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Occupy Movement Vis A Vis The Tea Partiers



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Tea Partiers never taunted, assaulted and clashed with Police. Nor did they ever try to break police barricades they never threw objects at the police. OWS have taunted, assaulted, clashed with and otherwise purposely tried to start something with the police. It makes it appear they want to be harmed by the Police. Because when they are hurt they make out they were peaceful when they were not and paint the Cops as Nazis. One does not go slapping a bulldog in the face and then totally place the blame upon the dog when it bites the hand that slapped it.

There should be a complete investigation into the injuries of Ms. Jennifer Fox and the death of her child. However, to place all the blame on the Seattle Police is unjust. The OWSer who taunted Police carry much of the blame.

Also why is it only important to OSWers, and why do they only get publicly enraged when police are said to cause harm but the R A P E of women at their events is brushed to the side and hushed up? Just how many rapes and other violent crimes does it take before we all see this movement is not worthy of any support from rational people?

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1322016361' post='2339654']
Tea Partiers never taunted, assaulted and clashed with Police. Nor did they ever try to break police barricades they never threw objects at the police. OWS have taunted, assaulted, clashed with and otherwise purposely tried to start something with the police. It makes it appear they want to be harmed by the Police. Because when they are hurt they make out they were peaceful when they were not and paint the Cops as Nazis. One does not go slapping a bulldog in the face and then totally place the blame upon the dog when it bites the hand that slapped it.

There should be a complete investigation into the injuries of Ms. Jennifer Fox and the death of her child. However, to place all the blame on the Seattle Police is unjust. The OWSer who taunted Police carry much of the blame.

Also why is it only important to OSWers, and why do they only get publicly enraged when police are said to cause harm but the R A P E of women at their events is brushed to the side and hushed up? Just how many rapes and other violent crimes does it take before we all see this movement is not worthy of any support from rational people?

how is it the fault of all the protestors that there have been rapes? giant gatherings, tents, etc, there would be a certain amount of rapes no matter what is happening.

and seriously, how little do you care about the police brutality here? you must be willingly ignorant to have missed the countless(definitely more than the rapes) videos of police viciously beating protesters who had done nothing wrong with the best possible reason the could muster being that "the protestor was in the wrong place at the wrong time" or that "when they covered their mouths from the pepper spray they were resisting arrest, so i forced their mouths open and sprayed pepperspray into them" (that happened by the way). Police taping over their identification, flashbanging people giving medical attention... the list goes on.

People have a right to assemble and protest. they have a right to do so without getting beaten and arrested on trumped up charges. Probably the most important thing the OWS protests have done is show how incredibly militarized the american police force has become.

and do you know why the Tea Partiers never got in fights with the police? its because the police pretty much left them alone to protest as they pleased.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1322018727' post='2339675']
People have a right to assemble and protest. they have a right to do so without getting beaten and arrested on trumped up charges.

