raymond Burke, but he had to leave almost immediately to go to Rome. The new Bishop did not support her new foundation of nuns, so she moved to a diocese where the Bishop did.

I think my main objection to the name RealCatholic is that it implies that anyone who disagrees with his views is not a Catholic. Perhaps that is also what his Bishop objects to. I don't know. But seems to Voris doesn't want to work out a solution privately - he just wants the publicity.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

oh i guess a married catholic less likely (coz for me thats razzle dazzle coz like thats one extra sacrement) , and to be branded a heretic i assume the behaviour must be consistent over an extended period of time with various warnings to repent along with reasons why there at fault. And i agree with the title, pray for your priests,pray for your bishops and oremus pro pontifice (pray for the pope). And pray for real catholic t.v. and ewtn and cradio.

cor jesus saccritisimum miserere nobis (sacred heart of jesus have mercy on us .)
God bless you all.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1326350598' post='2367479']
And if he does think keeping the name Catholic is that important to him, perhaps he needs to move to another diocese, where he might find a Bishop who agrees with him.

Well thanks for info and hopefully with the grace of god and all our prayers there will be a peacable resolution :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1326350894' post='2367482']
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say but can one rep the Pope and stay in communion with the Church? Yes. Have there been heretical Bishops throughout history? Yes. But it is not for us to determine that and disobey our Bishops because of our own opinions. Rome will make that decision and remove those who are not in alignment, such as the Bishop in Queensland who was removed recently because he was speaking for women's ordination and other things that were not in alignment with Rome.

If we have a problem with our Bishop and he won't hear our complaints to him directly, then we can complain about him to Rome - not to the media.

Yeah the bishop in queensland was retired and not ex-communicated, it was over a statement where he said if rome ordained women(and possibly homosexuals) that he would be obediant to rome. Which i don't think he should have said,but in that you all know there are a certain few rites that are in communion with rome that have the consolodation to have married priests, and also a convert from the church of england that is married can remain married in the catholic church.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i can't remember which rites and am not talking about the orthodox church, i met a man in one of these such rites/orders andi plum forgot which nation it was from. And he was a married priest and was friends with the unmarried ffsp priest that i know.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1326351490' post='2367487']
Yeah the bishop in queensland was retired and not ex-communicated, it was over a statement where he said if rome ordained women(and possibly homosexuals) that he would be obediant to rome. Which i don't think he should have said,but in that you all know there are a certain few rites that are in communion with rome that have the consolodation to have married priests, and also a convert from the church of england that is married can remain married in the catholic church.

I think you misunderstand the situation with Bishop Morris if you think he was 'retired'. He was removed from office because of his outspoken beliefs that were in opposition to Church teaching on several issues, including women's ordination and his use of the Third rite of Reconciliation instead of Confession and Absolution. He was allowed to resign (or seemingly retire) but he was removed. He did not choose to go.

And yes, there may be married clergy in various Rites of the Church, and in the case of priests who were Angican priests prior to becoming Catholic, but these are not the 'norm' and the Church has made it quite clear that within the Roman Rite, there is no further discussion to be had on the topic of ordaining women. When a priest or Bishop or religious speaks out against this, they are speaking against the teachings of the Church just as they would be if they were speaking for abortion or contraception or any other established Church teaching.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I have to agree with nunsense here though in that ,depending i guess of how long this has been dialogued behind closed doors possibly the man shouldn't have bought it into the media spotlight just yet, and if it has been dialogued much behind closed doors and no reporse than i guess hey why not tell the world of the dilema and hopefully invoke there prayers on the matter. But aggreably nunsense possibly some prudence could have been exercised by real catholic t.v. if indeed it wasn't already exercised.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i totally agree nunsense no women priests we have nuns and missonary sisters, and i only got the info for the queensland priest from the pulpit by a visiting priest to a parish in my diocease. And again he was retired not ex-communicated.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

though if i catch a priest kiddy fondling or dunking a witch be sure i'm going to smack him one in the chops and dob on him and tell him if indeed i catch him again the smack in the chops may be cultivated by rage and there will be many blows. Heat of the momment yo,not pre meditated violence. Though i'm not pro witch but am also not pro dunking them coz they get killed either way,seems unfair, and even the dunking aside i'm not bro killing people whom are within the law of heaven ie,not breaking the 10 commandments or consenting/preaching the false good of the seven deadlies paticularily if as a grave disorder, or possibly i'm pro not killing anyone at all unless it is just war doctrine. I do understand some things deserve death but possibly for god to administer death and life in jail is possibly better(and i say possibly coz i don't know of such matters.) And of course i understand manslaughter too in self defense or the defense of anothers life or temporary insanity like catching your wife of 10 years in bed with another man 2 weekends in a row.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1326352418' post='2367494']
i totally agree nunsense no women priests we have nuns and missonary sisters, and i only got the info for the queensland priest from the pulpit by a visiting priest to a parish in my diocease. And again he was retired not ex-communicated.

Can you show me a quote where I said he was excommunicated? He might have been had he continued to resist, but he accepted the request for him to resign, but he didn't go gracefully. He posted a letter in his defence on his diocesan website (that was removed later). He was not 'retired', he offered his resignation after being asked for it. The Vatican statement said that Bishop Morris had been 'removed from pastoral care'.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1326353026' post='2367498']
Can you show me a quote where I said he was excommunicated? He might have been had he continued to resist, but he accepted the request for him to resign, but he didn't go gracefully. He posted a letter in his defence on his diocesan website (that was removed later). He was not 'retired', he offered his resignation after being asked for it. The Vatican statement said that Bishop Morris had been 'removed from pastoral care'.

:) lublub(thaz ghetto slang for love love and/or i love you.) :)
Well Tab ghetto slang at the least, it possibly hasn't caught on yet lol coz i'm a bird brain.

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By telling us what your actions would be now, that makes it premeditated, not heat of the moment.

That being said, those situations do not apply to the current one. Voris has not been accused of anything, he has been asked to change the name...and has refused.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1326350598' post='2367479'] And if he does think keeping the name Catholic is that important to him, perhaps he needs to move to another diocese, where he might find a Bishop who agrees with him. [/quote]

Interesting is that is what my non-Catholics friends do. That is find a church that preaches what they believe. Not too hard to be obedient when your superiors are preaching to the choir and you are in the choir.

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