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All Things Visible And Invisible


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I would assume things like angels on the spiritual plane but there are also a lot of invisible things in the physical world too, like atoms and bacteria and blood cells etc... We can see a lot more now with technology, but who knows all the other invisible things that we still can't see?

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[quote name='cruciatacara' timestamp='1321402235' post='2336678']
I would assume things like angels on the spiritual plane but there are also a lot of invisible things in the physical world too, like atoms and bacteria and blood cells etc... We can see a lot more now with technology, but who knows all the other invisible things that we still can't see?
Bacteria and blood cells are visible with a simple microscope, I would hardly classify said as invisible or for that matter an entity.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i took a photo of my room at night with the light off and the balcony light on, with only my thin curtain on the window that still lets light in partially. And to top it off i took the photo through a bottle of water and surprise suprise there was a creature standing in front of the window,it had a big nose and a really weathered looking face and it had a robe on(well i couldn't decide whether it was a robe or folded wings) and it had two horns one was broken off and one was ok(it wasn't like a pointy goat horn it kinda just went down beside it's head with a slight curve.) You can choose to believe me or not, i took the photo and showed a few people but after i took the photo i started getting bashed up at night(hard to explain) so i got scarred and deleted it from my mobile phone. Again your choice to believe it or not,i saw it with my own eyes, could have been light refractions from the water bottle,i believe it was angelic or demonic or a good or bad earth spirit. Another time i did the same experiment with the same conditions an actual key hole appeared in the photo,not the new style key whole but those old skeleton key holes, very very spooky.

God bless you all.

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[quote name='add' timestamp='1321403246' post='2336681']
Bacteria and blood cells are visible with a simple microscope, I would hardly classify said as invisible or for that matter an entity.

I see your your point but I also see what cc meant - once upon a time, these things were invisible to man - bacteria wasn't known as the cause of infection until the microscope was invented - and hygiene wasn't even important in preventing disease. There are probably things that we can't see now that one day we will be able to see when the right tools are invented to see them!

I think that God made all things visible and invisible covers what we can see and can't see - which means - everything! :)

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From the [i]Magnificat, Roman Missal Companion[/i]:


[i][color=#ff0000]...of all things visible and invisible: [/color][/i]The words "visible and invisible" replace "seen and unseen." The point is not that God makes things we happen to see and things we happen not to see, but things that can be seen, like all the beauties of earth and the spangled stars in the sky, and things that by their very nature cannot be seen. Those include the spiritual being we call angels, the messengers of God whom we can see only if they manifest themselves to us, and such non-material things as the moral law. So when we utter these words, we proclaim the truth that what can be seen by man is but a portion, indeed a quite small portion, of all that is. The words echo those of an ancient hymn to Christ, preserved for us by Saint Paul: "He is the image of the invisible God,/ the firstborn of all creation./ For in Him were created all things in heaven and on earth,/ the visible and the invisible,/ whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;/ all things were created through Him and for Him" (Col 1:15-16). Thus too the verse, accurately rendered, helps to join our praise of the Father with our praise of the Son which follows, "through Him all things were made."


Hope this helps.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1321406008' post='2336703']

I see your your point but I also see what cc meant - once upon a time, these things were invisible to man - bacteria wasn't known as the cause of infection until the microscope was invented - and hygiene wasn't even important in preventing disease. There are probably things that we can't see now that one day we will be able to see when the right tools are invented to see them!

I think that God made all things visible and invisible covers what we can see and can't see - which means - everything! :)

Yes there are things yet to be revealed, in the temporal and the perpetual. :) possibly the means and opurtunity to travel to another habital planet with the grace of god. The entire plan of god is infinitly beyond our scope but not only ours but the angels too, but possibly they know a little more than we do so far.His unfolding plan is revealed over time,personaly and communaly.

JC "I am the vine and you are the branches."

P.S. This Jesus quote entails a growing proccess surely,and possibly an eternal growing process,since he is the vine. Utterly baffling how god can grow with us yet is omnicent,all knowing,ever understanding,here,there,everywhere and never changing at the same time. OUR GOD IZ AN amesome GOD.

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i was thinking the invisible holy ghost or spirit is:[center]Wisdom[/center][center]Understanding[/center][center]Ability to see and choose correctly[/center][center]Fortitude and courage[/center][center]Knowledge[/center][center]Piety[/center][center]fear[/center]
what the third part of the Trinity is?

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The phrase basically means "physical and spiritual."

The unseen are spiritual beings such as angels and human souls.

If I recall correctly, this part was added to the Nicene Creed to oppose the dualist gnostic Manichean heresy, which taught that spirit was good and matter evil, and that the material universe was created by an evil god, or the devil.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1321577239' post='2337581']

If I recall correctly, this part was added to the Nicene Creed to oppose the dualist gnostic Manichean heresy,
[quote][size=2][font=times new roman,times,serif][b]I[/b] believe in one God,[/font][/size]
[size=2][font=times new roman,times,serif]the Father Almighty,[/font][/size]
[size=2][font=times new roman,times,serif]maker of heaven and earth,[/font][/size]
[size=2][font=times new roman,times,serif][b]and of all things visible and invisible[/b][/font][/size]

[size=3]i find you statement difficult to [/size]comprehend...

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it wasn't "added" at some point after the Nicene Creed was composed, if that's where your confusion lies, it was "included" for that purpose, when the Nicene Creed was originally composed. all visible and invisible (material and spiritual) things are both created by God the Father Almighty, and are both good for that reason, as opposed to a dualist understanding which would treat the visible world as evil and only the invisible world as good.

seen and unseen was an imprecise translation because there are many physical things that are "unseen" by us, as has been pointed out above. "invisible" is different than "unseen"-- an unseen thing might be seen some day somehow, whereas an invisible thing cannot, by its very nature, be seen--spirits, angels, God, et cetera are invisible (Christ is visible through the incarnation making God visible, of course). molecules, atoms, distant stars beyond the event horizon, et cetera, are "unseen" but also "visible".

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[quote name='add' timestamp='1321631694' post='2337882']

[size=3]i find you statement difficult to [/size]comprehend...
It means one and the same God created all things both material (visible) and spiritual (invisible).

Gnostic heretics claimed that matter and spirit were created by two different gods, and that matter is evil.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1321662168' post='2338064']
It means one and the same God created all things both material (visible) and spiritual (invisible).

Gnostic heretics claimed that matter and spirit were created by two different gods, and that matter is evil.

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