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What Percent Out Of A 100 Are You Convinced That The God Of The Bible


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1325195909' post='2359591']
Actually, the Romantic era (19th century) was[i] post[/i]-enlightenment (18th century).

Sorry, I'm a history nerd.

whoops! I should've known that. Now there is egg all over my face :(

The romantic era was in reaction to the enlightenment. I can understand why! Science is the bees knees and all but that don't mean it has dibs on errythang.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1323983928' post='2351782']
if you have doubts, even momentary, then i wouldnt say 100%.

I don't have ANY at the current time. Haven't for a while. Is it your position that one cannot have had any doubts at any time in the past to say 100%. Silly. 100% it is.

Edited by thessalonian
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I believe that the God of the Bible exists, but I doubt I am 100% sure about that. I say that I believe in the God of the Bible, but I am sometimes struck with doubts about His goodness. I pray and seek answers, and the Holy Spirit seems to illuminate the truth whenever I really hit a wall. I guess I would say I'm about an 85% too, because I definitely don't always live in the reality of the perfectly loving God revealed in the Bible. This is a really interesting question :)

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[quote name='ParadiseFound' timestamp='1325867433' post='2363964']
Percent out of 100? As opposed to percent out of what...?

Don't be pedantic, you know what he means.

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[quote name='ParadiseFound' timestamp='1325867433' post='2363964']
Percent out of 100? As opposed to percent out of what...?
[/quote] of 254

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You all must move mountains with your 100% faith.

[quote name='Gospel of Matthew, 17:20'][color=#333333][font=Georgia,] He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”[/font][/color][/quote]

I have not been able to speak and move mountains. Or uproot a tree. And while I will choose to live and believe in Jesus Christ and in the teachings of the Catholic Church, I know my faith is less than the size of a mustard seed because try as I might, I cannot move mountains.

I pray to one day have the faith of that size, let alone faith with 100 percent of my being.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='GeorgiiMichael' timestamp='1325978575' post='2364645']
You all must move mountains with your 100% faith.

I have not been able to speak and move mountains. Or uproot a tree. And while I will choose to live and believe in Jesus Christ and in the teachings of the Catholic Church, I know my faith is less than the size of a mustard seed because try as I might, I cannot move mountains.

I pray to one day have the faith of that size, let alone faith with 100 percent of my being.
I believe it was a metaphor for surrmounting lifes problems, not a literal mountain. Only God can defy physics.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1326523973' post='2368793']
I believe it was a metaphor for surrmounting lifes problems, not a literal mountain. Only God can defy physics.

If we can believe that when Jesus said, "This is my body, this is my blood" why is it so hard to believe that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains? Are we so arrogant as to believe that our faith [i]must[/i] be so much bigger than a mustard seed?

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1326523973' post='2368793']
I believe it was a metaphor for surrmounting lifes problems, not a literal mountain. Only God can defy physics.

True, but it was also through faith that God used humans to defy biology.

As for a percentage...nah. Faith doesn't work in percentages. You can't measure belief or human experience of God empirically.

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Basilisa Marie

[quote name='GeorgiiMichael' timestamp='1326524285' post='2368795']
If we can believe that when Jesus said, "This is my body, this is my blood" why is it so hard to believe that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains? Are we so arrogant as to believe that our faith [i]must[/i] be so much bigger than a mustard seed?

The mustard seed parable always reminds me of a story about Aquinas. How this man, who was one of the few most brilliant minds and theologians of all recorded history, experienced such a powerful vision of God that he exclaimed "All that I have written is straw" and stopped writing. How much faith does it really take to move mountains? How much knowledge must one must have before one truly knows God? If our faith fills our realm of experience, can't that be 100%? But if someone has a larger realm of experience for faith, wouldn't they need more faith to get to that 100%? But who then, out of these two, has more faith? In whose perspective is the mustard seed of faith so very tiny - ours, or Christ's?

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Dogmatic Atheists Lack Mathematical Aptitude.

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