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Should Phat Really Have A Beer Forum?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

pax dimine bretheren...
I am concerned about such a forum. I know st paul said "please have a litle bit for what ails you". i can't remember entering that forum except for a quick peep once. If a catholic blog sight is going to have such a forum than surely it must be made infinitly clear drunkardness is evil st paul also said this too,and infinitly clear that the only time jesus kinda hinted at an exception was the wedding at canna.So possibly only very special occasions such as your b'day(not everyone elses),new years eve and weddings of closest friends and family (and don't go looking for weddings just to get drunk and becoming a serial wedding drunker) also which does not include the end of the working week. I don't know what thinketh ye all.

God bless you all.
God iz good,God iz love,God saves.
Onward christian souls.

JC "love one another as i have loved you."

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Having a beer forum is just like having an NFP/marriage forum. It's not simply a necessary evil; it's a positive good when practiced under the correct circumstances.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1324451862' post='2354962']
pax dimine bretheren...
I am concerned about such a forum. I know st paul said "please have a litle bit for what ails you". i can't remember entering that forum except for a quick peep once. If a catholic blog sight is going to have such a forum than surely it must be made infinitly clear drunkardness is evil st paul also said this too,and infinitly clear that the only time jesus kinda hinted at an exception was the wedding at canna.So possibly only very special occasions such as your b'day(not everyone elses),new years eve and weddings of closest friends and family (and don't go looking for weddings just to get drunk and becoming a serial wedding drunker) also which does not include the end of the working week. I don't know what thinketh ye all.

God bless you all.
God iz good,God iz love,God saves.
Onward christian souls.

JC "love one another as i have loved you."

I'll drink to that!

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

so your drinking a beer now reading this whats your point for drinking alcohol, if your reason illuminates me to deep life long healing i will respect that your drinking a beer while reading this.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

and what is a good drink, 1,2 or 3 or 20 and how often,daily every 48 hours or 72 hours, be mindful that scientificaly alcohol takes 48 hours to exit the system.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Though when i recently went to detox they said they had to breathelize me and i waited outside for 10 minutes waiting for the guy and paniked and prayed to god that i was under whatever limit they had,unfortunately i went hell for leather the night before like i mean 15 plus and one blower blew 0.00 and they got another one thinking it was wrong and it blew 0.00 too. probably just a one off miracle for me in a time of desperate need.

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"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. But wisdom is proved." Mt 11:19

Eating and drinking are fine for most people Tab'le. If you have a problem with drink, then perhaps you should not read that particular phorum?

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I don't think any Catholic would object to one drink a day, or a few over the course of a week, for someone who doesn't have any issues with alcoholism. For occasions such as dinner with friends, a party, an anniversary, I see no reason that someone couldn't have several drinks over the course of the evening, again if there are no previous issues with alcoholism.
Simple moderation. No need to think all that hard about it.

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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1324459171' post='2354996']
Though when i recently went to detox they said they had to breathelize me and i waited outside for 10 minutes waiting for the guy and paniked and prayed to god that i was under whatever limit they had,unfortunately i went hell for leather the night before like i mean 15 plus and one blower blew 0.00 and they got another one thinking it was wrong and it blew 0.00 too. probably just a one off miracle for me in a time of desperate need.
Maybe you should not drink then. If a person cannot practice moderation, which seems likely for a person who had fifteen drinks in one night, then that person should not drink.

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Drinking a beer or two does not equate to drunkenness, which is to be avoided[Galatians 5:19-21, Luke 21:34, CCC 2290]. And as Nihil pointed out, if one can't drink without going to the point of drunkenness, he should not even start.

If it is good enough for the Pope, it is good enough for me.


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Im saddened by the lack of appreciation for rum around here :(


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