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I’M A Cradle Catholic And Proud Of It


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As a cradle catholic myself, I think the term needs context. In  some situations, it is used as a negative term to mean people who  have a "been there done that" attitude toward their faith. 
I am sort of shamed into remembering what I take for granted. It is at this point that I identify with the "cradle catholic" been there done that. So, I rarely see it as a positive term, but as a term against the cradle Catholic. 

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I guess we all use different terminology. To me a cradle Catholic is someone who wass born and raised in a Catholic family (baptised as a baby).

I do use a another term, cafeteria Catholic to describe any Catholic (cradle or convert) who picks and chooses (likes at a cafeteria) from their faith e.g. they might use contraception or not go to Mass every Sunday etc. For them, being Catholic is more of a social or cultural thing than a real expression of their faith.

I have never used cradle Catholic as a negative term.

Edited by nunsense
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To me, the universally negative expression for someone who is a cradle Catholic (but has now fallen away) is "I was raised Catholic."

Obviously, that can have a different outcome.

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the first time I heard the term "cradle catholic", it was by a Cradle Catholic who was proud to be one. The second time was by a Cradle Catholic talking about how many people she knew who fell away, or were culturally Catholic. I agree with all the people who have said that it depends on where you come from, and what your story is and your journey of faith. Just because someone is raised in the faith doesn't mean they don't have their own moments of conversion; the Church talks about them being a good thing.

For those of us who were raised Protestant, we should especially acknowledge this as a fact. Because each of us who has converted has most likely gone through our own prior conversion experiences, where we too, made our faith our own, instead of the inheritance of faith from our parents. That's a big part of being Saved in Protestant circles, because you're accepting Christ as your savior because you chose to, not your parents, you gave your life to Him. I don't think it matters if one is a convert to Catholicism, or a Cradle Catholic, we share many common bonds: the Eucharist, the other Sacraments, and that each of us has had to have our own Road to Damascus moment, where we accept faith for ourselves.

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I'm not a big fan of splitting up catholics into cradle, converts, reverts, etc.

We're catholic, period.

and yes, I am proud to be one.

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I was recieved into the Church as an adult, and Im humbled by it. I dont consider myself a convert as I did not have to change my beliefs, just find the Church. Had it been my calling to have a family, I would have been humbled to raise cradle Catholics, and hope they would have been humbled too. To me faith is not about pride, its about being blown away day after day by God's love for us.

Edited by faithcecelia
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