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Does Anti-Bullying Equal Pro-Gay? Student Kicked Out Of Class...


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This article talks about a boy who was kicked out of class for his religious beliefs ... here is part of the article (link for more)


A woman has filed a federal lawsuit against her school district and a high school teacher for kicking her son out of class in October 2010 because her son’s religious beliefs prevent him from accepting homosexuality.

The [url="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Thomas+More+Law+Center"]Thomas More Law Center[/url] filed the lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of Sandra Glowacki, a Catholic, who accused Howell Public School District and teacher Johnson McDowell of violating her son’s constitutional rights.

There was no immediate comment from the district or McDowell.

The suit says McDowell kicked out Daniel Glowacki, 16, then a junior, from an economics class on Oct. 20, 2010, while the district was observing anti-bullying day and Spirit Day. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) encourages Americans to wear purple on Spirit Day to support [url="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/LGBT"]LGBT[/url] youth who may feel harassed because of their sexual preference.

The lawsuit said the district allowed teachers to sell purple “Tyler’s Army” T-shirts in support of [url="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Tyler+Clementi"]Tyler Clementi[/url], a [url="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Organizations/Schools/Rutgers+University"]Rutgers University[/url] freshman who killed himself last year after a roommate streamed an Internet video of Clementi kissing a male student. McDowell wore one of the T-shirts throughout the day and devoted his classes to promoting homosexuality, the suit said

During his sixth-hour class, the suit said, McDowell told a female student to remove a Confederate flag belt buckle because he considered it offensive.

When Daniel Glowacki asked McDowell why it was permissible to display the rainbow flag, which represents gay pride, McDowell asked him if he supported gays, the suit said. When Glowacki said his Catholic religion prohibited him from doing so, McDowell told Glowacki and another student who shared Glowacki's views to leave class, the suit said.

The district suspended McDowell, who was president of the Howell Education Association, for one day without pay for violating district policy but eventually rescinded the penalty to settle a grievance he filed.

The dispute became a national topic after a 14-year-old [url="http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Places,+Geography/Towns,+Cities,+Counties/Ann+Arbor"]Ann Arbor[/url] student spoke in McDowell's defense at a Howell school board meeting. The student later appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres TV show and a video of his speech was posted on the Internet.

Robert Muise, a lawyer for the Thomas More Law Center, accused the district and McDowell, with the support of the local, state and national education associations, of trying to indoctrinate students into believing homosexuality is normal and that anyone who disagrees is intolerant and hateful.

Muise said it was his client who was bullied. He wants U.S. District Judge Patrick Duggan to declare that the defendants violated Glowacki's constitutional rights, enjoin the district and McDowell from favoring homosexuality over opposing religious viewpoints and to award damages to his clients.


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It's ironic that the anti-bullying crowd is bullying children to approve the homosexual lifestyle. And the anti-bullying campaign is basically the anti-gay-bullying.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1324045903' post='2352241']
It's ironic that the anti-bullying crowd is bullying children to approve the homosexual lifestyle. And the anti-bullying campaign is basically the anti-gay-bullying.

That's how I see it too. Bullying at school needs to be stopped, but not just gay bullying, and it is still bullying to try to force a child to believe in something their religion objects to! What a mess.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1324046145' post='2352243']

That's how I see it too. Bullying at school needs to be stopped, but not just gay bullying, and it is still bullying to try to force a child to believe in something their religion objects to! What a mess.
And the candy-wuss public is falling for this tactic hook, line and sinker.

Also, overweight kids are far more bullied than gays.

Edited by Papist
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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1324046402' post='2352245']
And the candy-wuss public is falling for this tactic hook, line and sinker.

Also, overweight kids are far more bullied than gays.

So true about overweight, and many other kids who don't quite 'fit in'. I was bullied horribly in school and I wasn't overweight, just a new kid who started a week late and the others had all turned into a 'dog pack' already.

