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America And The Decline Of Investment


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[left][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i]With his [url="http://projects.washingtonpost.com/obama-speeches/speech/891/"]speech in Kansas[/url], President Obama has begun a national conversation about the economy and the role of government. In presenting his view, Obama shifted the economic conversation from deficits to the crucial issue of growth. After all, deficits matter because they could have a harmful effect on growth. The question we should all ask is: What would make this economy grow?[/i][/font][/size][/left]
[left][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][i]One theory heard a lot these days is that the economy is burdened by excessive government regulation, interference and taxes. All these pressures on business, especially small business, are keeping the economy down. Cut them, the Republican candidates all say, and the economy will be unleashed. It’s a compelling picture, but the data simply do not support it.[/i][/color][/font][/size][/left]
[left][size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][i]Keep Reading:[/i][/color][/font][/size][/left]

Edited by Hasan
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Investment in the US is in complete disarray because of the government and the Federal Reserve. The Fed has for decades systematically orchestrated misallocation of resources. Of course investment is down; the wealth isn't where it's supposed to be. It's tied up in failing banks that are being propped up by a corrupt corporatist institution, and supported by a government that mandates further misallocation via still more corporatist cartels.

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The problem with the US economy is Americans themselves. Gone is the day when we didn't mind paying a fair amount for a service or purchase. It used to be okay to pay our neighbors to produce our products. It was okay that we paid a bit more so that Americans had jobs, and a fair wage or profit was acceptable. We began to think that we had to pay the lowest amount possible, even if it meant buying inferior products produced by slave labor or in sweatshops. If we aren't willing to invest in our neighbors, why should anyone else?

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