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Women, Stop Submitting To Men


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Before you all jump down my throat, read this article and make some comments on it! :P

A teaser...
[indent=1][i]Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as unto the Lord. Yes and Amen. But, women, stop submitting to men.[/i][/indent]


Submitting to men in general renders it impossible to submit to one's "own husband." Submission to one's husband means faithfulness to him, and to him alone, which means saying "no" to other suitors.

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[quote]Too often in our culture, women and girls are pressured to submit to men, as a category. This is the reason so many women, even feminist women, are consumed with what men, in general, think of them. This is the reason a woman's value in our society, too often, is defined in terms of sexual attractiveness and availability. Is it any wonder that so many of our girls and women are destroyed by a predatory patriarchy that demeans the dignity and glory of what it means to be a woman?[/quote]
great paragraph! :like2:

and really, great article. rawk on, i say!

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Excellent article and excellent concept.

I made peace with the word 'submit' a few years ago by viewing it through a modern image... 'submitting' a payment or other communication online. When we purchase something online, we are told to figure out what we want, to review it, check it for accuracy, decide if I really want this thing, and then when you are ready - and only then - to 'submit' it. (It is the same with other online things, writing posts on Phatmass -- the same idea).

I would like to think that my choosing to 'submit' to God - or to my husband - or other legitimate authority is that kind of a free, thoughtful choice. Not coerced, forced, nor nonchalant... but a free choice to do what God is asking of me at that moment through that person. I submit myself to God... and God alone. The others are His agents, when they are acting in the right sense of their authority.

To allow someone (male or female) to coerce me into doing something that doesn't match up with that primary commitment..... THAT is what bothers me on some of the 'submit' language.

My 2 cents... and now I must get off line because I must 'submit' myself to the demands of an overbooked calendar!


Edited by AnneLine
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This is so great! There aren't enough [i]true [/i]feminist voices in the Church, I don't think.

There are feminists, yes, but the kind that lacks knowledge of what feminism really is -- truly upholding our dignity, strength and beauty [i]as women. [/i]Not women trying to be men, if you know what I mean.

This section is particularly interesting:

[quote]Sisters, there is no biblical category for "boyfriend" or "lover," and [b]you owe such designation no submission.[/b] In fact, to be submissive to your future husband [b]you must stand back and evaluate, with rigid scrutiny, "Is this the one who is to come, or is there another?"[/b] That requires an emotional and physical distance until there is a lifelong covenant made, until you stand before one who is your "own husband."[/quote]

My mother always told me growing up that the only man who I owe anything to is my husband. Until there's a ring on my finger, she said, I'm not obligated emotionally or physically to him. And if he starts to make me feel that way, get out of the relationship fast.

That's been helpful for me ... it made it easier to wait for relationships I saw as valuable and to skip all of the drama that comes with cheap, superficial flings.

Emotional distance is very tricky, especially when you feel safe and are very much in love. I think that's the point where holding God up as our first priority helps to keep our hearts guarded until the altar.

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1323459056' post='2348196']This is so great! There aren't enough [i]true [/i]feminist voices in the Church, I don't think.

There are feminists, yes, but the kind that lacks knowledge of what feminism really is -- truly upholding our dignity, strength and beauty [i]as women. [/i]Not women trying to be men, if you know what I mean.

This section is particularly interesting:

My mother always told me growing up that the only man who I owe anything to is my husband. Until there's a ring on my finger, she said, I'm not obligated emotionally or physically to him. And if he starts to make me feel that way, get out of the relationship fast.

That's been helpful for me ... it made it easier to wait for relationships I saw as valuable and to skip all of the drama that comes with cheap, superficial flings.

Emotional distance is very tricky, especially when you feel safe and are very much in love. I think that's the point where holding God up as our first priority helps to keep our hearts guarded until the altar.[/quote]
this is so true - i see this in many young girls' lives that I know - they give themselves, heart and soul and most often body, to boyfriends or even fiances, and are totally crushed when that relationship doesn't pan out. i just wish i could tell them to wait, not only physically, but emotionally as well. :(

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1323460090' post='2348206']
this is so true - i see this in many young girls' lives that I know - they give themselves, heart and soul and most often body, to boyfriends or even fiances, and are totally crushed when that relationship doesn't pan out. i just wish i could tell them to wait, not only physically, but emotionally as well. :(

For what it's worth, just because I can articulate it on PM and understand it intellectually doesn't mean I'm [i]good [/i]at it. Physically saving myself, I can do that. Emotionally? Tougher. Yet just as damaging.

I still haven't figured out what to do about that yet. I tend to just put my trust in God and hope He'll protect my heart as much as possible.

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1323463044' post='2348225']

For what it's worth, just because I can articulate it on PM and understand it intellectually doesn't mean I'm [i]good [/i]at it. Physically saving myself, I can do that. Emotionally? Tougher. Yet just as damaging.

I still haven't figured out what to do about that yet. I tend to just put my trust in God and hope He'll protect my heart as much as possible.
well, since you asked for it ;)

there's a dichotomy here, that i see anyway. how do you emotionally distance yourself, yet at the same time develop that closeness that should develop between a man and a woman that are going to get married? i don't know the answer to this, except that there should be mystery that a woman reserves only for her husband...there should be an emotional place that a woman reserves only for a man that she is married to, (and most married men would argue that place stays a mystery their whole married lives ;) ) instead of emotionally revealing all of herself to her boyfriend or fiance.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1323465903' post='2348238']
...that there should be mystery that a woman reserves only for her husband...there should be an emotional place that a woman reserves only for a man that she is married to, (and most married men would argue that place stays a mystery their whole married lives ;) ) instead of emotionally revealing all of herself to her boyfriend or fiance.

I have NO IDEA where to even start on this. But I know what you're saying. Say some prayers for me!

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[quote name='MissyP89' timestamp='1323466878' post='2348243']

I have NO IDEA where to even start on this. But I know what you're saying. Say some prayers for me!
haha, sorry! :(

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Notice that everyone that has commented so far is a woman..... :evil: hahahahahaha.

(I am kidding. I hope no one takes offense. It be a joke... :) )

Edited by BigJon16
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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1323479416' post='2348294']
Notice that everyone that has commented so far is a woman..... :evil: hahahahahaha.

(I am kidding. I hope no one takes offense. It be a joke... :) )

The men are too scared to walk into the mine field??? :P

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