[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1321596962' post='2337805'][list=1]
[*]Portland: 10/15/2011 — [url="http://patdollard.com/2011/10/video-occupy-portland-protesters-sing-floopy-the-usa/"]#OccupyPortland Protesters Sing “F*** The USA”[/url]
[*]Chicago: 10/17/2011 — [url="http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/10/figures-communist-leader-cheered-at-occupy-chicago-is-also-an-obama-organizer/"]COMMUNIST LEADER Cheered at Occupy Chicago[/url]
[*]10/15/2011 — [url="http://www.theblaze.com/stories/american-nazi-party-endorses-occupy-wall-streets-courage-tells-members-to-support-protests-and-fight-judeo-capitalist-banksters/"]American Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street‘s ’Courage,‘ Tells Members to Support Protests and Fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’[/url]
[*]New York: 10/11/2011 — [url="http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/209706.php"]“You Can Have Sex with Animals.”[/url]
[*]Los Angeles: 10/14/2011 – [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMjm4LxFa1c&feature=youtu.be"]Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street[/url]
[*]10/27/2011 [url="https://twitter.com/#%21/macuy/status/129290367186120706"]– Anti-Semitic Tweet From Occupier or Sympathizer[/url]
[*]New York: 10/5/2011: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q55OAozWeNo"]Anti-Semitic Occupier Screams About Jews, Israel[/url]
[*]Portland, OR: 10/18/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/capitalist-offering-jobs-at-occupy-portland-finds-few-takers/"]Capitalist Offering Jobs at Occupy Portland Finds Few Takers[/url] [how is this an incident?]
[*]Dayton, OH: 10/22/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/occupydayton-protester-fck-the-military-fck-your-flag-and-fck-the-police/"]Protester: ‘F*ck The Military, F*ck Your Flag, And F*ck The Police’[/url]
[*]Chicago: 10/14/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/protesters-message-at-occupychicago-rally-destroy-israel/"]Protesters’ Message At #OccupyChicago Rally: ‘Destroy Israel’[/url]
[*]NY: 10/23/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/occupywallstreet-supporter-rants-against-israel-jews/"]#OccupyWallStreet Supporter Rants Against Israel, Jews[/url]
[*]NY: 10/22/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/cutesy-brainwashed-occupy-kid-burn-wall-street-burn/"]#Occupy Kid: ‘Burn Wall Street, Burn!’[/url]
[*]Chicago: 10/25/2011 — [url="http://biggovernment.com/tloudon/2011/10/25/the-ayers-brothers-connection-coaching-occupychicago-calling-for-school-occcupations/"]Ayers Coaches #OccupyChicago, Callsg for School ‘Occupations’[/url]
[*]10/26/2011/ — [url="http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/iteam&id=8407349"]Occupy Protests Have Jewish Leaders Concerned[/url]
[*]Wash DC: 10/27/2011 — [url="http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/10/radical-obama-endorsed-occupydc-leftists-provoke-police-hang-flag-on-top-of-dc-statue-video/"]OccupyDC Leftists Provoke Police – Hang Flag on Top of DC Statue[/url]
[*]San Diego: 10/25/2011 — [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ySnYbitzrg4"]Flag Used as Chew Toy by Occupier’s Dog[/url]
[*]NY: 10/27/2011 — [url="http://politicons.net/occupy-wall-street-protesters-rush-limbaugh-is-bigger-threat-than-al-qaeda/"]Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Rush Limbaugh Is Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda[/url]
[*]NY: 1023/2011 — [url="http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/23/islamic-group-joins-with-occupy-wall-street/"]Islamist Group Joins with Occupy Wall Street[/url]
[*]Los Angeles: 10/13/2011 — [url="http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2011/10/13/more-anti-semitism-at-occupy-los-angeles/"]Roundup of Overt Occupy anti-Semitism[/url]
[*]NY: 10/12/2011 — [url="http://blog.newvoices.org/?p=9399"]There are No Anti-Semites at Occupy Wall Street. Except for This Guy[/url]
[*]Seattle: 10/13/2011 — [url="http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/10/13/chanting-protesters-surround-police-after-officers-arrested-two-individuals-in-westlake-center"]Chanting Protesters Surround Police After Officers Arrest Two[/url]
[*]NY: 10/29/2011 — [url="http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/209922.php"]Three Incidents of Anti-Semitism[/url]
[*]San Francisco: 10/29/2011 — [url="http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/209923.php"]Anti-Semitic, Folsom Street Fair Types & Che Guevara Lovin[/url]
[*]Portland, OR: 11/8/2011 — [url="http://www.breitbart.tv/obamas-occupyportland-protester-becomes-unhinged-assaults-news-crew/"]Occupiers Menace News Crew [/url]– Video
[*]NYC: 11/8/2011 — Occupier: [url="http://nation.foxnews.com/occupy-wall-street/2011/11/08/occupy-wall-street-protester-i-wouldn-t-give-fk-if-911-happened-911-more-times"]‘I Wouldn’t Give a F**k if 9/11 Happened 911 More Times’[/url][/quote]
The rest aside (because they were indeed disturbing and inexcusable), it makes me uneasy that these incidents are seen as criminal or as foul as the others. I'm a zionist; I like America; I don't support the occupy movement; I support our troops; I don't go for bestiality; etc. etc. However, going with the liking America thing, I also support the right of every man and woman here to hold whatever asinine and empty opinions that they so choose. If they get their kicks by burning the flag or wishing death upon the Jews, so be it. That's the nice thing about living in a country where we aren't informed what our beliefs are by our government. I would take empty-headed commies and anti-Semites yelling in the city park over Ayatollah or Khrushchev in the White House any day.