It is one of the sorrows of a secular society that we can't see past the 'rights' issues to the moral issues.

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And with the "zero-tolerance" policies, it seems like half the time the bullies end up getting away with it, and the bullied are the ones who get in trouble when they try to stand up for themselves. I had a friend in high school who had that happen ALL THE TIME. He would take it and take it and take it, and the teachers wouldn't see what was happening, even when he tried to call attention to it, and then he would finally have enough, stand up for himself and HE would get in trouble.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1324053436' post='2352293']
those who scream and holler and demand "TOLERANCE!!!!!!!" turn out to be the most intolerant bastards of them all.....
Tell us how you really feel. :P

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I agree with basically every sentiment in this thread. It's a shame that anti-bullying actually does mean anti-gay bullying. Not that gays deserve to be bullied, but if the powers that be are going to preach tolerance for all points of view and ways of life, they actually have to preach tolerance for [i]all [/i]points of view and ways of life.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1324053694' post='2352298']
I agree with basically every sentiment in this thread. It's a shame that anti-bullying actually does mean anti-gay bullying. Not that gays deserve to be bullied, but if the powers that be are going to preach tolerance for all points of view and ways of life, they actually have to preach tolerance for [i]all [/i]points of view and ways of life.
It's not just with this, but in general, our society seems to be going more and more towards people believing, "If you disagree with me, you don't love me." It really comes out in conflicts between people against the homosexual lifestyle and those for it, but I think it's definitely more prevalent than just that. It kind of reminds me of [u]Animal Farm[/u], where "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1324046402' post='2352245']

Also, overweight kids are far more bullied than gays.

I agree with this especially. My name is "Big" Jon for a reason, and I know how teenagers can be. I am one!

BTW, I'm not fat, God just made me with extra fluff. I mean, seriously, who doesn't love extra fluff?

As far as the rest of the bullying thing, I agree. Gays at my school don't get bullied, they usually are the ones doing the bullying. No joke.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1324054173' post='2352302']
It's not just with this, but in general, our society seems to be going more and more towards people believing, "If you disagree with me, you don't love me." It really comes out in conflicts between people against the homosexual lifestyle and those for it, but I think it's definitely more prevalent than just that. It kind of reminds me of [u]Animal Farm[/u], where "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

I read [u]Animal Farm[/u] last year. You're right; it reminds me of that too, now that you mention it. And [u]Animal Farm[/u] didn't end well.

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Huh. I just ran into this article today.


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[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1324053436' post='2352293']
those who scream and holler and demand "TOLERANCE!!!!!!!" turn out to be the most intolerant bastards of them all.....
Yup. And tolerance is now supposed to mean acceptance, as if the two are the same.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i can't read all that but telling somone something may very well be wrong is not persecution. Depends if your stalking them i guess can be when it kinda is persecution. Also i'm not anti homosexual but am anti homosexual marriage. The lifestyle is there choice as is a career a choice,lame example i know. What i'm saying i am not a homosexual basher but if need be i will tell them what i think about it same as if somone told me they masterbate in the toilet at the local club sometimes,imma tell em that i don't agree with it and think that it is contrary to the truth of the existance of sin and that sin is wrong and the wages of sin are death and not just physical death but a spiritual death that reduces charity towards others and increases the desire for self glorification, and if further dialogue continues i will try and lead them to the other half of the truth that God can save us from sin. Of course i hate sin but try my very best not to hate the sinner coz the sin may not actually be the absolute truth of there personage,i don't suceed with this all the time but i do try and am learning to try and see as god sees and not the sin but all the good bits of the person that i can find for god can not dwell where sin is,thing is if a person was absolute sin than that person would be the devil, even the devil can be patient but it is false light because he is only being patient to impliment sin. Please remeber the enemy is the devil not a human being,well thats what i believe anyhow.And i had something really good to say that i have forgotten to type,something to do with sin.sooooooo see yah

God bless

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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