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What Percent Out Of A 100 Are You Convinced That The God Of The Bible


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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1323828874' post='2350853']Dude, I am a Catholic Christian. Of course I'm going to say 100%.

Do I need to explain?[/quote]I think you could very easily be a catholic christian in good standing and not be 100 percent convinced.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1323828966' post='2350854']
I think you could very easily be a catholic christian in good standing and not be 100 percent convinced.


I'm just telling you that I believe 100%.

And as far as that "good standing" thing...well, that's between me and my confessor. hahahahahahaha :)

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' timestamp='1323830777' post='2350896']
That's a huge gift of faith to actually be 100 percent convinced. 100 percent leaves no doubt.

I didn't always have the gift of faith so I am very grateful for it. It could be taken away at any time I suppose, so I pray everyday in thanks for this blessing and to ask God to always let me know and love Him this way. There is no greater gift than faith.

I understand that Mother Teresa went through great spiritual darkness for 40 years, but to me that only indicates an even greater faith in God because she continued to do her work all that time. Faith can be dark or light, but yes, it is a gift.

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Good point about Mother Teresa. It makes her greater in my opinion. Like you said to keep doing the good she did. I would give up. Godbless her.

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I honestly believe if I could take an atheist and somehow let them witness the chain of events that happened to me around 8 or 9 years ago they too would be convinced of Gods existance.

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