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Atheist's Guide To The 2012 Elections

Lil Red

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from the viewpoint of one atheist, Penn Jillette:

[b][color=#ff0000]There is some bad language in the video, so be warned.[/color][/b]

What do you think?

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Well first off let's warn people that there is some language (small amount) issues with this post.

Penn has a series on Youtube called "Penn says" where he just talks into a home camera for 4-15 minutes about whatever is on his mind. He'll take on controversial topics and he surprised me more than once with his views. (I'm pretty sure he's against abortion) The guy is really thoughtful and intelligent imo. I actually sent him a message on Facebook telling him while I disagreed with 90% of what he believed in, I had a ton of respect for his opinion and how he got to that opinion. He responded by saying that he was pretty sure he was wrong in his opinion 90% of the time but he appreciated my respect for him.

I pray for Penn regularly. He's asked for that.


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that video was incredible Red!!! i would advise anyone planning on brushing it off as "liberal atheist complains about god" to watch it all the way through.

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He does seem to be pretty thoughtful and reasonable. I'd be willing to be that he'd be a fun guy to talk to at a dinner party.
Penn and Teller can be major blowhards sometimes, but I guess that's sort of their schtick.

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sorry about the language everyone... :( i have an internal philter, so I really don't hear swearing much of the time. thanks to those who gave me the benefit of the doubt.

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I completely agree with jaime. I have watched Penn & Teller do [s]amazing [/s]phenomonal magic shows for a long time. I have also watched many of Penn's videos. I have always had the upmost respect for the guy (& I kinda mentally philter out the language too, btw). I pray for them, too. I just trust God will take care of them in some way...

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1323031930' post='2344498']
from the viewpoint of one atheist, Penn Jillette:

[b][color=#ff0000]There is some bad language in the video, so be warned.[/color][/b]

What do you think?
The language wasn't quite as bad as the shear willful ignorance and boring unoriginality of this by-the-books atheist rant. (The whole concept of "Christian" was an invention of the modern anti-abortion movement? Really?)

Yes, I wasted 19 minutes of my life watching that thing, slogging on to the end in by the vain hope that Mr. Jillette would say or do something, if not "amazing!!!" or "incredible" as promised by his fans on here, at least moderately provocative or entertaining. Alas, I was disappointed. I've seen better from 17-year old internet trolls.

Evidently, I must have inadvertently looked away from the screen at the point when he performed whatever sleight-of-hand that created the illusion of substantial thought. Seriously, I'm just not seeing it.

Although, I suppose I must say his magic clairvoyant ability to know the inner motivations and intentions of politicians was indeed astounding. [SPOILER ALERT!] Obama, who, of course, is also "wicked smart," is utterly good, pure and sincere in his intents, despite his religious delusions, whilst right-leaning pols such Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are pretty much pure evil. Surprise. Surprise. [ /SPOILER]

Besides that, the gist of his speech is:[list]
[*]Religion and the Bible is "bat-sh** crazy!"
[*]And, did I mention, religion is "bat-sh** crazy!!" (Penn repeats this highly intelligent and nuanced point at least 15 times in the video, lest it be lost on ignorant, bat-sh** crazy religious dunces like me.)
And, oh yeah, he also tosses out the "optimistic" prediction that Christian religion will be finally killed off by - THE INTERNET! - where everyone can see such hard-hitting refutations of Christian belief as Katy Perry videos and, of course, "YouTube videos like this one."

Having been kept in the dark with a repressive religious education spent studying the works of such unenlightened dolts as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, John Cardinal Henry Newman, and Pope John Paul II, my mind, of course, has nothing to prepare it to face the intellectual brilliance of a Katy Perry or a Penn Whats-his-face. Where can I sign up for the local atheist club?!

But if you must rot your brain with Youtube video mush, watch a Katy Perry video instead (preferably with the sound muted), as she's at least easier on the eyes than this fat, bloated windbag.

So, yet another liberal atheist entertainer thinks religion is stupid and crazy, and doesn't like Republicans. Mind-blowing.

Seriously, the guy should stick to pulling rabbits out of hats, or whatever it is he's paid to do.

Edited by Socrates
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i'll take you guys word for it, but i refuse to listen to half the team that called Mother Teresa and her Sisters "Mother flooping Teresa" and "shame shames"

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the fil.ters don't do my complaint justice...

They used the "F" and "C" words...

iono, guys who refer to holy women that way are coppery possers in my opinion, so... i really don't pay much attention to them.....

Edited by dominicansoul
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