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Martial Arts/combat/fighting Sports


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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1326387969' post='2367666']
If this is at odds with Catholicism than how does one explain the tradition of knights and Catholic warriors?
It's a relic of the unenlightened despotic violent patriarchal Dark Ages of the Church before Vatican II.

Your time is better spent teaching your son liturgical dance instead.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1326502384' post='2368608']
It's a relic of the unenlightened despotic violent patriarchal Dark Ages of the Church before Vatican II.

Your time is better spent teaching your son liturgical dance instead.
[/quote] :hehe2: :winner:

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i was in karate when i was about 5 or 6. i found out later my parents took me out because i kept karate chopping and kicking everything in the house and was doing damage.


wish i had stayed in it, it would be good stuff to know.

im of the opinion all children should be taught the means to defend themselves before they are all grown up.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1326502384' post='2368608']
It's a relic of the unenlightened despotic violent patriarchal Dark Ages of the Church before Vatican II.

Your time is better spent teaching your son liturgical dance instead.
You've converted me. I now see the light.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1326601356' post='2369397']
You've converted me. I now see the light.
Good. Now join me in singing Kumbaya (or else the modern,post-Vatican II, inclusive, non-patriarchal, gender-neutral creation/community-centered hymn of your choice).

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1326668985' post='2369693']
Good. Now join me in singing Kumbaya (or else the modern,post-Vatican II, inclusive, non-patriarchal, gender-neutral creation/community-centered hymn of your choice).

OK everyone - all together now:


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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1326684710' post='2369864']
There's always Capoeira if you want to combine some dancing and self defense.

I concure


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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1326387549' post='2367662']
There are many different forms of martial arts as well, so you could always put your kids in a form that was not so contact oriented.

Jiu Jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, karate, judo, etc. Some have more emphasis on striking, and others are more emphasis on wrestling, or self defense techniques.

mebbe tai bo even....

just saying

ow! just took an arrow to the knee!

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Speaking of martial arts I believe you will enjoy this website regarding a very Jewish angle on this subject:


Edited by Dennis Tate
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I would teach my 5-10 year old push ups and crunches(a form of sit-ups) and possibly not the sit ups untill 8 or 9, they can be a great strain on a developing back but not so much the push ups. And for fitness i would have my child on a soccer team till 12 and than bring in the option of defense,but a nurturing art, most martial arts have a yin and the yang version ie. nurturer and the active. I wouldn't let my teen do an active martial art but would give him or her my blessing if they decided to once 16-21 at this age i would also give my blessing for sport tai-kwon-do because there fully padded. But when it comes to boxing i would allow that too at 12 but i would never allow my child to go into the ring untill after 18 and would make it in no uncertain terms ameteur boxing is for skill and points and thinking, not the k.o. and would oppose any coach that said otherwise, and again because of the head gear i would give my blessing after 18. Also anyways i would make very clear to my son or daughter that the nurturer is better in defense of self and to avoid a fight at all costs but than if someone else was being bullied physically or having there head stomped into the ground when there already on the ground i would say in the case of such defense of others you need to take the active approach and kick the oppositions butt.

God bless you.

oh p.s. after all i have said i would much prefer my child to do judo or a grappling for of martial arts and to have a strong core basis, there are heaps of core exercises to strengthen muscles without lifting above the body weight, though of course after 18 there free to lift weights if they choose, plus i would encourage long walks for fitness if arts was chosen over a coninuing soccer hobby. And also my uncle was super fit and strong and boxed heaps and trained boxers , and his lung collapsed and incured severe depression because he couldn't do this anymore and he warned me he had it wrong that he lived to be fit instead of get fit to live. Unless your in a proffesional sports career you shouldn't live to be fit.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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All the sports you mentioned are great for children. They teach them responsibility, build their confidence and character. I studied Goju ryu from age 5 until age 11 its an Okinawan karate known as the hard/soft style, I acheived a 1st dan black belt, thats the first level in the black belt. I then quit to take up boxing and had 87 fights total, about half club fights, which are inter gym and with neighboring gyms and the rest were record matches. A child or a young man who participates in these sports will never be a bully, will never start a fight or fight without provocation, but he will be more than capable of defending himself. he will also be self confident and in great physical condition, its hard to be a couch potato when you run 6 miles each morning before school, not to be confused with jogging, boxers run at a fast pace with hand wraps on and flicking punches at times to keep their arms loose.

I highly reccomend boxing for your sons, karate would be appropriate for your girls if you have any. as its more about blocks and feints than actual contact when learning, boxing on the other hand is full contact from the first day, and even with head gear used while training a nose can be broken or an ear cartilage can be deformed. Of course your girl could fall from her skates or bicycle and do the same thing, but a boy is much more physical than a girl anyway, and why would one want their girl to fight anyway?


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