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southern california guy

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1323019968' post='2344377']

My threads are not trollish!! But relax..... I magnanimously forgive you guys -- since this thread is about forgiveness! :buddies:
oh. :twitch: my. :twitch: goodness. :twitch:

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southern california guy

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1323050351' post='2344613']
Mark I can't say that you don't confuse the heck out of me sometimes. To consider it a personal attack when I call you a scamp but think I need to lighten up when someone talks about punching me in the face is really distorted imo.

If you want, you can ask dUSt on how to go back further. If there's a way he'd know. If you can, go back to when I first joined and see if you can find any times that I have boasted about my scholar tag. There have been times that I've defended it when I've been attacked but I have never led off with "well as a scholar" or anything that could resemble that. That being said, I'll accept your apology and give you kudos for having more character than others.

For the record Mark, I don't have any problem giving people a second third fourth or fifth chance. If someone is sincere, I will give them any help I can. I don't for a moment believe that this is a sincere thread by Socalguy. I think it starts off passive aggressive and doesn't move from there. There are people on this phorum that I've been at odds with and we've reconciled our differences. Ask Loungedaddy. He and I used to go toe to toe all the time. Today I don't think its possible for me to have more respect for him than I do.

Jaime it was an example of a sin. It was supposed to be something that was clearly wrong. Don't worry I am not seriously planning to do that. The question was would I have to get forgiveness from you in order to be "forgiven" -- or would confessing my sin to God be adequate? And how do we know if God has forgiven us? Does God automatically forgive everything -- so long as we are truly repentant?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1323050351' post='2344613']
Mark I can't say that you don't confuse the heck out of me sometimes. To consider it a personal attack when I call you a scamp but think I need to lighten up when someone talks about punching me in the face is really distorted imo.
Understood, I confuse the heck out of myself at times. But anyhow I think his last post says I maybe got it right. I honestly thought that where he went on to the forgiveness part negated any insult to you albeit being a bit dramatic. You may have noticed that I tried to make a joke of it myself by saying I was first! ending with lolroflol. Cause I thought you might see the funny side of it.

[quote]If you want, you can ask dUSt on how to go back further. [/quote]
Well of course I'm not interested, that would be rather cynical. I wouldn't actually blame you for getting into me back then because I was recovering from an illness that had a very bad effect on my cognition. I used to write posts and then later I would read them and think that doesn't make sense. Or realise that a joke would have been taken as an insult by someone who doesn't know me. The other day I got called a dumbass on youtube (just deserves too) so I'm not always on top of things even now.

[quote]For the record Mark, I don't have any problem giving people a second third fourth or fifth chance. If someone is sincere, I will give them any help I can. I don't for a moment believe that this is a sincere thread by Socalguy. I think it starts off passive aggressive and doesn't move from there. There are people on this phorum that I've been at odds with and we've reconciled our differences. Ask Loungedaddy. He and I used to go toe to toe all the time. Today I don't think its possible for me to have more respect for him than I do.

Well he's explained himself and so everything should be sweet now. Since it seems that something positive has come out of it, then I think it was worth it. Mission accomplished. :saint2:

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southern california guy

[quote name='dominicansoul' timestamp='1323005823' post='2344350']

....take a look at the "celibacy causes gay priests thread" and then read aloysius' excellent posts... socalguy washes right over them... and continues to rant about it.... makes some of us go :wall: :wall: :wall:


Aloysius as well as other people pointed out that celibacy in the Catholic church was not causing the abuse. Some of the homosexuals who enter the Priesthood are committing the abuse. Aloysius further defined the abuse and argued that it was more homosexual in nature and targeted towards teens rather than younger boys. So if we establish that celibacy does not lead towards abuse -- do we forbid all homosexuals from the Priesthood because of the action of a few? Arguably the abuse would end if we were to forbid homosexuals from entering the priesthood. But the problem is that the Catholic church has a shortage of Priests.

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1322365306' post='2341025']

I was never confirmed. Despite my frustrations with the modern Catholic church I think I will go through RCIA and finally get confirmed.

I'm confused... Then why does your sig say you are Catholic?

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SoCalGuy, I applaud you that you are considering taking RCIA classes; whatever you decide, hopefully the program at your parish will help you sort through some of these concerns. Many people struggle with some of the bigger (and smaller) teachings of the church, but at some point we have to stop "shopping" for the truth and accept it. This doesn't mean to stop questioning. Once resolved, your doubts will make you a stronger Catholic.

But one thing that I would emphasize: forgiveness isn't something easy, or even natural for humans sometimes. Pray for the grace to forgive. The Lord, who forgives us and puts our sins "as far as the east is from the west," (Psalm 103:12) has given us an example in his death on the cross, where he cried out "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:24)

Many of your issues seem to come with the idea of annulments. This might not be as theologically sound as some other opinions expressed here, but sometimes we choose something because we don't fully know the truth. The vows are essential, and by making them, something is written deeply on your heart; Matrimony is a sacrament. But if one party isn't fully committing (maybe they have been cheating, secretly have an addiction, will become abusive, or just have plans to leave), those may not be valid. And we can't blame the other party for not knowing the truth. Jesus said "for they know not what they do."

So, love like Jesus. Forgive even when it's too hard. Also, please pray for forgiveness in your heart. Getting "head" answers here might help, but until you resolve to forgive like Jesus, and ask Him for His help, it might not happen.

Be assured of my prayers.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1323093450' post='2344856']

I'm confused... Then why does your sig say you are Catholic?
Could be wrong here, but are you not a catholic once baptised? Note the lower case meaning universal Church. The Catholic Church recognises the baptism of most other denominations. Once baptised, I don't think there is any issue with calling yourself Catholic.

Edited by Mark of the Cross
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southern california guy

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1323119851' post='2345091']
Could be wrong here, but are you not a catholic once baptised? Note the lower case meaning universal Church. The Catholic Church recognises the baptism of most other denominations. Once baptised, I don't think there is any issue with calling yourself Catholic.

Yes I was baptized and raised Catholic, but I didn't get confirmed when I was in High School. So I consider myself Catholic but I guess I won't officially be until I get confirmed.

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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1323093450' post='2344856']

I'm confused... Then why does your sig say you are Catholic?

RCIA is also for Catholics who have not completed all the sacraments of initiation. One can be baptized Catholic but may not have received First Holy Communion or Confirmation, or may have been baptized and received First Holy Communion but not Confirmation.

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southern california guy

[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1323154832' post='2345406']

RCIA is also for Catholics who have not completed all the sacraments of initiation. One can be baptized Catholic but may not have received First Holy Communion or Confirmation, or may have been baptized and received First Holy Communion but not Confirmation.

I've been baptized and I've received First Holy Communion, I just need to get Confirmed.

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