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What Percent Out Of A 100 Are You Convinced That The God Of The Bible


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[quote name='XIX' timestamp='1323908974' post='2351407']
I seem to recall the term "Cartesian Dualism," and I'm pretty sure it's a heresy. :spidey:

I know what else is Heresy. It starts with "Chicken...."

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I used to float somewhere in the 90s... then I spiked up to 100 about 2 years ago... then about 2 months ago [b]OUT OF NOWHERE[/b] I fell to like a 40% and I was terrified and miserable, now, looking back, I think God was testing me during that time, LUCKILY it didn't go on too long and I am steadily climbing back up to 100 (God knows I'm not mother Teresa lol) What I learned from my terrifying experience was perseverance...

edit:: I just wanted to add that this crazy thing that happened to me was literally the day after I had an amazing experience in confession, and I still cannot understand where it came from...it felt like God suddenly hid Himself from me and I was like a dumb baby who thinks its parents are gone when they are just playing peek-a-boo ... :paperbag:

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Sure, there have been times when I"ve doubted. There were some terrible internal battles when I doubted. It was awful. But then I saw the beauty in creation, in other humans, and the goodness of others' hearts and was convinced once again, that God is real.
And I'm so happy I did! (and do!)


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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1323918639' post='2351484']

I know what else is Heresy. It starts with "Chicken...."


Actually chickens are very smart and intelligent. Also they are very brave and protective. The mother hens are very protective and so are the roosters, too. If you don't believe me thats ok. Because I know the truth about chickens and I have been raising them for the majority of my life. Besides chickens aren't easily scared as most people think. Besides don't humans get scared too? Chickens are beautiful creatures and they can be beautiful pets too. Their eggs and their meat are delicious!! Also a fun fact is that chicken feet make the best chicken stock on the earth!! (And you dont eat their feet.....)

Sorry to hijack this thread! It is a good thread btw!

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1323899176' post='2351342']
Sometimes I have doubts and wonder if God really exists, and I constantly pray for an increase in faith. I don't know the percentage, but I know my goal is 100%

I love this!

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[quote name='i<3LSOP' timestamp='1323910209' post='2351417']
100% totally. I trust [...] the Bible.

even the parts that contradict the other parts? it would probably be more accurate to say you trust the catholic interpretation(?) of the bible 100%, unless you are a bible literalist.

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101% I am so grateful to have been instilled with a strong faith at a very young age. I often times wonder about how the "Always was always will be..." thing works out, but my brain is too small and I just trust that He is there. He has proved his presence to me too many times for me to doubt Him.

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100 percent! with the miracles and graces He has given to me, i can't even imagine saying 99 percent.

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this thread is interesting, for the reason of what it means to have faith. one poster said that it'd never be one hundred percent or else it wouldn't be faith. well, maybe in the sense that it's not 'knowing' it's faith. but if one were to knock it down by virtue of it being faith, then that's putting it back in the real of 'knowing' or treated that way. if we look at it holistitically and say you can include faith in the equation, what is the percentage? the consensus seems to be that having less than a hundred is okay... so what is the lower that's permissible and still be faith? is it just that faith leaves off where 'knoiwing' otherwise would stop? that's not a bad way of looking at it.
just some thoughts.

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My momentary doubts are quickly comforted. To me the evidence, primarily in nature, but also scripture is so overwhelming that I cannot doubt for long. Nature boggles my mind when I look at the complexity of it. How anyone could believe it happened by accident or random acts, or was not guided is ludicrous to me. 100%.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1323922103' post='2351509']
I used to float somewhere in the 90s... then I spiked up to 100 about 2 years ago... then about 2 months ago [b]OUT OF NOWHERE[/b] I fell to like a 40% and I was terrified and miserable, now, looking back, I think God was testing me during that time, LUCKILY it didn't go on too long and I am steadily climbing back up to 100 (God knows I'm not mother Teresa lol) What I learned from my terrifying experience was perseverance...

edit:: I just wanted to add that this crazy thing that happened to me was literally the day after I had an amazing experience in confession, and I still cannot understand where it came from...it felt like God suddenly hid Himself from me and I was like a dumb baby who thinks its parents are gone when they are just playing peek-a-boo ... :paperbag:
You ran out of wine, then Jesus made some more for you.
A nun told us this parable about the wedding feast of Cana. Running out of wine is when we lose our faith and feel low. We pray and Jesus comes and restores us.

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[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1323972834' post='2351719']
My momentary doubts are quickly comforted. To me the evidence, primarily in nature, but also scripture is so overwhelming that I cannot doubt for long. Nature boggles my mind when I look at the complexity of it. How anyone could believe it happened by accident or random acts, or was not guided is ludicrous to me. 100%.

if you have doubts, even momentary, then i wouldnt say 100%.

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I have experienced doubts in the past, and yet during those times I continued to pray. If anything, doubt enriched my faith - the loneliness and longing it created in me carved out a deeper space for God. I knew it would do this at the time, if only I let it. When Jesus said that all things are possible with faith, the father of the child in need of healing cried out, "I believe; help thou my unbelief!" I don't think that his faith was diluted by his doubt - in a curious way, it strengthened it. It seems to have given him an extraordinary level of abandonment and humility, and we need that in order to live as Christians.

This is why I won't try to put a percentage on my faith. To me it is not a thing that can be quantified, only lived out.

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Little Flower

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323840008' post='2351027']
im not 100% sure, i think that is fairly silly. In my heart i am certain enough that god exists, but logically i have doubts, and I think many honest theologians would likely be the same.
what are the logical doubts you have? and how do you explain how the universe even got here or anything without God?
[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323983928' post='2351782']
if you have doubts, even momentary, then i wouldnt say 100%.
Have you ever, when you were really mad at your parents, thought to yourself that they didn't love you at all? even though you knew deep down the whole time that they really did love you? Its kind of like that. I don't understand how God operates, or how or why some things happen. But I know that God exists. So sometimes I doubt because I don't understand, but I always know its true regardless of my doubts. Does that make any sense?
[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323945554' post='2351566']

even the parts that contradict the other parts? it would probably be more accurate to say you trust the catholic interpretation(?) of the bible 100%, unless you are a bible literalist.
what parts contradict each other? like can you give specific chapter/verses?

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