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God Is Love

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

pax domine bretheren,sympathiesers and others...

I believe GOD loves us all equally but does this mean that he treats us all equally, in that each has a variety of needs through each specific life circumstances past,present and future.

God bless you all.
God iz good,God is love,God saves.

JC "seek and ye shall find." "knock and the door will be opened."
St Paul "persistance bears fruits of hope." "be drunk off the spirit not alcohol.(words to that effect anyhow)"

St francessca cabrini "he that dares nothing recieves nothing,a missionary should be fearless."
St mary mackillop of the cross "Be eager in your desires but patient in there accomplishment."

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Yes. God is love.

“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him” 1 John 4:16



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i only read the introduction, i will read the rest later on,i read this encyclical when it 1st came out, with the grace of god if he wills it i would like to read all the encyclical letters for the past 112 years at the least, of course i would like to read them even further back into history if GOD wills it, i find i get alot more out of encyclical letters than out of the chatechism,though i do get alot out of the chatechism as well when i have the patience to read it and think about it.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I find that the encyclicals i have read, and i think i have read 2 or 3 and they where written by pope benedict XVI and Blessed John Paul II, i found i didn't have to think about them much as to what the pope was getting at .

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I had a priest explain it in an interesting way. We as human beings think that because we are persons that "personhood" is the pinnacle of existence. But because the analogy of God as love is so central in the New Tesament, it is better to think of God primarily not as a person who gives love to us, or whom we love (although these are not wrong ways to think about God), but as the "loving" between individuals. God as the underlying cause of all being, allows us to love other people, and is present in that agapic love.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I like that coz i believe the more i love GOD the more i love others and forgive there faults, though there are still some savage wounds that are on the mend so to speak. So like i get saved that i may be a vessel for the holy spirit and save others not for my self so to speak for the kingdom of heaven working with what ever amount of grace i am alloted at any given momment or day.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

but let me give you another example of why i believe god loves all equally but treats us in accordance with situations and life experience, another example i was thinking of is abortion, in the case that a womens life is in serious danger of death than abortion may very well be okay because the womens life has been saved and she can pro create more, but a women whose lifestyle is in danger of death is deffinately not an exceptable reason to abort nore as well if say a young ladies parents or friends lifestyle is in danger of death. Bazing. So get this heres another one, a child that has been from foster home to foster home and was given a serious brain injury when he was younger and was molested also to top it off, surely GOD is going to treat this man differently from one whom had not such a dramatic upbringing but he loves him the same as one whom has not experienced such terror and instability. do yaw get what i'm getting at ? agree or disagree or 50 50 i don't know,or possibly 60 percent this example and 30 percent that example and 10 percent i don't know or any variety of such seeking and edumacated guessetamations. :oP

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God loves all and treats all with His mercy and justice. This does not mean that all have the same experiences in life but that God is always there for comfort and strength.

While it may be true that God helps those who help themselves, He also helps those who can't help themselves so in all things we should turn first to God and ask Him for His help.

If you are asking if He judges us differently according to our circumstances in life, the answer is only known by God Himself as only He knows the heart of a person as well as their actions. He asks us to follow His commandments, but He also forgives our transgressions because of the sacrifice that was made by His Son and Our Lord, Jesus. We should always strive to please Him in all things but never feel beyond redemption and forgiveness if we repent.

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God is perfect love and perfect justice. I believe He takes every single thing about our lives into consideration. That doesn't mean we can hand Him a list of excuses when we meet Him. Jesus said 'If you love me you will keep my commandments' (not quite right, I know) and 'If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love'

God's standards are different to our standards. A religious sister once told me 'I think we're going to all have a big shock when we see who is in heaven and who is in hell.'

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  • 2 weeks later...

God Is Love. This sounds like a title from a St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism session. Yes, while I am a young person, I remember some of it was taught to me as a child probably because that is what my teachers taught and what they were familiar with. If God is Love, then how can we as a society as a whole dislike Him so much? Blaspheme after Blaspheme. Murder After Murder. Sin after Sin. With the season of Lent coming up, how can we show God that we love Him?

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1325921032' post='2364368']
I like that coz i believe the more i love GOD the more i love others and forgive there faults, though there are still some savage wounds that are on the mend so to speak. So like i get saved that i may be a vessel for the holy spirit and save others not for my self so to speak for the kingdom of heaven working with what ever amount of grace i am alloted at any given momment or day.

I personally strongly suspect that the Creator is out to save absolutely everybody on this earth. The basic concept of universal salvation even has implications for politics, economics, health care, employment, poverty and the solution to it.

We could learn much by studying the life of Dr. Moses Coady who in my opinion was something of a modern Elijah who took his ideas on theology/philosophy and applied them into the realm of economics, politics and solving very real problems in the here and now!

Edited by Dennis Tate
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