Make no mistake, I'm not excusing the actions of many of these idiots. You slug a cop or spit on him or shank him, you deserve to get your arse beaten and thrown in jail. That's cause and effect, friend.
However, you cannot deny that some of the police reaction is disturbing.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1321732059' post='2338305']

Those aren't studies about systematic bias in news coverage. Those are polls about the political affiliations of the individuals in the news rooms. The step missing in your argument is showing that the personal political preferences of individuals in the media impair their ability to report objectively on the stories that they are covering.

Most studies that you would find on this would require access to JSTOR or some similar online data base. You can find all the information that you would in those studies and copiouis references to actual analysis of media content here.


You can get it used for $.03
Plenty of books out there chronicling the left-wing bias in the major newsrooms, though no doubt you'll dismiss them all as right-wing propaganda. Here's one from award-winning journalist and self-described liberal Jonah Goldberg: [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060520841/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d3_g14_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=17FVXZS8MJDJ2FNZHRF5&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846"][i]Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News[/i][/url].

I would find it incredible that the political and ideological biases of anyone would [i]not[/i] affect their reporting of politically-charged events and issues. That doesn't require a vast evil conspiracy - it's just human nature. I think it's naive to presume that newsrooms are driven by nothing other than the pure untainted search for Truth.

I guess I'll have to get your book to see a reference all those "copious" studies you allude talk about, though I'm curious to what their methodology would be. It's impossible to mathematically or statistically prove bias or the lack thereof - any given news report one person will tally up as biased and another as not, and thus the results of any such survey will reflect the bias of those conducting it.

However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the leftward slant in much of the "mainstream" coverage. Having attended many of the DC March for Life events, the way most of the media distorts that has made me seriously question the objective truth of [i]any[/i] of their reporting.

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Police brutality does offend me greatly. Even when the police are provoked. The problem I have is that there are few cases are actually true and much of what is being called brutality is not, and/or is provoked by the OWSers on purpose so it can be used to further the cause. Also the injustice of rape trumps the crimes that the police are accused of thus far. Save for the case of Ms Fox. Who thus far refuses to press charges and show evidence that she lost her child due to police abuse.

We should not just accept that at giant gatherings theres going to be a certain amount of rapes. What a load of complete and utter bull flop. Had numerous rapes accrued at Tea Party events they would have been shut down by the authorities. Because they would have rightly been declared unsafe. I would have taken the first rape as a giant red flag, and gave no support to the Tea Party after the second rape. And certainly not after hearing that members of the movement asked the victims to not report the offense. That's just one time a person should not be asked to take one for the team.

OWSer and their supports have a selective sense of morality and anger. I suppose if the police had raped these women, or perhaps if Sarah Palin had put targets on their tents and Herman Cain committed the offenses it would matter a whole heck of a lot more to people on the left. If members of the Tea Party stated they wished Oklahoma style bombings happened 1,000 more times, or had stood in solidarity with a person who attempted to assassinate the President it would be seen as extremist and terroristic. Had the tea party committed offenses like the OWSers have those defending OWS would be attacking the Tea Party as unsafe, violent, extremist and bigoted and rightfully so. Again it is the selective sense of anger that I find so sicking and hypocritical.

Again how many rapes, murders, suicides, riots does it take to see this movement cannot be support by rational moral persons?

Edited by KnightofChrist
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''Again how many rapes, murders, suicides, riots does it take to see this movement cannot be support by rational moral persons?''

talk about irrational and immoral... how can a rational person make such a statement? well, we all make mistakes; it's just an irrational statement.
just because there's bad apples doesn't mean that the whole movement, that doesn't have at its cause those bad apples and such, cannot be supported. one can't get much more basic in simple logic than that.

