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What Percent Out Of A 100 Are You Convinced That The God Of The Bible


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From about the age of 19 to 21 I didn't know in what way God existed. I still believed in God but didn't know if he was the God of the bible or what. I was really confused. Prayed really hard about it at one point and it was amazing how He responded and gave me truth and understanding. So much so it would be impossible for me to ever doubt in my lifetime. God is good.

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I wonder if there will be any below 100. It sorta makes a case that faith is a real thing. Not just some figure of speech.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1323833342' post='2350931']
If a poll was taken of all catholics in the world today I wonder what the percents and numbers would be....
Sadly, it's probably fairly low. Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of people that call themselves Catholic, but don't make any effort to practice their faith.

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Mark of the Cross

I think therefore I am and I can only think because God made it so. It's the only thing that is 100%. Sense without God, there is non! 100%

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im not 100% sure, i think that is fairly silly. In my heart i am certain enough that god exists, but logically i have doubts, and I think many honest theologians would likely be the same.

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It varies. Right now this very moment probably 85%. I've been at 100% before, and I've probably been as low as 10%. Those were miserable times.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323840008' post='2351027']im not 100% sure, i think that is fairly silly. In my heart i am certain enough that god exists, but logically i have doubts, and I think many honest theologians would likely be the same.[/quote] For sure.

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1323840809' post='2351038']It varies. Right now this very moment probably 85%. I've been at 100% before, and I've probably been as low as 10%. Those were miserable times.[/quote] 85 % is great.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323840008' post='2351027']
im not 100% sure, i think that is fairly silly. In my heart i am certain enough that god exists, but logically i have doubts, and I think many honest theologians would likely be the same.

This is me, too. I stand firm in what I believe, but allow the possibility that I could be wrong. Despite that, I choose to live my life as if I [i]am [/i]right and there is no doubt.

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' timestamp='1323840152' post='2351028']
Over 9000%!!!

I love you, man.

Now, as to the original question ... I don't think I can put a percentage on my faith. I've been all over the map, and as Ice_nine said, at one point in my life close to zero. That was the scariest, darkest season of my life and I hope I never feel that way again. Nihilism kills.

I don't know for sure that I'm right simply because I haven't died yet. If we could be 100% sure, then it wouldn't be faith.

There are moments when what we believe seems like the craziest thing in the world ... and other moments where His presence is so incredibly obvious. Most of the time, I fall somewhere in between.

But I pray for the gift of faith every day, and for the ability to see His fingerprints in the world. I have only a mustard seed, sometimes not even that, but it's enough. :)

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