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also, there is something to be said about those who want to get by, and such, versus those who simply want their taxes cut.... in regards to why one movement has violence etc and the other one tends not to.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1322027928' post='2339702']

[/list]The rest aside (because they were indeed disturbing and inexcusable), it makes me uneasy that these incidents are seen as criminal or as foul as the others. I'm a zionist; I like America; I don't support the occupy movement; I support our troops; I don't go for bestiality; etc. etc. However, going with the liking America thing, I also support the right of every man and woman here to hold whatever asinine and empty opinions that they so choose. If they get their kicks by burning the flag or wishing death upon the Jews, so be it. That's the nice thing about living in a country where we aren't informed what our beliefs are by our government. I would take empty-headed commies and anti-Semites yelling in the city park over Ayatollah or Khrushchev in the White House any day.

Make no mistake, I'm not excusing the actions of many of these idiots. You slug a cop or spit on him or shank him, you deserve to get your arse beaten and thrown in jail. That's cause and effect, friend.
However, you cannot deny that some of the police reaction is disturbing.
If the people were asked to move and refused or chained themselves (whatever), which would the cops feel easier to move - people sprayed or people resisting arrests?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1322199484' post='2340274']
If the people were asked to move and refused or chained themselves (whatever), which would the cops feel easier to move - people sprayed or people resisting arrests?

it would be much easier if the police just shot them, but thankfully the law isnt built around what is most convenient for the police.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1322203674' post='2340288']

it would be much easier if the police just shot them, but thankfully the law isnt built around what is most convenient for the police.


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How not to get sprayed in your face with mace
Class 1 : Lesson 1 : Test 1

This test will account for 100% of your final grade.

You are at a Occupy rally on campus. You want to avoid being sprayed in your face with mace but you still want to protest against the presence of riot police on campus. As the riot police begin to leave. Remember now you are protesting their presence and you still don't want mace in your face.

Do you A) encircle the riot police with the rest of the rally as they try to clear a path to leave. Then as the riot police are surrounded you all shout out 'if you want to clear the path, you will have to go through us!"

Or do you B) Allow the riot police to leave but as they leave vocally protest their presence on campus.

If you are Elli Pearson, and many others at the UC Davis OWS rally you have chosen...

A) encircle the riot police with the rest of the rally as they try to clear a path to leave. Then as the riot police are surrounded you all shout out 'if you want to clear the path, you will have to go through us!"

I'm sorry but the correct answer was B) Allow the riot police to leave but as they leave vocally protest their presence on campus.

Source: [url="http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/11/24/uc-davis-student-admits-protesters-surrounded-cops-and-wouldnt-let-th"]UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn't Let Them Leave[/url]

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1322016361' post='2339654']
Tea Partiers never taunted, assaulted and clashed with Police. Nor did they ever try to break police barricades they never threw objects at the police.[b] OWS have taunted, assaulted, clashed with and otherwise purposely tried to start something with the police. It makes it appear they want to be harmed by the Police. Because when they are hurt they make out they were peaceful when they were not and paint the Cops as Nazis.[/b] One does not go slapping a bulldog in the face and then totally place the blame upon the dog when it bites the hand that slapped it.
This is textbook Saul Alinsky method.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1322011269' post='2339618']
One difference between the two movements is that Police dont seem to have any reservations about viciously beating the typically younger protesters at OWS, in many cases inflicting life threatening injuries.
btw [url="http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/pregnant-woman-miscarries-after-being-sprayed-with"]http://www.buzzfeed....ng-sprayed-with[/url]
Again, this story is unsubstantiated. The pregnant woman refuses to provide medical records backing up her claim and has refused a ride, from an investigator, to and from the hospital to obtain the records. And the Seattle Police Dept has yet to receive an official complaint of the alleged incident.

Jennifer Fox [the alleged victim] continues to insists she does not have time to go to the hospital to obtain the records.

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